An Examination Of The Dangers Beyond Homeostasis Biology Essay

-The Effectss of Enzyme Efficiency on the Hydrolysis of Sucrose. Abstraction: In this experiment we hypothesized if a 6ml volume of supernatant saccharase is added in changing dilutions to a 2 milliliter volume of 1 % sucrose solution, so the concentration of the terminal merchandise, of glucose will be straight proportionate to the sum of saccharase nowadays. To prove this hypothesis we tested changing dilutions ( 100 % , 50 % , 25 % , 12.5 % , and 6.25 % ) of saccharase supernatant solutions. We tested utilizing two controls the first control was used as a baseline to find if glucose was present in the saccharase supernatant without the debut of saccharose. The 2nd control was used to formalize that glucose would non be produced without the debut of the saccharase enzyme. Benedict ‘s solution was used to observe the presence of glucose in the terminal merchandise. Our consequences did non back up our hypothesis, nevertheless they did demo an exponential decay in the presence of glucose as the concentration of saccharase was decreased. The 25 % dilution of saccharase showed the most efficient addition in the merchandise glucose.


Homeostasis is a necessary feature of life. Homeostasis is achieved by agencies of self-acting mechanisms within a cell or being that maintain internal stableness and metabolic efficiency. Enzymes are cell metabolizers that follow a metabolic tract interrupting down or edifice substrates for useable energy for the cell, itself, or heterotrophic beings. The more efficient an enzyme is, the more expeditiously it will bring forth useable merchandises. An enzyme ‘s efficiency is affected by three major factors, substrate concentration, temperature, and pH degrees. Under the right conditions an enzyme can be continuously reused to catalyse metabolic reactions. An enzyme ‘s map is defined by its R groups ( construction ) .

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In our experiment we will be utilizing the enzyme, Invertase ( beta-fructofuranosidase ) , a hydrolytic digestive enzyme, to catabolise sucrose to bring forth fructose and glucose. We will be proving the efficiency of the enzyme utilizing changing dilutions of saccharase supernatant. In order to maximise the efficiency of the enzyme, we will be homogenising baker ‘s barm, interrupting the homeostasis of the being. This procedure will “ free ” the enzyme to hydrolyse proteins, lipoids, and other substrates within the internal environment, every bit good as, the external environment of the cells in the supernatant. The supernatant consists of an emulsified mixture of the phospholipid bilayer fragments, organelle fragments, and the “ freed ” enzyme. The cellulose precipitate ( most dense ) will be discarded. In our trial groups we will be presenting 2ml of 1 % sucrose solution ; besides, maintaining the factors of heat and pH at a changeless. The saccharase supernatant concentration is our independent variable. Our control group of 100 % saccharase, without the add-on of the substrate, saccharose, will demo how much glucose and fruit sugar are produced in the supernatant, itself. The debasement of saccharose will bring forth reasonably equal sums of fruit sugar and glucose. We predicted that the sum of glucose and fruit sugar produced will be proportionate to the concentration of the saccharase supernatant.

There is value in degrading saccharose with the most cost effectual and efficient usage of saccharase to bring forth glucose and fructose. The enzyme can continuously be reused ; hence, it can continuously bring forth glucose and fructose by hydrolysing saccharose. The enzyme, Invertase, can be found in the microorganism, barm ( Baker ‘s Yeast ) and in the microvilli of the bowel. Baker ‘s barm is easy gettable and is the most cost effectual pick for industrial usage. The merchandises glucose and fructose have confectionary, nutrient, and pharmaceutical applications in industry. Fructose ‘s application in the confectionery and nutrient industry produces a sweeter savoring merchandise than table sugar and, hence, the sum needed in a formula is reduced. Fructose is, besides, an ideal addendum in a diabetic ‘s diet. It has a minimum consequence on blood glucose degrees and the secernment of insulin. The fabrication of fruit sugar is of great value to the nutrient and confectionary industries. The fabrication or production of glucose is priceless to the pharmaceutical industry ; it is used in endovenous injectable devices for diabetes patients enduring from hypoglycaemia ( a blood status of a lacking sum of glucose ) to stabilise sugar degrees.

