BIO 102. Chp 44, 45, & 47

Many species are held below the environmental carrying capacity by predation.
the population will continue to grow for some time.
In a population with low death rates, this age structure diagram indicates that
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carrying capacity
Population size levels off at the _______ of an environment.
Parasitism, competition, and predation are density independent factors that help control population size.
The basic level of an ecological study always begins by looking at how populations interact with each other.
All of the choices are correct.
An ecologist may study:
population densities
Bangladesh has 2596 persons per square mile, while the United States has 780 persons per square mile and Canada has 9 persons per square mile. These statistics compare the _____ of these countries.
A(n) _______ consists of all the populations of multiple species interacting in a designated region.
Population size and resource consumption.
How is environmental impact measured in a population?
A population in which death rates are higher than birth rates, and the prereproductive group is smaller than the reproductive group, is best represented by an age structure diagram with a(n) ______ -shape.
all the individuals in a population born at the same time.
When discussing population features a cohort is described as
An early cold spell that causes the plants in a given area to die off earlier than normal
Which variable is not a density-dependent factor?
demographic transition.
The sequence of decreased death rate followed by a decrease in birthrate is called
ecosystem; population
A pond represents a(n) _______ while the minnows represent a(n) ______.
When the number of births plus immigration exceeds the number of deaths plus emigration, a population size will increase.
All of these choices limit exponential growth.
Which of the following factor(s) limit(s) exponential growth of a population?
The deceleration phase of growth always precedes the stable equilibrium phase in exponential growth.
All of these are part of an ecologists skill set.
Which of the following studies would lie outside of an ecologists skill set?
Denitrification removes nitrogen from the atmosphere and converts it to a form that plants can use.
Which of the following statements about the value of the nitrogen cycle to an ecosystem is NOT true?
primary consumers eat photosynthetic organisms.
In a grazing food chain,
All of the choices are correct.
Clements proposed the climax-pattern model of succession. Governing factors for this model include
converted to heat, which is no longer useful.
Energy flow in an ecosystem is not cyclic because energy is
A community that contains a low species diversity will often have a high species richness.
The first species to begin secondary succession are called pioneer species, or colonizers.
realized niche.
The actual conditions under which an organism exists in nature constitute its
herbivore – eats producers and performs photosynthesis
Which of the following associations is incorrect?
Some water evaporates from land and from plants.
Which of the following statement(s) about the hydrologic cycle is (are) true?
such animals do not tolerate other members like them.
Compared with the numbers of grasshoppers or deer, there are not a lot of mountain lions. The reason that large and fierce top-level carnivores are rare in an ecosystem is that
Organisms in all trophic levels may be consumed by decomposers.
The only heterotrophs required in an ecosystem are
_____ is the interaction between two species as both attempt to use the same environmental resources.
If there are 12,000kg in the base of an ecological pyramid, how many kg will be found in the body tissue of the tertiary consumers?
competitive exclusion
What occurs when two species with very similar niches live in an overlapping range?
approximately 1800 clover plants
Consider the following food chain: hawk – rabbit – clover. Each species will contain a different amount of calories in its body (clover: 10 calories, rabbit: 500 and hawk: 1200). Each species has a different daily caloric requirement (clover: sunlight, rabbit: 100 calories, hawk: 300).
How many clover plants, per day, does it take to support a family of hawks (mom, dad and juvenile. Assume each hawk needs the same number of calories per day)?
the same habitat but different niches
In an Asian rice paddy, carp eat decaying material from around the base of rice plants while a snail scrapes algae from the leaves, stems, and roots of the same plant. They can survive at the same time in the same rice paddy because they occupy
fundamental niche
All of the conditions under which an organism could conceivably survive and reproduce constitute its
The frequent change in HIV surface proteins is a type of
time for development of the soil
Primary succession takes much longer than secondary succession because it involves
Chemosynthetic producers obtain energy by the oxidation of ammonia, nitrites, and sulfides, using this energy to make organic compounds.
approximately 6
Consider the following food chain: hawk – rabbit – clover. Each species will contain a different amount of calories in its body (clover: 10 calories, rabbit: 500 and hawk: 1200). Each species has a different daily caloric requirement (clover: sunlight, rabbit: 100 calories, hawk: 300).
How many rabbits, per day, does it take to support the hawk?
approximately 600 clover plants
Consider the following food chain: hawk – rabbit – clover. Each species will contain a different amount of calories in its body (clover: 10 calories, rabbit: 500 and hawk: 1200). Each species has a different daily caloric requirement (clover: sunlight, rabbit: 100 calories, hawk: 300).
