8th grade W.E.D. list 2 SCIENCE

Question Answer
weathering mechanical and chemical surface processes that breaks rocks into smaller and smaller pieces
mechanical weathering physical process that breaks rocks apart without changing the chemical make up; can be caused by ice wedging, animals, and plat roots
ice wedging mechanical weathering process that occurs when water freezes cracks of rocks and expands causing the rock to break apart
chemical weathering occurs when chemical reactions dissolved minerals in rocks or change them into different minerals
oxidation chemical weathering process that occurs when a metallic material is exposed to oxygen and water over time
climate average weather pattern in area over a long period of time can be classified by temperature, humidity, precipitation, and vegatation
soil mixture of weathered rock, decayed organic matter,mineral fragments, water, and air that can take thousands of years to develop
humus dark colored decayed organic mater that supplies nutrients to plants and is found mainly in top soil
horizon each layer in a soil profile
soil profile vertical sections each of what is horizon
litter twigs leaves and other organic matter that it help prevent erosion hold water and eventually might be change into humus by decomposing organisms
leaching removal of minerals that have been dissolved in water
terracing farming method used to reduce erosion on steep slopes

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