A Comparison of Education Leaders Essay

Rosa carter come Northeastern university A Comparison of Paulo Fire and William Brinkman This paper briefly compares two of the world distinguished educators; Paulo Fire and William Brinkman. The paper introduces both educators and debate on their contributions to the field of education. Moreover, this paper clarifies the ambiguity of the resistance that each faced In advancing their research to the next successful phase, the accelerates and differences between them and the factors that may have Impacted their Imminent success as well. Freezer and William and Their

Contributions Paulo Ferrier and his family were forced to move to the countryside of Recipe Brazil in 1929, after an anguish reversal of fortune (Flanagan, 2005). Ferrier witnessed at close proximity poverty and the effects that it had on education. Moreover, how it was used as a tool to simply retain the economically underprivileged, controlled, dominated and suppressed (Flanagan, 2005). This system of education taught by the oppressor, Intentionally assured the the oppressed twisted with the mental grasp of having only one understanding and one reality. Further explaining.

Freezer stated that “Students area passive learners and teachers are the sole owners of knowledge” (Flanagan 2005). Ferrier often viewed the banking concept to education as a system through which students are passive learners; a system where a known ledge is imported upon making it irrelevant to their lived experience (Flanagan, 2005). William Brinkman, another credited major contributor in Comparative Education; was also the co;founder of the Comparative Education Society in 1956, as he was bequeath with the opportunity to serve two terms as the President of the Society as well.

Brinkman was born on the Lower East Side of New York City to Orthodox Jewish parents. He was exposed to different languages, cultures, histories and religions. Brickbat’s upbringing also Included a multicultural neighborhood, Influencing his subsequently belief in the importance to tottering language: particularly when studying Comparative Equation issues (Silva ; Bream, 2010). After two years removed from receiving his Ph. D, from NYU in Educational History; Brinkman enlisted into World War II and shortly after recognizing his training at ONLY, the Army appointed him a historian.

In 1953 Irishman became chairman of the Department of History of Education at NYU (Salvo ; Bream, 2010). Irishman, with the likes of other scholars and educators, were apprehensive with the fact the Comparative studies In the united states was not considered the most valuable. “The apparently widespread feeling that the comparative study of foreign system of education Is decorative rather than functional and hence to little value to the AAA, AS).

In addition with Comparative Education and equally importantly was Brickbat’s interpersonal affection of knowledge. Moreover, Brinkman trusted that “Comparative Education required a simultaneous pursuit of historical, comparative Ana International Inquiry’ (Saliva & Berne, 2010, p. B) Hurter, Brinkman Degas his study on Comparative Education by preparing academic tours, traveling, learning, exchanging information, learning languages and cultures ((Silva & Bream, 2010).

Brinkman accommodated his editor’s role as “his foremost academic duty to advance academic freedom and integrity of scholarship in the academic world” (Silva ; Bream, 2010, p. 29). Resistance Fire and Brinkman Encountered Fire and Brinkman were both pioneers of their elective professions, particular for their information sharing abilities. Firer’s teacher – student paradigm used a dialogue that engages based on student’s experience, their needs, their developing aspirations (Flanagan, 2005, p. 191).

Definitely, focusing more on the practicality of Comparative Education in areas such as touring of the information rather than the development of the theories and methodologies of Comparative Education utilized. Whereas Brinkman initiated a popular methodology that focused on qualitative and satirical research, emphasizing that teaching best occurred through historical study and fields experiences. Further, being accused of building his theories of education of the oppressed based merely on political education (Street 1984).

Although, Brinkman utilized his writing skills as a means to promote academic debate, while embracing and encouraging a dialogue rather than an oppressive model exhibiting Ferret’s standard observant style of information exchange. Although, each scholar’s scope of field changed to a more quantitative scientific research from Brickbat’s approach; the both of them currently remain as the two pinnacle scholars in the field of education today. Similarities in Firer’s and Brickbat’s Professional Stories Brickbat’s and Firer’s Professional work are both similar and significant.

They each desired the quest and dedication towards attaining an education system that is comprehensive of every member of the society, they each developed their work after a major world event and life experiences that impacted their contributions’ to education. Fire was born into a wealthy family and developed the theory of the oppressed after major financial crisis in their work (Flanagan, 2005), they were both raised in poverty-stricken environments.

However, Brinkman lived in the midst of “The crowded, impoverished and forgotten (Salvo & Bream, 2010, 20). How Fire and Brinkman Differed Paulo Fire built his foundation of work based on the investigating into the oppression and poverty, the concept of the oppressed and the oppressor, humiliation of education, hope and dialogue, the education system of vocational schools in references to the capacities of the poor population. Whereas, Brinkman on he other hand; investigated vocational schooling from a different standpoint.

As he looked forward to expanding the knowledge of the educators by means of touring the world, sharing, exchanging ideas and knowledge through Comparative Education. Moreover, William Brickbat’s was known to have conducted extensive research, while Paul Firer’s research did not include such a broad spectrum. Factors that Impacted Firer’s and Brickbat’s Success Fire and Brinkman were significant contributors to education because of their conceptual approaches; they each faced an atrocity of hurdles entirely because of Nell Deletes Ana commitment AT Knowledge Ana learning.

Brickbat’s location Ana childhood experiences exceedingly to his success, being presented with the opportunity to identify and communicate with people from other cultures at a very early age drove him to learn their languages and pursue more into his research of Comparative Education. However, in similarity Paul Firer’s personal experience and early training in the poor and unstable environment inspired his drive, ambition and success in life (Salvo & Bream, 2010, 20). Conclusion

Brinkman contributions in the field of Comparative Education instill new views and efficiencies of sharing information and gaining access to international learning. Moreover, with the growing demand of technology, the high utilization of social media and the increase in online learning; the capability of sharing information has become very prudent to the daily operation in today’s society in which we live. Information sharing has definitely gained its popularity over the years. Moreover, both educational contributors methods, posed a challenge to society and the education system.

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