Bacteria and Viruses

Question Answer
Where is bacteria found? On all continents
What does a virus have? it has DNA or RNA
In what ways can bacteria enter your body? in the air you breathe, in a cut, in the food you eat
How does bacteria get food? uses light to make energy and food, feeds on dead organisms, uses energy from chemical reactions
Which element can some plants get from bacteria? nitrogen
What can viruses do? they can replicate themselves
How can you prevent the spreading of a viral disease? practice good hygiene, cover your mouth when you sneeze, stay away from those that are infected
What do viruses need to survive? an organism to live on
What are aerobes? bacteria that lives in places with an oxygen supply
What are endospores? The thick wall produces to help pathogens survive in harsh conditions
What is used to kill bacteria? an antibiotic
What happens when a virus enters a host cell? Sometimes it is active and sometimes it is latent
Where will you likely find archaea in hot springs
Why is bacteria in a cow's stomach valuable? it breaks down cellulose
The uses of bacteria to break down waste and pollutants into less harmful material is called…? bioremediation
What can antibiotics not help protect you from? viruses
Why are viral infections hard to treat? they are always changing
What is the second step in a viruses replication process? first it attaches to a host, then it inserts it genetic material
How are bacteria cells different from plant and animal cells? they are smaller
What allows bacteria to move? the flagellum
What does bacteria do in humans? prevents harmful bacteria from growing, makes vitamin K, breaks food into smaller particles
Peanuts and peas have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in growths called ….? nodules
What are the common shapes for viruses? crystal, cylinder and sphere
What do viruses attack and destroy? cells
What helps the bacteria stick to surfaces? pili
What can viruses infect? animals, humans and plants
What protects bacteria from drying out? the capsule
What does nitrogen fixing bacteria do in plants? provides nitrogen to the plants
How does bacteria reproduce asexually? through fission
flagella whiplike tails that move bacteria
anaerobic bacteria that can live without oxygen
one celled organisms without membrane-bound organelles bacteria
what stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria antibiotic
What are endospores? thick-walled structures around bacteria
What changes nitrogen from the air into forms that can be used by plants and animals? nitrogen-fixing bacteria
What is a pathogen? an organism that produces disease
Be able to explain the benefits and harms of bacteria
Explain bacterial conjugation and why is is important for bacterial survival?

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