Auditing Complex Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Accounting Essay

Focus Question: How do fiscal statement hearers prepare themselves to scrutinize complex endeavor resource be aftering systems in order to publish sentiments in PCAOB regulated public company audits?

Brazel, Joseph F. “ A Measure of Perceived Auditor ERP Systems Expertise: Development, Assessment, and Uses. ” Managerial Auditing Journal 20.6 ( 2005 ) : 619-31. ABI/INFORM. Web. 2 Feb. 2011.

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This paper surveies fiscal statement hearers ‘ sensed expertness in measuring ERP systems. The survey asked fiscal statement hearers to measure their expertness relation to their equals. Consequences of the survey tended to reason that those hearers with higher sensed expertness in ERP tended to execute better hazard appraisals and created better substantial audit trials. The survey besides noted that there was non a strong correlativity between ERP expertness and general audit experience. The article concluded that although consequences were gathered from the survey, more surveies are necessary to confirm its findings.

Brody, Richard G. , and Grover Kearns. “ IT Audit Approaches for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. ” Icfai University Journal of Audit Practice 6.2 ( 2009 ) : 7-26. ABI/INFORM. Web. 28 Jan. 2011.

This paper discusses implementation issues of ERP systems, and the challenges faced by hearers during ERP systems audit. The paper besides gives an overview of the audit hazard, and discusses certain statements, including the COSO, that provide counsel for ERP audits. The demand for ERP hearer expertness, as it relates to ERP audit hazard appraisal is emphasized, and the paper discusses the usage of bull’s-eye theoretical account in prioritising complex alterations, as a agency of diminishing IT audit load. Certain scrutinizing techniques – utile in ERP system audit – were discussed. The paper concludes that audits of houses with ERP systems should integrate the usage of scrutinizing “ through the computing machine ” , and “ with the computing machine ” techniques.

Esteves, Jose. “ A Benefits Realisation Road-map Framework for ERP Usage in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. ” Journal of Enterprise Information Management 2nd ser. 22.1 ( 2009 ) : 25-35. ABI/INFORM. Web. 28 Jan. 2011.

This paper attempts to explicate an execution model for implementing ERP systems and ERP system ascents. Dr. Esteves evaluates the ERP benefits theoretical account and the benefits of implementing ERP systems into organisations so breaks down where and when benefits occur during an ERP execution. He divides ERP benefits into a readying phase, realisation phase, achievement phase, and eventually, ERP scrutinizing phase. His ERP scrutinizing treatment debates the necessity of continuously scrutinizing the ERP system and including internal hearers and direction in execution.

Goldberg, Stephen R. , and Joseph H. Godwin. “ Operational Reviews and Auditing ERP. ” Journal of Corporate Accounting & A ; Finance 14.4 ( 2003 ) : 63-65. ABI/INFORM. Web. 28 Jan. 2011.

This article is a reappraisal of two books – which includes Integrated Auditing of ERP Systems, by Musaji Yusufali. The article points out the ill fame of ERP systems for being inordinately complex, and holding legion execution hazards. The article further explains the construct of incorporate scrutinizing in an ERP system.

Hsu, Ko, Jeanne Sylvestre, and Ellen N. Sayed. “ Avoiding ERP Pitfalls. ” Journal of Corporate Accounting & A ; Finance 17.4 ( 2006 ) : 67-74. ABI/INFORM. Web. 28 Jan. 2011.

This paper evaluates the possible hazards associated with ERP systems through assorted COBIT, COSO, and Sarbanes-Oxley models. It discusses the recent consolidation of the ERP-development industry, the increased demand for ERP systems, and the increased demand for ERP consulting services. It uses some of these developments to discourse emerging issue or “ booby traps ” that seem to be developing in concern and so evaluates assorted redresss to extenuate these hazards.

Hunton, James E. , Arnold M. Wright, and Sally Wright. “ Are Fiscal Auditors Overconfident in Their Ability to Assess Risks Associated with Enterprise Resource Planing Systems? ” Journal of Information Systems 18.2 ( 2004 ) : 7-28. ABI/INFORM. Web. 2 Feb. 2011.

This paper attempts to find if fiscal hearers are cocksure in their abilities to scrutinize ERP systems. It references SAS No. 94 to find if hearers and IT hearers recognize the increased hazards of ERP systems compared with bequest systems so goes on to explicate the differences in hazards amongst the two types of systems. The paper focuses on a survey where Big 4 CPE preparation Sessionss were developed and carried out with deficiency of respect for ERP systems despite the fact that important Numberss of clients at those houses utilised ERP systems. It besides identifies a deficiency of communicating between fiscal statement hearers and the IT hearers. There seems to be assorted grounds why fiscal statement hearers do non confer with the IT hearers for advice and counsel and why fiscal hearers may hold overestimated their accomplishments in scrutinizing ERP systems. These principles include apparent certitude in ability to scrutinize complex ERP systems, economic force per unit areas from audit fees, and continually altering kineticss in the audit workspace due to increased technological developments and new regulative demands following the transition of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Nevertheless, the general focal point of the paper is on the sensed certitude of fiscal statement hearers in their abilities to grok and understand complex ERP systems.

Kuhn, John R. , and Steve G. Sutton. “ Continuous Auditing in ERP System Environments: The Current State and Future Directions. ” Journal of Information Systems 24.1 ( 2010 ) : 91-112. ABI/INFORM. Web. 2 Feb. 2011.

This paper states that there is the push for uninterrupted scrutinizing technique in scrutinizing, and provides an overview of uninterrupted scrutinizing in an ERP system environment. The features of uninterrupted scrutinizing through traditional EAM, MCL and modified EAM were discussed. The paper further discusses the challenges and concerns – including from an audit perspective – of implementing EAM into an ERP environment, and explores the restrictions of alternate uninterrupted scrutinizing attacks, such as MCL, and EAM ghosting. The paper concludes that it appears that MCL methodological analysis offers the most used option.


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