Acc 260 Appendix C Essay

Axia College MaterialJessica Bonner Appendix C Stakeholder Impact Analysis Table After reviewing each stakeholder position on the case by reading your classmates’ presentations, organize the stakeholders’ positions by completing the table. Provide a brief description of each stakeholder’s interest, then rate each stakeholder’s level of influence, urgency, persuasiveness, and importance. Reference the example on p. 357 (Ch. 5) of the text as a model.

The legend below clarifies the meaning of the column headings. Legend Stakeholder: The four stakeholder groups involved with the board of directors meeting. Interest: Why this group cares about the sonox issue, and their main concern in the matter. Includes what the group would like the company to do. Influence: Your feeling of how much legal influence this stakeholder group has over the company. The greater the influence, the more you should listen to them.

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Rank as high, medium, or low. Urgency: How urgently the company should address the stakeholder’s concern(s). Rank as high, medium, or low. Persuasiveness: Your feeling of how persuasive the stakeholders’ presentations were to the board of directors. Consider all of the presentations from the employees’ perspective as a whole, as so forth. Rank as high, medium, or low. Importance: An overall ranking of the importance of taking into consideration the stakeholders’ concerns. equals high importance; 2 equals medium importance; 3 equals low importance. |Stakeholder |Interest in the Issue |Influence |Urgency |Persuasiveness |Importance | |Kardell investors |The interest in this group is mainly the investors |This group has a high |The company should rate |The group had a high |This would be ranked as | | |losing money.

This group would like the problem fixed |influence because they |the investors as a high |persuasiveness because a |#1 high importance for | | |while still staying open for business so profits are |are the ones investing in|urgency because without |threat to stop investing |the company. | | |not lost. |the company to stay open |investors the company is |would harm the business. | | | | |fro business. nothing. | | | |City of Riverside and citizens |The interest in this group is the health of |This group has a low |The company should rate |The group had a low |This would be ranked as | | |themselves, their family, and the community. This |standpoint because while |the citizens as a medium |persuasiveness because they |#2 medium for the | | |group would like the problem to be addressed. citizens could help make |urgency because their |were not giving any |company. | | | |up a company their |company is in the same |suggestions, but just stating| | | | |opinion is the least |city as the company. |their feelings about what is | | | | |listened too. | |going on. | |Kardell legal counsel |The interest in this group is mainly the legal issues |The group has a large |The company should rate |The persuasiveness for this |This would be ranked a #1| | |that could occur for the company. The group would like|leagal standpoint because|the urgency high with |group is high because they |high importance for the | | |to shut down the company so that the issues could be |they are the legal |this group because they |let the company know what the|company. | |fixed. |counsel for the company. |are in the best interest |ending result could be. | | | | |The influence risk is |for the company. | | | | | |high. | | | |


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