Animal Farm Book Report (215 words) Essay

Animal Farm Book ReportThe novel Animal Farm by George Orwell was a very
interesting, complex, and informing novel. In the
novel, George Orwell uses farm animals to portray
people of power and the common people during the
Russian Revolution. The novel starts off with
Major explaining to all the animals in the farm
how they are being treated wrongly and how they
can over throw their owner, Mr. Jones. They
finally gang up on their owner and he leaves the
farm. Then they start their own farm with their
own rules and commandments. Originally the two
people in charge of the “Animal Farm”, which they
titled it, were Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon
was really greedy and wanted all the power to be
his, so he got the animals to turn on Snowball and
make him leave the farm. After Napoleon took over
the pigs started disobeying the commandments that
the pigs, as well as all the other animals,
organized and wrote down at the beginning of their
take over. Soon the pigs have disobeyed, and/or
changed every law there was from the beginning,
and the pigs start acting and looking like humans.
After that “Animal Farm” slowly starts to loose
power and Mr. Jones takes back over. This is a
style analysis of Animal Farm.

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