Beh225 Week One Checkpoint Research Method Essay

Yes Research Methods Checkpoint Research Methods Checkpoint: BEH225 Week One For this Checkpoint, I completed Appendix B: Research Methods Matrix, and prepared a recommendation to be presented to the Psychologist explaining the rationale behind my choice. SCENARIO: A psychologist is planning to conduct a study that would examine pathological liars and the quality of their romantic relationships. You have been asked to provide the psychologist with a recommendation for which research method should be used to gather data on the pathological liars and their spouses.

APPENDIX B: Using the table below list each research method and its advantages and disadvantages for use in this study. Research Method| Advantages| Disadvantages| Naturalistic Observation: Behavior is observed in the environment in which it occurs naturally. | There are no advantages for this method, in relation to the study, because pathological liars do so in most environments. | The disadvantages are observer bias, and a tendency for partners to also be enablers. | Case Studies: Behavior of one person or a few peopleis studied in depth. In-depth studies often help the observer in forming a hypothesis. | The disadvantages are observer bias, and a tendency for partners to also be enablers| Survey: A large number of participants are asked a standard set of questions. | Surveys enable an immense amount of data to be gathered quickly and inexpensively. | Respondents to surveys often answer questionnaires in a manner that paints the best picture. Additionally, partners tend to also be enablers; therefore they might not respond honestly. Correlation: Employs statistical methods to examine the relationship between two or more variables. | Correlation research may clarify relationships between variables that cannot be examined by other research methods. They allow prediction of behavior | This does not permit researchers to draw conclusions regarding cause-and-effect relationships. Additionally, pathological lying remains an issue of much debate. | Experimental: One or more variables are systematically manipulated, and the effect that manipulation on other variables is studied. Strict control of variables offers researchers the opportunity to draw conclusions about cause-and- effect relationships. | The artificiality of the lab setting may influence subjects’ behavior; unexpected and uncontrolled variables may confound results; many variables cannot be controlled and manipulated. | RECOMMENDATION TO PSYCHOLOGIST: In regard to the scenario, I recommend the Case Studies research method as the best of the five presented. My rationale for that choice is it provides a means for the studier to determine if the partner of the pathological liar is an enabler.

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I can recall that during my research toward attaining my Associate’s Degree in Human Service Management from Axia College of University of Phoenix — with a focus on Autism –that a study on the different brain structure of pathological liars yielded controversial results. According to Ellis-Christensen (2010): An interesting study on pathological lying published in the October 2005 British Journal of Psychiatry suggest that the pathological liar may have a slightly different brain than those people disposed to tell the truth.

In the prefrontal cortex of the brain, pathological liars were shown to have 26% more white matter than do people with other psychological disorders who don’t lie. Previously, white matter has been linked to ability to lie. Lower amounts of white matter is typical in the brains of people with autism, who generally cannot lie, suggesting that more white matter disposes one to the increased ability to lie. (para. 1) Unfortunately, this study does little to address how these new findings could affect treatment. In fact, it specifically states that this research hasn’t led to any new ideas for treatment.

Like the autistic, who suffers from too little white matter in the prefrontal cortex, pathological liars may not be able to have their condition resolved if the basis for their condition is a result of brain structure. (para. 3) Personality disorders that contribute to pathological lying may also respond to a combined treatment of psychiatric medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. The goal with pathological lying must in the end be to treat any evidence of illness or conditions that may influence the lying.

This may include medications and the use of behavioral therapy to help the person overcome compulsive lying. (para. 5) The study also supports my recommendation to utilize the Case Studies Research Method because it is the best approach of the five presented for the studier to obtain useful input. References Ellis-Christensen, T. (2010). How is Pathological Lying Treated?. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from http://www. wisegeek. com/how-is-pathological-lying-treated. htm Morris, C. and Maisto, A. (2005). Psychology: An Introduction, Twelfth Edition. Prentice-Hall, Pearson Education, Inc.


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