Absurdity in the Mythical and Existential Worldviews Essay

Worlds have been seeking for the reply to life for centuries. Worldviews like the Mythical and Existential emerged and were built on with the thoughts of several philosophers. Great minds like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre have attempted to explicate the ultimate significance of being. Fully understanding the significance of the existence and an persons being will ne’er be achieved because the absurdness in relation to worlds and the existence can ne’er be explained in full certainty. The followers will explicate the presence of absurdness in both the Mythical and Existential Worldviews and the similarities and discourse differences between them.

The Mythical Worldview is frequently described as primative or irrational since it predates the development of scientific discipline and reason. The subject of the absurd can be observed in the Mythical Worldview. Time isn’t of import in the fabulous worldview because it is something that is ongoing. Worlds are animate beings. aniamals are nature the Supreme beings are what is commanding nature. An persons significance for life is determined normally by a system of legendary narratives that explains why things occur. Supreme beings are considered the existences that control the nature of the existence. In Camus’ esaay The Myth of Sysiphus. Sisyphis is doomed to forcing a stone up a hill for the remainder of infinity by the Gods because to penalize him for angering them. Sisyphus realizes it is adult male vs. the existence.

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He is protrayed as a metaphyscial Rebel because of his determination to populate with the absurd wwhen self-destruction is a manner to confront it. Worlds are seeking the significance of what it is to be human and what value the actions and determinations they make have on life itslef. Finding no definite reply to life is the absurdness in the Mythical Worldview. Camus notes in his essay that “the whole being is exerted toward carry throughing nothing” ( 120 ) . This shows that he recognizes the absurdness of human life and make up one’s minding that there are other ways to confront it than with suicide. Peoples concentrated their beliefs into the impression that there are Supreme beings that have abilities that persons don’t have and in order to do yourself worthy of being accepted after your decease you must turn out yourself to this higher being. All Supreme beings are interrelated some how.

God of love. Sun Night. Death. Myths provided people a sense of being. what they did in there lives was for a intent. Peoples lived for there hereafter. non cognizing what the futre was but oppugning it. Their attitudes were devoted to turn outing themselves and the determinations they made reflected a sort of morality amongst that single. When one starts oppugning the higher value of what is supposed to be the highest value things seem to lose there value. Mankind finally is in hunt of a manner to set the head at peace and exist in the existence.

Existentialism is the hunt for an persons intending in a nonmeaningful universe. The subject of the absurd is present in the Existentialist Worldview. Enterpreting the universe through observations. and experimenting but finally taking to understand the significance of the experiences in a manner that is neither good or bad. Existentialists are seeking to do rational sense of being while understanding the fact of decease. “The workingman of today plants everyday in his life at the same undertakings. and this destiny is no less absurd. But it is tragic merely at the rare minutes when it becomes witting. ” ( Camus. 121 ) The value that is given to 1s life is straight dependent on the person. There is no existent significance in the universe. merely the significance that we choose to give it. A individuals genuineness can be challenged and what an single belives makes them reliable can differ and merely to what point person is willing to travel to turn out the value of there life is entirely dependent on that indivudual.

The Mythical Worldview is different from the Existentialist Worldview. The constructs in the Existentialist Worldview are more logical than Fabulous beliefs. The Mythical Worldview doesn’t usage emperical logic to explicate decisions about being but instead emotional experiences. In the Mythical Worldview Gods are used to try to explicate the forces in the universe that make life and are seen as the highest power. In Existentialism. if one chooses to accept the being of God. and God being the higher power that caused humanity and creative activity. one will besides seek the cause of God.

On the other manus. there are similarities between the Mythical Worldview and Existentialist Worldview. They both muse the construct of self-destruction. “The hub of a wheel moves with greater velocity than the outer fringe. but both are ever in motion every bit long as the wheel moves. ” ( Catanu. 134 ) Being is like this wheel. Our actions and intending we give to life is the faster traveling “hub” and the absurdness that is the outer fringe moves slower but is dependent on the hub. If life ceased to be. or the wheel stops traveling. the absurdness arrests every bit good. Suicide seems to be the lone manner to counter the impression of the absurd but most argue that it is non the most rational manner. As Bree provinces in her book Camus and Sartre: Crisis and Commitment. “One dies. or one finds a ground for life. ” ( 138 ) The power of ground is a common manner to warrant the human experience.

The subject of the absurd is present in both the Mythical Worldview and the Existential ist Worldview. The two Worldviews are in ways similar and different. Fully understanding the significance of the existence and an persons being will ne’er be achieved because since there is no proved method of countering absurdness. Even after decease the intent of life might non be known. The universe continues to be without us. and where we are after that point is beyond what any cognition or truth can explicate. What we are while we are bing is viewed by every person otherwise. After this being where we go is the absurd truth that will ne’er be proven. It is the combination of universe and adult male that produces absurdness.

Man inquiries what we are while we are bing with the existence and no cosmopolitan reply can be found by anyone. If worlds cant be certain about any ultimate point or ground for being. why continue to populate? My reply is that the deficiency of an reply is what keeps world traveling. Besides the deficiency acknowledgment for the demand to oppugn an indivduals self existentially in this age of engineering. We know we must decease but we feel the demand to go forth a grade of our being someplace as some sort of symbol so that when we are dead somehow we havent stopped bing. I would reason that this addiction on engineering has blanketed most of the universe in a new subdivision of existential philosophy.

The cyberspace universe has become a type of unobserved presence that we can be enlightened with through the touch of a screen. Somehow we are related to an extrinsic universe that is much like a opposite in itself but has a significance that we can detect with adequate research. This. non being the instance for world and mankinds relation with the existence. no reply can be concluded. What bounds a individual to there life is different from the following. Whether familly. friends. political relations or power. the intending one gives to life. in the terminal. is mindless.

Plants Cited

Bree. Germaine. Camus and Sartre: Crisis and Commitment. New York: Delacorte Press. 1972. Print.

Camus. Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus. and Other Essays. New York: Knopf. 1955. Print.

Catanu. Paul. Heidegger’s Nietzsche: Being and Becoming. Montreal: 8th House Publishing. 2010. Print.


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