
Term Definition
Altitude vertical distance, or elevation, above sea level.
Boil change from a liquid to a gas.
Boiling point the temperature at which boiling occurs.
Freeze change from a liquid to a solid
Freezing point the temperature at which freezing occurs.
Gas a phase in which matter has no definite shape or volume.
Gas properties will expand to fill any container; can be compressed; molecules relatively far apart and move freely.
Water vapor water in the gas phase
Liquid a phase in which matter has definite volume but no definite shape.
Liquid properties will take the shape of a container but cannot expand or be compressed; molecules in a liquid move randomly but stay close to one another.
Melt change from a solid to a liquid.
Melting point the temperature at which melting occurs.
Phase a state of matter with certain physical properties
Solid a phase in which matter has a definite shape and a definite volume.
Solid properties will retain the same shape and volume in any container; atoms are held in a rigid structure and cannot move freely
Ice water in the solid phase
Thermal energy Energy in the form of heat
Vaporization rapid change from liquid to gas
Condensation change from gas to liquid
Sublimation change from solid to gas
Evaporation slow change from liquid to gas
Deposition change from gas to solid

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