Australian Federal Government Framework to implement carbon tax Essay

On 24th February 2011, Australian Federal authorities announced a model to implement a Carbon Tax from 1st July 2012. It is proposed to be implemented over 3-5 twelvemonth period upon which it will exchange to a cap and trade system. This would do Australia the first developed state in the universe following a C revenue enhancement strategy.

The C revenue enhancement plants by merely seting a revenue enhancement on the C emanations of a company. It sets a monetary value on the C emanation. While the cap and trade system puts a cap on the aggregative emanation of the whole market which limits the nursery gas emanation of the overall economic system. Specifically, a base-level of emanations allowances or credits is distributed at no cost or by auction. The figure of allowances would be reduced over clip and capped entities would be able to merchandise these allowances depending on the sum of emanations they generate. That is, a company that is able to cut down their emanations below the figure of allowances they presently hold may sell their extra allowances to companies in demand of more allowances for emanations degrees that are above their cap.

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Differences between C revenue enhancement and cap and trade system

Theoretically, both of the C revenue enhancement and the cap and trade system purpose to accomplish emanation decreases. Both besides set monetary value on emanations. Under idealised conditions, they are every bit effectual, i.e. monetary value of C license = C revenue enhancement rate ( Betz 2009 ) . However, the two attacks have important differences every bit good.

The cap and trade system would bring forth extra gross for the uncapped sectors when they trade their emanation allowances, which would incentivize effectual, short-run nursery gas emanation decrease chances such as C segregation. The cap and trade system would spur invention in nursery gas extenuation chances from C beginnings ( Sands 2009 ) .

On the other manus, it is held by Shapiro ( 2009 ) that the C revenue enhancement is superior to the cap and trade system for six cardinal differences, which is besides supported by Hennessey ( 2007 )

1. The C revenue enhancement brings the predictability to energy monetary values, whereas cap and trade systems will worsen the monetary value volatility that historically has discouraged investings in less carbon-intensive electricity coevals, carbon-reducing energy efficiency and carbon-replacing renewable energy.

2. The C revenue enhancement can be implemented much sooner than the more sophisticated cap and trade system.

3. The C revenue enhancement is more crystalline and easy apprehensible compared to the cap and trade system.

4. The C revenue enhancement can be implemented with far less chance for use by particular involvements, while a cap and trade system ‘s complexness opens it to exploitation by particular involvements and perverse inducements that can sabotage public assurance and undersell its effectivity.

5. The C revenue enhancement addresses emanations of C from every sector, whereas some cap and trade systems merely put cap on some sectors including resources, energies, and so on while leave some sectors uncapped such as agribusiness and forest sectors.

6. The C revenue enhancement grosss would travel to the authorities as the revenue enhancement gross which is normally redistributed to the public harmonizing to the authorities ‘s financial demands, while the costs of cap and trade systems are likely to go a concealed revenue enhancement as dollars flow to market participants, attorneies and advisers.

The deduction of the proposed C revenue enhancement

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( ACCI 2011 ) says that the proposed C revenue enhancement is a competitory blow to concern and Australia should non be moving in front of the remainder of the universe.

The resources sector has flagged another confrontation with the Federal Government on the proposed C revenue enhancement. It is reported that most resources companies are against the debut of the C revenue enhancement in Australia while the remainder of the universe are non making so ( AAP News 2011 ) . The C revenue enhancement levied on the resources companies will increase the companies cost and in bend cut down their planetary fight. This is harmful to the companies planetary public presentation. Meanwhile, concerns have been expressed that the proposed C revenue enhancement would finally take to mining companies looking overseas for geographic expedition, ensuing in a big downswing in the economic system and high degree of occupation losingss in Australia. In add-on, it is conceded by Elliott ( Tasker 2011 ) that Australia ‘s ability to pull foreign excavation investors would be hit by the freshly proposed C revenue enhancement strategy. The revenue enhancement will increase the uncertainness that a resource company need to confront while the C pricing has non been known publically. Investors do non like uncertainness and normally presume the worst instance when doing investing determination. As here, the worst scenario would be that they are non wishing to put in Australian excavation companies due to the unsure but likely high cost of operations triggered by the proposed C revenue enhancement.

Alternatively, the clime scientist Professor Bob Carter and Institute of Public Affairs ( IPA ) executive manager John Roskam believe that a C revenue enhancement would disproportionately impact Australia ‘s hereafter development and have a really negligible consequence on cut downing emanations ( Grant 2011 ) . They insist that it would be better to pass millions of dollars on covering with clime world instead than the proposed C revenue enhancement.

In general, it is expected that the electricity measure will increase by at least 25 % after the debut of this new C revenue enhancement strategy. The little concern proprietors will be forced to account for an excess $ 30,000 a twelvemonth as portion of the federal authorities ‘s C revenue enhancement policy, which will hold important influences on these little concerns ( Matheson 2011 ) . For some uncapped sectors, they are non able to do extra gross from the trading of emanation allowances as did under the cap and trade strategy, which implies that they do non profit for inventions on emanation decrease. This will in bend limit the overall emanation decrease of the whole state.


