7Sci2nd Quarter Study Guide

Question Answer
What is Paramecium an example of? a single-celled organism
What is the primary way the amoeba is different from the sunflower? the amoeba is made of one cell
Amoebas are protists that move by extending their cytoplasm in the direction they are going. What group does amoeba belong in? sarcodina
What can only be found inside a plant cell? chloroplasts
What allows materials to enter and leave a cell? cell membrane
What is the main function of the cell wall in a plant cell? to give structural support
Cells take in food for energy. The part of the cell that aids in digestion of the food is the lysosomes. What is the main role of lysosomes in the process of food digestion? breaking down wastes
Cells perform many different processes that an organism needs to survive and grow. What is the main function of the process of cellular respiration? the release of energy
An athlete is running a race. The athlete's body needs energy. What organelle in the athlete's cells supply the energy for cellular functions? mitochondrion
What part of a plant cell has the function of producing sugar in the presence of sunlight? chloroplast
What is the basic building block of complex organisms? a cell
What are the levels of organization in living systems? (in order) cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, ecosystems
When each structure works together to perform a function, what level of organization do they make up? system
When athletes begin to exercise, their heart rates and respiration rates increase. At what level of organization does the human body coordinate these functions? at the system level
Plants have cells, tissues, organs, and systems that allow them to function as complete organisms. What parts of a plant function as an organ? leaves
The brain, spinal cord, and nerves work together. What do they combine to form? a system
When a planarian is cut half, what order will the sections grow back? (in order) cells, tissues, organs, organisms
The human body carries out life functions. What is the most basic level of organization in the human body? a cell
Blood is a fluid made up of several different parts. What level of structural organization best describes blood? a tissue
In the structural organization of the central nervous system, what would be considered an organ? the brain
A tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function. What would be an example of a tissue in the human body? muscles
Muscle cells have the ability to store and release large amounts of energy. What body function is best served by this release of energy? moving body parts
The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Why is skin considered to be an organ? it is made of tissues
Why do red blood cells and white blood cells have such different shapes? their form helps them perform different functions in the body
What type of specialized cells can contract? muscle cells
An elephant is a multicellular organism that weighs about 200 pounds at birth and can grow to weigh as much as 15,000 pounds. What increases as the elephant grows into an adult? the number of cells in its body
What structure is common to both a euglena and a paramecium? contractile vacuole
What structural characteristics is present in a paramecium that is not present in an amoeba? pellicle
An amoeba eats by surrounding its food with its body. How does a paramecium eat differently than an amoeba? a paramecium sweeps food into its oral groove
A euglena cell has a structure called an eyespot that detects light. A paramecium does not have an eyespot, and so it cannot detect light. Why doesn't a paramecium need an eyespot? a paramecium does not photosynthesize its own food
What structure found in plant cells is also found in volvox but not in euglenas? cell wall
A human body cell has 46 chromosomes. What would the daughter cells be if it was representing mitosis in a human body cell? Parent Cells – 46 Daughter Cell – 46 Daughter Cell – 46
An advantage of asexual reproduction is that it does not require fertilization. What advantage do the offspring of sexual reproduction most likely have as a result of fertilization? the DNA variation in offspring may allow survival in a changing environment
Vertebrate animals produce offspring by sexual reproduction. What is an advantage to this type of reproduction? there is increased genetic diversity within the population
Potatoes can reproduce asexually. Each sprout on a parent potato can grow into a new potato plant. How does the genetic material in the sprout compare to the parent potato? both the sprout and the parent potato have the dame genetic identity

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