AAPC Anatomy

Acts as a gland by synthesizing vitamin A
Which of the following is NOT a function of skin?
Which layer is NOT considered part of the skin?
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It lies on top of the dermis and has access to a rich supply of blood
Which of the following is true of the stratum germinativum?
A chronic condition characterized by red, dry, elevated lesions, covered by silvery scales
Which of the following best describes psoriasis?
Tendons, aponeurosis and directly to bone
Muscle is attached to bone by what method?
Neuromuscular junction
What is affected by myasthenia gravis?
Which bone(s) have trochanters?
What is the great toe called?
Oxygen exchange
What is the function of the alveoli in the lungs?
Pulmonary vein
Through which vessel is oxygenated blood returned to the heart from the lungs?
Which respiratory structure is comprised of cartilage and ligaments?
How many lobes make up the right lung?
Lack of oxygen to the heart tissue, resulting in tissue death
A myocardial infarction is
Endocrine system
Which of the following does NOT circulate fluids throughout the body?
It is a weakness in a large artery and rupture can be deadly
An abdominal aortic aneurysm is significant because
Left ventricle
Which chamber of the heart is considered the one working the hardest?
Lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, spleen, thoracic duct
Which of the following best describes constituent components of the human lymphatic system?
The term “hemic” specifically refers to what bodily fluid?
A sentinel node is the first lymph node in a group of nodes to be reached by metastasizing cancer cells
What distinguishes a “sentinel” node from other lymph nodes?
The mediastinum contains all of the following except:
The presence of air in the mediastinum
The term “pneumomediastinum” describes what condition?
It is a frequent site of a Spigelian (lateral ventral) hernia
Which of the following is NOT true of the thoracic diaphragm?
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Upon leaving the stomach, nutrients move through the small intestine in what order?
Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, sigmoid colon, descending colon, rectum, anus
Upon leaving the last portion of the small intestine, nutrients move through the large intestine in what order?
The transverse and descending colon
The splenic (left colic) flexure lies in the upper left quadrant, between what two portions of the large intestine?
Mucosa, submucosa, muscle, serosa
In order, starting with the innermost layer, what are the for walls of the digestive tract?
Urine is transported from the kidneys to the urinary bladder by which structure?
The loop of Henle is located in which structure?
C-shaped structure partially surrounding the glomerulus
What is Bowman’s capsule?
Vas deferens
The structure of the male anatomy carrying sperm out of the epididymis is called:
Helps lubricate the urethra
What is the function of the Cowper’s glands?
A part of the male genital system sitting below the urinary bladder surrounding the urethra is called the:
When the endometrium sloughs during menses
What is endometriosis?
If a woman has a PAP smear performed by her gynecologist, what part of the female anatomy is involved?
Thickens the endometrium for implantation and is necessary to sustain pregnancy
The corpus luteum secretes progesterone. What is an effect of this secretion?
Uterine wall
An ectopic pregnancy is a complication in which the fertilized ovum is implanted in any tissue other than the ___
A white cheese like substance covering the lanugo
what is vernix caseosa?
An incision made in the perineum to enlarge the passage for the fetus during delivery
the term “episiotomy” best describes a procedure of what type?
Adrenal gland
Which gland is located on the superior surface of the kidney?
It secretes hormones regulating body metabolism and blood calcium
What is the function of the thyroid gland?
Pancreatic islets
Which cells produce hormones to regulate blood sugar?
Which part of the brain controls blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration?
What are chemicals which relay, amplify, and modulate signals between a neuron and another cell?
Which of the following conditions results from an injury to the head? The symptoms include headache, dizziness, and vomiting.
Production of zonules
Lacrimal glands are responsible for which of the following?
Which of the following does NOT contribute to refraction in the eye?
Abnormally high intraocular pressure
A patient diagnosed with glaucoma has:
It separates the middle ear from the inner ear
Which of the following is true about the tympanic membrane?
it transmits sound only
Which of the following is true about the function of the cochlea?
Stapes and incus
Which of the following are auditory ossicles?
Removal of scar tissue resulting from burns or other injuries
A surgeon performs an “escharotomy.” This procedure is best described as:
Under the toenail/fingernail
Where would a subungual hematoma be located?
A bacterial skin infection
Impetigo is best described as:
Pronation is turning the hand to have the palm face:
Neurologic movement disorder causing abnormal postures
Which of the following describes “dystonia”?
Arthritis is an inflammation of what?
The dome shaped muscle under the lungs flattening during inspiration is the:
A respiratory disease characterized by over expansion and destruction of the alveoli is identified as:
The word describing the presence of blood in the pleural cavity is:
A thin membrane lining the chambers of the heart and valves is called the:
A procedure widening a narrowed vessel or obstructed blood vessel is called a(n):
Restriction of blood supply, commonly due to factors in the blood vessel, that can result in damage or dysfunction of tissue is known as:
Suture of a ruptured spleen
Splenorrhaphy is described as:
A deficiency of cells in the blood is defined as:
Bone marrow harvesting is a procedure to obtain bone marrow from a donor. Bone marrow collected from a close relative is:
This is a procedure to visualize the contents of the mediastinum:
The operative overlapping of tissue to repair a defect in the diaphragm is called:
The root word for mouth is:
A surgical procedure creating an opening into the jejunum is defined as a:
Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering the abdominal organs is called:
Excessive potassium in the blood is referred to as:
Removal of waste products from the blood is:
A patient is diagnosed with inflammation of the testis and epididymis. The medical term for this condition is:
What condition results from failure of the testis to descend into the scrotum?
Surgical cutting into the seminal vesicles
A vesiculotomy is defined as:
Create an opening to the gland and suture the cut edges to form a pouch
A Bartholin’s gland cyst may be treated by “marsupialization”. This treatment is described as:
Extreme cold
Destruction of lesions of the vulva can be done with “cryosurgery”. This method uses:
What term describes a woman in her first pregnancy?
A form of milk produced the first few days after giving birth is:
Brownish pigmentation appearing on the face during pregnancy
Melasma is defined as:
A condition where the thyroid is overactive is called:
The root for pertaining to pancreatic islet cells is:
Enlargement of the adrenal gland
Adrenomegaly is defined as:
Select the term to describe destruction of a nerve or nervous tissue:
The term for a shaking or involuntary movement is:
Tumor of the meninges
A meningioma is defined as:
Tympanic membrane
The meaning of the root “myring/o” is:
Test measuring hearing using bone conduction and air conduction
What is the Rinne test?
The term for pain in the ear is:
Excision of the lacrimal sac
A dacryocystectomy describes:
The meaning of the root “blephar/o” is:
Unequal vision in the two eyes
The meaning of heteropsia (or anisometropia) is:
An X-ray procedure allowing the visualization of internal organs in motion
The radiology term “fluoroscopy” is described as:
Salivary glands
Sialography is an X-ray of:
A projection is the path of the X-ray beam. If the projection is front to back it would be:
Cytopathology is the study of:
The process of preserving cells or whole tissues at extremely low temperatures is known as:
Anterior chamber of the eye
A gonioscopy is an examination of what part of the eye:
A diagnostic tool in sleep medicine is:
Subarachnoid space
Intrathecal injection is administered into the:

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