Our consequences show an exponential decay of glucose presence from higher to lower concentrations of saccharase. The most glucose produced with the least concentration of saccharase was our 25 % dilution ; it was the most efficient and cost effectual consequence.

Hypothesis: If saccharase is added in changing dilutions to a 2 milliliter volume of the substrate Sucrose, so the concentration of the terminal merchandise, glucose, will be straight proportionate to the sum of saccharase nowadays.

Prediction: Below is a graphical representation of our anticipation based on our hypothesis.

Figure 2


Goggless and apron

Baseball gloves

20 ml stock solution of the enzyme saccharase

15 milliliters sucrose solution ( 1 % )


15 ml Benedict ‘s solution

35 milliliter distilled H2O

( 20 ) Trial tubings

( 2 ) Pair of tongs

Waterproof marker

( 2 ) Test tubing rack

( 4 ) 50-ml beakers

( 1 ) Large Pipette pump

( 1 ) Small pipette pump

( 2 ) Large pipette tip

( 2 ) Small pipette tip

( 2 ) 500 milliliter beakers for boiling H2O baths

( 2 ) Hot plates for boiling H2O bath

Laptop computing machine

Digital camera

Graph paper & A ; colored pencils

Paper towels and germicide

Wash basin for used glasswork


SAFETY FIRST: Acquire goggles and aprons.

Set up the 37A° C H2O bath brooders. Plug in the two hot plates and turn them on. Fill the two 500 milliliters beakers with 350 milliliters of H2O. Leave the hot plates sit until they are at a rolled furuncle.

Gather and form all stuffs that are needed for the experiment.

Acquire the 20ml of stock solution from Professor Olsen. Pour the stock solution ( saccharase ) into a 50-ml beaker and label it stock solution. Obtain and pour 15 milliliter of ( 1 % ) sucrose solution into a 50-ml beaker and label it “ S ” for Sucrose. Obtain and pour 15 milliliter of Benedict ‘s solution into a 50-ml beaker and label it “ B ” for Benedict. Obtain and pour 32 milliliter of distilled H2O into a 50-ml beaker and label it “ W ” for Water.

Set up a “ intervention ” group for the experiment by fixing a 4 measure dilution of the stock solution. Acquire 6 trial tubings and label them: 100 % , 50 % , 25 % , 12.5 % , 6.25 % , and D. Place 6 milliliter of 100 % stock solution ( saccharase ) in the trial tubing labeled 100 % . In trial tubing D, combine 6ml of 100 % solution with 6 milliliter of distilled H2O. With the big pipette, pump 6 milliliter of this mixture in a trial tubing to be used as the 50 % dilution in the trial tubing labeled 50 % . Combine 6 milliliter of distilled H2O with the staying 6 milliliter of the 50 % dilution. With the big pipette, pump 6 milliliter of this mixture in a trial tubing to be used as the 25 % dilution in the trial tubing labeled 25 % . Combine 6 milliliter of distilled H2O with the 6ml of the 25 % dilution. With the big pipette, pump 6 milliliter of this mixture in a trial tubing to be used as the 12.5 % dilution in the trial tubing labeled 12.5 % . Combine 6 milliliter of distilled H2O with 6 milliliter of the 12.5 % dilution. Use 6 milliliter of this mixture as the 6.25 % dilution in the trial tubing labeled. Discard the staying 6 milliliter of the 6.25 % dilution from the trial tubing labeled D.

Obtain 5 trial tubings and utilizing the little pipette, pump 2 milliliter of saccharose in each trial tubing.

Note: Measure # 6 and Step # 7 below should be done at the same time.

Prepare controls for the experiment. For the first control, with the big pipette, pump 6 milliliter of 100 % stock solution in a trial tubing and label it C1 for Control One. Treat this trial tubing precisely as the experimental tubings are treated, EXCEPT add 2 milliliter of distilled H2O alternatively of the saccharose. By adding a impersonal substance it will maintain the volume in the control tubing consistent with the experimental tubing. It is predicted that this control will demo a negative reaction or otherwise stated as no alteration. For the 2nd control, with the little pipette, pump 2 milliliter of saccharose in a trial tubing and label it C2 for Control Two. Treat this trial tubing precisely as the experimental tubings are treated, EXCEPT add 6 milliliter of distilled H2O with the big pipette alternatively of the stock solution. By adding a impersonal substance it will maintain the volume in the control tubing consistent with the experimental tubing. It is predicted that this control will demo a negative reaction. No glucose is expected to be present in the control trial tubing since no saccharase is added.

