Autotroph, heterotroph, predator, detritus, parasitism, habitat, tropical rain forest, equilibrium, exponential growth, logistic growth, birth rate, and death rate

producers that make their own food from an energy source such as sunlight or chemical energy, the base of every food chain
consumers that eat other organisms for food
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Autotroph, heterotroph, predator, detritus, parasitism, habitat, tropical rain forest, equilibrium, exponential growth, logistic growth, birth rate, and death rate
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an organism that hunts, kills, and eats prey
the nutrients of dead organisms in soil
a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other suffers but is usually not killed
the place where an organism lives that provides what the organism needs to survive
warm temperatures, wet weather, and dense plant growth, located near the equator, most precipitation of any biome, most biodiversity, divided into zones
tropical rain forest
the number of carnivores and herbivores limit each other’s population growth and the populations remain stable, carnivore population increases so herbivore population decreases, therefore decreasing the carnivore population
unrestricted growth that occurs when there are no limiting factors, population growth rate always accelerates
exponential growth
restricted growth that starts with slow growth then rapid growth then levels off at the carrying capacity of the environment
logistic growth
the number of live births per thousand of population per year
birth rate
the ratio of deaths to the population of a particular area during a particular period of time, usually calculated as the number of deaths per one thousand people per year
death rate

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