6th grade Earth and Space lesson 1

Question Answer
breaks down or dissolves rock, weakening it or turning it into tiny fragments. No movement is involved in weathering. Weathering
involves a chemical change in at least some of the minerals within a rock. Chemical weathering
involves physically breaking rocks into fragments without changing the chemical make-up of the minerals within it. Mechanical weathering
As soon as a rock particle (loosened by one of the two weathering processes) moves Erosion
Another name for erosion mass wasting
Most erosion is performed water, wind, or ice
Bits of rocks and soil transported in flowing water is called sediment.
the action or process of depositing Deposition
the outline of a coast, especially with regard to its shape and appearance Coastlines
a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a deser dunes
a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream Rivers
a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill. Mountains
a slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles. glaciers

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