Unite the trial tubing of assorted concentrations of stock solution prepared in measure # 4 above with the trial tubing of sucrose solution prepared in measure # 5 above.

Allow both the trial group ( intervention group ) and the control group to stand for 8 proceedingss.

Use the Benedict ‘s trial to find the presence of glucose. Acquire 7 trial tubings and with the little pipette, pump 2 milliliter of Benedict ‘s Solution in each of the trial tubing to be used for both the experimental and control. Once the experimental group and command trial tubings have sat for 8 proceedingss, pour one trial tubing of the 2ml of Ruth benedicts Solution from the staged trial tubings into each of the experimental and command trial tubings.

Caution: EYE PROTECTION AND APRON ” S MUST BE WORN WHENEVER TEST TUBES ARE HEATED. Tongss are used to manage hot trial tubing. Leave hot H2O in the H2O baths on the hot plate until cool. DO NOT CARRY BEAKERS OF HOT WATER.

Note: A H2O bath must be at a turn overing furuncle before having trial tubings.

Unite the trial tubing of assorted concentrations of stock solution prepared in measure # 4 above with the trial tubing of sucrose solution prepared in measure # 5 above.

IMMEDIATELY heat in boiling H2O for 3 proceedingss. Remove from the heat with tongs and topographic point in trial tubing holder for rating. IMMEDIATELY evaluate and record the colour alterations.

The more glucose produced the greater the colour alteration following the Benedict ‘s trial.

Fix a informations chart and record the consequences. Each member of the squad should fix his or her ain transcript for mention.

Consequence: The above experiment was performed with enzyme concentration as the independent variable and the undermentioned measurings were obtained utilizing the colour metric graduated table of 1 to 10 in conformity with the Benedict ‘s trial. Our first control was a 6ml volume of 100 % stock solution of saccharase supernatant, which we added a 2 milliliter volume of distilled H2O to set up consistent volumes for comparing. This control measured a 5 on the colour prosodies graduated table which indicated that the enzyme saccharase in the supernatant produced glucose. This control is our baseline metric to find the sum of glucose produced beyond the supernatant. Our 2nd control was a 2ml volume of 1 % sucrose solution which we added to a 6 milliliter volume of distilled H2O to set up consistent volumes for comparing and show that glucose would non be detected without the debut of the enzyme saccharase to hydrolyse the substrate saccharose. The consequences were as expected, see Appendix A, Figure 5. No glucose was present in the solution.

Our experimental group consisted of 5 dilutions/concentrations of saccharase to be tested. The first experimental trial tubing was labeled 100 % stock solution ; the saccharase supernatant measured a 7 on the colour prosodies graduated table. The presence of glucose did non rate every bit high as expected and was non proportionate to the sum of saccharase concentration. The 2nd experimental trial tubing labeled 50 % rated a 5 on the colour prosodies graduated table. The consequences of glucose present were proportionate to the sum of saccharase concentration. The 3rd experimental trial tubing labeled 25 % rated a 4.5 on the colour prosodies graduated table. This dilution was tested 3 times to corroborate accurate consequences. The glucose presence did non rate every bit low as expected and hence was non proportionate to the sum of saccharase concentration. The 4th experimental trial tubing labeled 12.5 % rated a 1.25 on the colour prosodies graduated table. The presence of glucose rated as expected and was proportionate to the sum of saccharase concentration. The 5th experimental trial tubing labeled 6.25 % rated a.625 on the colour prosodies graduated table. The presence of glucose rated as expected and was proportionate to the sum of saccharase concentration. Appendix A, Figure 4 shows a pictural representation of the consequences.

The combined consequences of our experiment are shown in Appendix A, Figure 5. The concluding consequences, shown in Appendix A, Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the true sums of glucose produced as a consequence of the experiment.


