Ap Physics B - Oscillations

B) is maximum.
A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. When the mass passes through the equilibrium position, its instantaneous velocity
A) cannot be determined without spring constant information given.
B) is maximum.
C) is zero.
D) is less than maximum, but not zero.
E) cannot be determined without mass information given.
B) C
The graph below is a plot of displacement versus time of a mass oscillating on a spring. At which point on the graph is the acceleration of the mass zero?
A) B
B) C
C) A
D) D


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B) 0.5f
A mass m hanging on a spring has a natural frequency f. If the mass is increased to 4m, what is the new natural frequency?
A) 0.25f
B) 0.5f
C) 2f
D) 4f
C) the restoring force
Which of the following features of a given pendulum changes when the pendulum is moved from Earth’s surface to the moon?
A) the equilibrium position
B) the mass
C) the restoring force
D) the length
A) A
The graph below is a plot of displacement versus time of a mass oscillating on a spring. At which point on the graph is the net force on the mass at a maximum?
A) A
B) B
C) D
D) C


D) a ball bouncing on the floor
Which of the following is not an example of approximate simple harmonic motion?
A) a car’s radio antenna waving back and forth
B) a piano wire that has been struck
C) a child swinging on a swing
D) a ball bouncing on the floor
C) the acceleration reaches a maximum.
A simple pendulum swings in simple harmonic motion. At maximum displacement,
A) the velocity reaches a maximum.
B) the restoring force reaches zero.
C) the acceleration reaches a maximum.
D) the acceleration reaches zero.
D) velocity reaches a maximum.
A mass attached to a spring vibrates back and forth. At the equilibrium position, the
A) velocity reaches zero.
B) acceleration reaches a maximum.
C) net force reaches a maximum.
D) velocity reaches a maximum.
D) amplitude.
For a mass hanging from a spring, the maximum displacement the spring is stretched or compressed from its equilibrium position is the system’s
A) frequency.
B) acceleration.
C) period.
D) amplitude.
D) T
A mass M is attached to a spring with spring constant k. When this system is set in motion with amplitude A, it has a period T. What is the period if the amplitude of the motion is increased to 2A?
A) T/2
B) sqrt(2)T
C) 4T
D) T
E) 2T
D) 0.50s
A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. It goes through 10 complete oscillations in 5.0 s. What is the period?
A) 2.0s
B) 50s
C) 0.20s
D) 0.50s
B) x = -(0.50 cm) cos(ωt + π/2)
The velocity of a mass attached to a spring is given by v = (1.5 cm/s) sin(ωt + π/2), where ω = 3.0 rad/s. What is the corresponding expression for x?
A) x = -(0.50 cm) sin(ωt + π/2)
B) x = -(0.50 cm) cos(ωt + π/2)
C) x = -(4.50 cm) sin(ωt + π/2)
D) x = (4.50 cm) cos(ωt + π/2)
E) x = -(0.50 cm) cos(ωt – π/2)
D) the magnitude of the acceleration is a minimum.
In simple harmonic motion, the speed is greatest at that point in the cycle when
A) the displacement is a maximum.
B) the potential energy is a maximum.
C) the kinetic energy is a minimum.
D) the magnitude of the acceleration is a minimum.
E) the magnitude of the acceleration is a maximum.
B) period
For a system in simple harmonic motion, which of the following is the time required to complete a cycle of motion?
A) revolution
B) period
C) frequency
D) amplitude
E) x(t) = (4.0 m)cos[(2π/8.0 s)t – π/3.0]
The simple harmonic motion of an object is shown in Fig. 14-1. What is the position of the object as a function of time?
A) x(t) = (4.0 m)cos[(2π/8.0 s)t + π/3.0] B) x(t) = (4.0 m)cos[(2π/8.0 s)t + 2π/3.0] C) x(t) = (4.0 m)sin[(2π/8.0 s)t + π/3.0] D) x(t) = (8.0 m)cos[(2π/8.0 s)t + π/3.0] E) x(t) = (4.0 m)cos[(2π/8.0 s)t – π/3.0]


D) 38
Consider a 20.0-kg pendulum clock that keeps good time. If the clock is moved to a location where it weighs 74 N, how many minutes will the minute hand move in 1 h?
A) 60
B) 23
C) 98
D) 38
B) displacement.
Vibration of an object about an equilibrium point is called simple harmonic motion when the restoring force is proportional to
A) time.
B) displacement.
C) mass.
D) a spring constant.
D) 294 N/m
What is the spring constant of a spring that stretches 2.00 cm when a mass of 0.600 kg is suspended from it?
A) 2.94 N/m
B) 30.0 N/m
C) 0.300 N/m
D) 294 N/m
Which of following is a graph of simple periodic motion with amplitude 2.00 cm, angular frequency 2.00 s-1?
D) decrease.
If you take a given pendulum to the Moon, where the acceleration of gravity is less than on Earth, the resonant frequency of the pendulum will
A) become zero.
B) increase.
C) either increase or decrease; it depends on its length to mass ratio.
D) decrease.
E) not change.
C) y = (0.01 m) cos (22.1 t)
A 0.30-kg mass is suspended on a spring. In equilibrium the mass stretches the spring 2.0 cm downward. The mass is then pulled an additional distance of 1.0 cm down and released from rest. Write down its equation of motion.
A) y = (0.03 m) sin (22.1 t)
B) y = (0.01 m) sin (22.1 t)
C) y = (0.01 m) cos (22.1 t)
D) y = (0.03 m) cos (22.1 t)
A) is a maximum.
A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. When the mass is at maximum displacement from equilibrium, its instantaneous acceleration
A) is a maximum.
B) is less than maximum, but not zero.
C) cannot be determined without mass information given.
D) cannot be determined without spring constant information given.
E) is zero.
C) all of these
Which of the following are characteristics of a mass in simple harmonic motion?
I. The motion repeats at regular intervals.
II. The motion is sinusoidal.
III. The restoring force is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium.
A) none of these
B) I and II only
C) all of these
D) I and III only
E) II and III only
B) acceleration reach a maximum.
A mass attached to a spring vibrates back and forth. At maximum displacement, the spring force and the
A) velocity reach zero.
B) acceleration reach a maximum.
C) acceleration reach zero.
D) velocity reach a maximum.
A) 9
By what factor should the length of a simple pendulum be changed in order to triple the period of vibration?
A) 9
B) 27
C) 3
D) 6
A) sqrt(2)T
A mass M is attached to a spring with spring constant k. When this system is set in motion with amplitude A, it has a period T. What is the period if the mass is doubled to 2M?
A) sqrt(2)T
B) 4T
C) T
D) T/2
E) 2T
D) frequency
For a system in simple harmonic motion, which of the following is the number of cycles or vibrations per unit of time?
A) amplitude
B) period
C) revolution
D) frequency
D) A
The graph below is a plot of displacement versus time of a mass oscillating on a spring. At which point on the graph is the velocity of the mass zero?
A) D
B) B
C) C
D) A


C) the displacement.
In simple harmonic motion, the acceleration is proportional to
A) the amplitude.
B) all of these
C) the displacement.
D) the velocity.
E) the frequency.
C) They are inversely related.
How are frequency and period related in simple harmonic motion?
A) Their sum is constant.
B) Both measure the number of cycles per unit of time.
C) They are inversely related.
D) They are directly related.
A) 3
Tripling the displacement from equilibrium of an object in simple harmonic motion will change the magnitude of the object’s maximum acceleration by what factor?
A) 3
B) 9
C) one-third
D) 1

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