As a little pump fabricating company in Australia, Outback Jack Pty Ltd suffered a loss in the 2nd one-fourth of 2010 due to the unexpected monetary value bead and increasing disbursals during the past two old ages. Merely one of its three merchandise lines was profitable in this one-fourth. The direction has to take steps to alter the position quo and take the company back to net income.

Sing the state of affairs, the pull offing manager proposed three alterations to current operations. To help the pull offing manager in doing the appropriate determination, an analysis is conducted towards the company ‘s current fiscal place every bit good as the costing system to place the possible jobs and figure out the possible solutions. A merchandise line part margin income statement replaced the traditional one to offer the director a more precise position on the company ‘s cost construction and public presentation of each merchandise line. Additionally, each class of act separately every bit good every bit uniting as a whole operating program is evaluated and compared to find what actions should be taken by the direction. Further treatment and recommendation is given to better the

Reporting Method

Current Reporting Metho

The company is presently utilizing the traditional method to describe its fiscal statement even for the internal usage. As by and large known, disbursals are classified harmonizing to their maps in the traditional income statement, such as cost of goods sold, rewards, public-service corporation disbursal, administrative disbursals, etc.

However, this type of income statement is more likely prepared for the external users instead than the internal users as the information given in it can non be straight applied by the director for planning, commanding or rating of the public presentation. More information has to be collected through other beginnings in order for the directors to make analysis on the company ‘s operations. For case, before the directors are able to carry on discrepancy analysis, one of the widely applied techniques in the direction, they have to reclassify the information on activity footing, thereby comparing the existent operating consequences with the budget for control intents.

Contribution Margin Method

In contrast to the traditional income statement attack, the part margin income statement is better suited for the directors in operating activities. A merchandise line part margin income statement of the company is prepared ( as shown in table 1 ) to exemplify the construction and utility of this type of income statement.

It is evident that the part margin income statement clearly states the information categorised on activity footing for different merchandise lines. Compared to the traditional income statement, it highlights the behavior of governable costs and indicates each merchandise line ‘s part to the company ‘s net income and indirect fixed costs. Therefore, it is a really utile tool for directors to better the operation efficiency, make budgeting and strategic programs, control the costs and operations, every bit good as measure the profitableness of each merchandise line.

Analysis on Proposed Actions

The pull offing manager suggested three alterations to the current operations to better the company ‘s fiscal public presentation.

a ) Discontinue the S-pump merchandise line instantly until the jobs are solved.

B ) Do publicity on R-pump by increasing the quarterly advertisement by $ 100,000 to increase the gross revenues volume by 15 % .

degree Celsiuss ) Cut half of the production of the F-pump line and diminish the advertisement and publicity disbursals on this line to $ 20,000 yearly ( i.e. $ 5,000 quarterly ) .

Based on the merchandise line part margin income statement outlined above, the possible influences caused by the proposed actions on the income statement of each merchandise line are analysed to calculate out the right determination for the director in this instance. Assume general merchandising and administrative disbursals are allocated to the merchandise lines in proportion to the gross revenues volume.

Cost-benefit Analysis of the Proposed Actions

First of all, cost-benefit analysis is conducted to exemplify the possible benefits and required costs in each action every bit good as in the scheme to take all three actions as a whole. By comparing of the cost-benefit relationships among these four schemes as shown in table 2 ( See appendix 1 for elaborate merchandise line part margin income statements for each scheme ) , the best scheme would be selected accordingly.

Note: Action a, B and degree Celsius are consistent with the 1s mentioned above while combination denotes the scheme combined all three actions.

As shown in table 2 of all proposed schemes, scheme a, stoping S-pump, would bring forth the most benefit for the company. This is because the S-pump line had an initial part border of nothing, which implies that this line did non bring forth any net income for the company. Alternatively, it made the company suffer a large loss owing to its fixed cost. From another angle, the riddance of the S-pump line reduced the gross revenues gross to $ 2.5 million compared to the original $ 3.4 million, but the part border remained the same and the fixed fabrication costs declined every bit good. As a effect, the net runing income increased to positive.

As for scheme B, the advertisement cost was non covered by the gross generated from the 15 % addition in the gross revenues volume and therefore the state of affairs became worse with a more negative income. It is interesting to observe that scheme degree Celsius led to the same net runing income as that in the initial state of affairs. By cutting the production and advertisement disbursals of the F-pump line, both gross and costs declined by the same sum and hence the net runing income did non alteration. In add-on, the combination scheme summed up the influences of the three schemes and increased the operating income as good, although non so much as the that in scheme a.

3.2 Elimination of S-pump

As discussed above, the company would be best off to stop the S-pump line since the riddance brought a dramatic addition in the company ‘s profitableness. Because the S-pump line has a part border of nothing, it can ne’er do net income to the company. Additionally, it has no of import nexus to the other two lines, which means that the riddance would non hold important impacts on the profitableness of the other two lines.