Enzymes are accelerators and increase the velocity of a chemical reaction without themselves undergoing any lasting chemical alteration. They are neither used up in the reaction nor do they look as reaction merchandises.

The basic enzyme reaction can be represented by the expression in Figure 2:


Figure 3Substrate + Enzyme Complex Enzyme + Product

( S ) ( E ) ( ES ) ( E ) ( P )

In this equation ( S ) is the substrate, the substance being changed, E represents the enzyme catalysing the reaction is the enzyme, ES is an enzyme-substrate composite and P is the merchandise of the reaction.

In order for a chemical reaction to take topographic point, our reactants ( Substrate/Enzyme ) must clash. The hit between the molecules in this chemical reaction is what provides the kinetic energy needed to interrupt the necessary bonds so that new bonds can be formed.

In order to increase the sum of kinetic energy and rush up the molecules we added heat. Raising the temperature increases the kinetic energy available to interrupt bonds during hits. Additionally, molecules must clash in the right orientation, or hit at the right topographic point, in order for the reaction to happen. We expected that the higher the concentration of saccharase the more hits between the molecules would happen and hence more glucose would be produced. However, our consequences show something different.

The sum of enzyme nowadays in a reaction is measured by the activity it catalyzes. The relationship between activity and concentration is affected by many factors such as temperature, pH, clip, etc. The ascertained activity should be relative to the sum of enzyme nowadays and the enzyme concentration should be the lone modification factor.

This experiment concluded that the enzyme saccharase had glucose nowadays in the 100 % stock solution. This was a contradiction to the original anticipation that a negative response or no glucose would be present. The 100 % stock solution was untreated by the independent variable, nevertheless, it still registered a 5 on the gradient graduated table. This means that glucose is present in the supernatant of saccharase. Therefore, in order to find the sum of glucose produced as a consequence of the chemical reaction versus the sum nowadays in the supernatant, farther computations are required. When the concentration of saccharase is increased, the sum of glucose produced increases relative to the sum of enzyme concentration utilized with the exclusion of the 25 % dilution. This suggests two possible decisions there are more successful hits and therefore a maximal production of glucose when the enzyme concentration is diluted to ~25 % or that this was merely an anomalousness in the experiment.

Our hypothesis was non supported ; the sum of glucose produced was non proportionate to the concentration of the Invertase supernatant nowadays in the solution. Our consequences did demo an exponential decay in entire glucose nowadays as Invertase supernatant concentration was decreased.

The Invertase, enzyme, being the least heavy protein in the supernatant, and acidic with a higher concentration of H ions ( H+ ) , diffuses through the supernatant from an country of higher concentration of ( H+ ) to an country of lower concentration of ( H+ ) to degrade the substrates ( more dense ) nowadays in the solution.

Test group 1, 100 % concentration of Invertase supernatant ( InvS ) , was non every bit efficient as expected ; hence did non hold every bit many effectual hits with the substrate saccharose. This is known because all other factors impacting enzyme efficiency, such as, temperature, pH, and clip for the reaction, were kept at a changeless during the experiment. Due to the high concentration of the enzyme in the 100 % concentration of InvS there was non sufficient infinite within the solution to clash as expeditiously with the substrate, sucrose, molecules. The 100 % concentration of InvS, besides, did non hold the add-on of H2O, for dilution, to help the hydrolysis reaction. The enzyme, Invertase ( Inv ) , weakens the H bonds of saccharose to “ interrupt ” the O span fall ining glucose and fructose. The H2O ( H2O ) in the solution AIDSs in this reaction by adhering the ( H ) and ( OH ) to fructose and glucose to finish the separation of the merchandises. Lab group 1, besides, had similar consequences with their 100 % concentration InvS trial group.

Test group 2, 50 % concentration of InvS, did rate as expected ; nevertheless, it was more efficient than the Test group 1 ( 100 % concentration InvS ) , and less efficient than Test group 3 ( 25 % concentration InvS ) , which was non expected. This consequence is, besides, due to the sum of effectual hits of the enzyme, Inv, with the saccharose, substrate. The dilution of the Inv, doing it a 50 % concentration of InvS, made the 50 % solution more efficient than the 100 % concentration of InvS. The enzyme, Inv, diffused along the H+ gradient and had more infinite within the solution to hold more effectual hits with the saccharose, to bring forth glucose. There was, besides, more H2O nowadays to assistance in the hydrolysis reaction.

