Question Answer
CONVECTION circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
COMPRESSION stress resulting from squeezing
SHEAR stress resulting from parallel forces acting in opposite directions
TENSION stress that pulls something apart
CONVERGENT PLATE BOUBDARY where two plates collide
DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY where two plates separate
TRANSFORM PLATE BOUNDARY where two plates slide by each other
NORMAL FAULT a fault in which the hanging wall moves down when compared to the foot wall; tension stress
REVERSE FAULT a fault in which the hanging wall moves up when compared to the foot wall; compressional stress
STRIKE SLIP FAULT a fault where two pieces of earths crust push past one another in opposite directions; shear stress
OCEAN TRENCH deep ,underwater trough created by one plate subducting under another plate at a convergent plate boundary
SUBDUCTION sinking of a denser plate below a more buoyant plate at a convergent plate boundary
MID OCEAN RIDGE mountain range located on the seafloor in the middle of the ocean
FAULT BLOCK MOUNTAIN parallel ridges that form where blocks of crust move up at faults
FOLDED MOUNTAIN made of layers of rocks that are folded
UPLIFTED MOUNTAIN forms when large regions rise vertically with very little deformation
CONTINENTAL DRIFT hypothesis that continents are in constant motion
PLLATE TECTONICS theory that earths surface is made of rock plates that move with respect to each other
PANGAEA ancient supercontinent, composed of land that forms todays continents
SEAFLOOR SPREADING new oceanic crust forms at a mid ocean ridge as old oceanic crust moves away

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