3.3 Promotion on R-pump or F-pump

Assume the publicity was put on F-pump with an extra advertisement disbursal of $ 100,000. If the gross revenues volume increased every bit much as that of the R-pump in the proposed scheme B, so the net runing income of the company would be – $ 133,900, which was much worse than scheme B, even though they were both negative. A 53.9 % addition in gross revenues volume of F-pump is required to accomplish the same consequences as in the instance of seting publicity on R-pump. More exactly, if the direction wished to turn the company ‘s profitableness into positive by this attack, an addition in gross revenues volume of every bit high as 94.11 % would be required. This seems irrational to go on. ( See Appendix 2 for elaborate calculation )

Although the publicity on R-pump could acquire comparatively better wagess, as discussed above, neither scheme could assist the company out of the current state of affairs.

Use of the Company ‘s Capacity

A primary focal point of direction is that utilizing the scare resources most expeditiously to maximise the company ‘s net income. In this instance, the company has been runing at its full capacity for old ages but this does non needfully intend that the company was doing efficient usage of its capacity.

As mentioned above, the S-pump line has a zero part border and should be shut down consequently. Assume the company ‘s gross revenues are non limited by demand but by the company ‘s production. Then it would be sensible to relocate the labor, natural stuffs ( if possible ) from the S-pump line to other merchandise lines. If the resettlement was executable, the company ‘s production would increase and therefore the gross revenues would be improved.

Assume the resettlement is executable in pattern. If to the full relocated to R-pump, the production would increase to 15,500 units. Otherwise, if to the full relocated to F-pump, its production would lift to 24,700 units. Consequently, the expected cyberspace runing income in both instances could be computed as shown in appendix 3. With the leap of gross revenues volume, the net runing income in each instance would be $ 601,000 and $ 325,000 severally. It is besides interesting to observe that both lines would do net income if the resources of the S-pump line were to the full relocated to the F-pump. Therefore, farther information should be collected to find whether this sort of resettlement is possible.

Costing System

Current Costing System

Harmonizing to the stated information, the company ‘s merchandise costing system can be shown in the figure below ( Figure 1 ) .

The current costing system is a simple system, affecting four types of direct costs and merely two types of indirect costs. The general merchandising and administrative disbursals are allocated in proportion to the gross revenues volume of each production line. Allocation per unit is the same for each merchandise.

Revised Costing System

Since the current costing system is non specific plenty to supply accurate cost information for the direction, a alteration has to be conducted to acquire it improved. Harmonizing to the rating consequences above, the costing system is modified in some facets and the more elaborate costing system is shown in Figure 2.

Unlike the current costing system, the improved 1 is a more sophisticated system which has multiple cost pools and cost drivers. This system covers all the relevant activities in the procedure of production. The costs are by and large divided into five parts and so allocated to each merchandise based on its part to the merchandise. Allocation per unit depends on each merchandise ‘s usage of cost drivers, non the same any more.

To develop such an luxuriant costing system, farther survey must be conducted to find the specific indirect cost allotment processs, which is non covered in this study.

Breakeven Analysis

Breakeven analyses were conducted to place the lower limit operating degrees under each state of affairs. This besides gave another position to the feasibleness of each proposed scheme. Breakeven unit was computed in the preset five different state of affairss under the current costing system ( since the revised costing system has non been precisely established and the indirect cost allotment has non been specified ) and the consequences are shown in table 3. Because the S-pump line has a zero part border, the breakeven can non be calculated.

It is important to understand that the breakeven analysis could acquire different consequences under different bing systems. Therefore, as we may discourse above, under the revised costing system, the breakeven analysis has to be redone because the indirect costs would be allocated on a different footing.

As seen from the computed consequences, in most instances, the R-pump line requires about one tierce of the minimal operating degree of the F-pump line because it has comparatively higher part margin per unit. So it is much easier for the R-pump line to do net income.


To summarize, alternatively of the traditional income statement, the company ought to follow the merchandise line part margin income statement in instance of internal direction and control usage of the fiscal information because it provides a better positions of the information necessity for cost program and control. As for the three proposed alterations of the operations, it appears that action a took the dominant topographic point among them but cautiousnesss have to be paid to this scheme because it does non do effectual usage of the company ‘s capacity. In order to happen out the lower limit runing degree required for each merchandise line, breakeven analysis was performed and so net income could be estimated by comparing between the existent gross revenues and the breakeven volume. In add-on, the current costing system was assessed, gaining the being of drawbacks. Therefore, a revised costing system was established but further development on the inside informations has to be conducted to place the indirect costs allotment.


As discussed above, the S-pump line should be discontinued instantly as it has a zero part border. Alternatively, the resources that should hold been utilised by S-pump line, such natural stuffs, labor, equipment and installations, may be relocated to the other merchandise lines to better the efficiency of the usage of the company ‘s capacity. The direction should make a farther survey on the feasibleness of the resettlement.

Once the revised costing system is finalised, it is strongly recommended that the direction should make a new breakeven analysis based on this modified, more accurate and elaborate costing system. This may take to different consequences and hence, different actions may be adopted by the direction to maximise the company ‘s net income.


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