Test group 3, 25 % concentration of InvS, proved to be the most efficient in bring forthing glucose. Therefore, had the most effectual hits between the enzyme, Inv, and the substrate, sucrose. This is known because of the sum of glucose produced by the debasement of the added 2ml of 1 % sucrose solution by the enzyme was the highest sum produced out of all of our trial groups. We were able to cipher this by deducting the sum of glucose produced in the supernatant, entirely, ( Control group 1 ( ( 100 % InvS, no added saccharose, gave us the initial sum ; ( as the InvS was diluted by 50 % , the sum of glucose produced by the InvS was, besides, reduced by 50 % ) ) ) from the entire glucose produced. This calculated the sum of glucose produced by the debasement of the add-on of the 2ml of 1 % sucrose solution by the enzyme, Inv. We are certain of our consequences with this trial group, because we retested 3 times with the same consequences, each clip. In the 25 % concentration of InvS there is still plenty of the enzyme nowadays in the solution to hold the most effectual hits with the substrate, sucrose, present and the most sufficient room in the solution for those hits to happen. The heat factor, in add-on, AIDSs in these effectual hits, as it did in the other groups. The active sites of the enzyme, Inv, are most expeditiously used to degrade the saccharose in this solution. The increased presence of the H2O, besides, AIDSs in the hydrolysis reaction.

Test group 4, 12.5 % concentration of InvS, produced a proportionate sum of glucose to the enzyme concentration. It produced less than the higher concentrations, above, due to the reduced sum of the enzyme nowadays. Even though, there was more “ infinite ” and H2O nowadays in this solution, there was non plenty of the enzyme available in the solution to hold more efficient hits with the substrate, saccharose, in the solution. There was non a sufficient sum of active sites of the enzyme available to degrade the saccharose more expeditiously.

Test group 5, 6.25 % concentration of InvS, produced a proportionate sum of glucose to the enzyme concentration. As with trial group 4, it produced less than the higher concentrations due to the reduced sum of the enzyme nowadays. There was non a sufficient sum of active sites of the enzyme, Inv, available to degrade the saccharose more expeditiously.

Control group 1, 100 % concentration of InvS without added 1 % sucrose solution, did non hold a negative reaction as predicted, but proved to be built-in in ciphering the enzymes efficiency. This group showed a presence of glucose produced by the enzyme, Inv, in the supernatant. This occurred due to the presence of proteins, lipoids, and other substrates present in the supernatant from the phospholipid bilayer ( cell wall ) fragments and organelle fragments of the barm cells. We were able to utilize this information to cipher the sum of glucose produced in the supernatant and the sum of glucose produced by the add-on of saccharose in the trial groups, by deducting it from the entire glucose produced and spliting by 50 % as the concentration was decreased by 50 % . This showed us the true efficiency of the enzyme, Inv, degrading the substrate, saccharose.

Control group 2, 1 % sucrose solution without the add-on of InvS, showed a negative reaction as predicted. The ground for utilizing this as a control was to demo at that place would non be a reaction without the debut of the enzyme, Inv, to degrade the saccharose, substrate. Therefore, glucose would non be produced if the enzyme, Inv, was non present in the solution.


Figure 4

Figure 4 – Consequences of enzyme trial for the dilutions: 6.25 % , 12 % , 25 % , 50 % , 100 %

Figure 5

Figure 5 – Consequences of the two Control Groups:

2ml of 1 % Sucrose solution combined with 6ml of distilled H2O

6ml Invertase combined with 2ml of distilled H2O

Figure 6

Figure 6: The entire consequence of glucose nowadays at the decision of the experiment

Figure 7

Figure 7: The adjusted consequence of glucose present as a resut of the experiment

Figure 8

Figure 8: The graphical representation of the sum of glucose prduced by the chemical reaction.


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