How many clover plants, per day, does it take to support one hawk?
The relationship between plants and their pollinators is a good example of parasitism.
possible since carbon cycles through the biosphere.
Is it possible that the carbon atoms in your body may have once made up the living tissues of another person or animal in earlier times? This is
Energy flow in an ecosystem begins with
a geological component, in which chemicals move through the soil or the air
Chemical cycling may involve which of the following?
humans – carnivores
Which of the following associations between organism and nutrient source is incorrect?
The increase number of Batesian mimics dilutes or weakens the protection afforded by the warning color pattern, but the addition of more Mullerian mimics only strengthens the protective mimicry complex.
Consider the consequences of a harmless prey that evolves toward mimicry of a model that has an antipredator defense (Batesian mimicry). What happens to the effectiveness of this defense as more and more prey in the population are harmless mimics? Then consider what happens when a species with bad taste evolves to resemble a model that stings (Mullerian mimicry)?
Soil formation occurs – pioneer species enter the region, shrubs begin to grow – small trees begin to grow
What is the correct order of events during primary succession?
only one species per jar.
There are several species of grain beetles that live on dry meal and do considerable damage to stored grain. In an experiment, a dozen jars of dry meal are set up and fifty individuals of each species, both males and females, are added to each jar. The food supply is not quite sufficient to last for six months and the size of the jar is adequate so that wastes do not become toxic. Most likely, examination of the jars in six months will find
a community
All the populations of all the different species interacting with one another in the same environment is called
An efficient parasite usually kills its host
Which of the following statements about parasitism is NOT true?
Approximately what percentage of the energy in one trophic level is incorporated into the next trophic level?
During habitat preservation landscape preservation is often intended for one particular organism but may benefit others.
contributions to biogeochemical cycles
Biodiversity is a resource of immense value. All of the following are ways in which biodiversity is directly valuable to humans EXCEPT
18 – 20%
Approximately what % of the known biodiversity on Earth is composed of plants?
All of these are values in preserving biodiversity hotspots.
Why is there great value in preserving biodiversity hotspots?
Over fishing of the perch and herring in the area
What was the root cause of the decimation of the kelp beds along the west coast of the U.S.?
Rosy periwinkle, the nine-banded armadillo, and some species of fungus and bacteria have _________ value to man.
generally negative, with 11 of the 15 major oceanic fishing areas overexploited.
The situation with major oceanic fishing areas is
The science of collecting, analyzing, and making readily available biological information is
Conservation biology is a field that relies on multiple other disciplines to support it.
All of these are causes for extinction.
Which of the following are causes for extinction?
habitat destruction.
In spite of hundreds of millions of dollars spent on insecticides targeted at pest control for agricultural and medical purposes, man has been unable to drive any to extinction. On the other hand, the extinction of many species of birds, fishes, plants, and insects species have occurred as a result of
Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that attempts to preserve the environment while meeting the needs of humans in the present and future.
Large scale deforestation
What is the main reason for the changes that are occurring in the Earth’s climate?
Habitat loss
_______ is (are) associated with 85% of the cases of threatened and endangered species.
All of the choices are roles played by biodiversity.
Which of the following is not a role played by biodiversity within an ecosystem?
The use of wheat, corn, rice and other crops derived from wild ancestors is an example of the _______ value of biodiversity.
a habitat restoration plan.
When the factors causing habitat decline are identified and a procedure is developed to remedy this, it is
Forests and other ecosystems may decrease the chances of flooding in an area due to their water-holding capacity.
If biodiversity cannot maintain the biogeochemical cycles, then technology will have to artificially create those cycles.
Which of the following statements concerning the indirect values of biodiversity is NOT correct?
all animals have the same rights or legal status as humans
Conservation biology supports all of the following ethical principles EXCEPT
Keystone species are defined as a population subdivided into several small isolated populations due to habitat fragmentation.
Which of the following statements about keystone species is NOT true?
Preliminary studies indicate that biodiversity maximizes resource acquisition and retention within an ecosystem.
All of these fields provide useful information for making decisions about conservation
Which of the following fields of study provide useful information for making decisions about conservation?
d – c – b – a – e
What is the correct sequence of events that has led to the decimation of the kelp beds along the west coast of the U.S.?
a. Sea otters decline in numbers
b. Increase in orca predation on sea otters
c. Decline in the seals and sea otters
d. Over fishing of the herring and perch
e. Increase in the sea urchin population
Biodiversity is evenly distributed throughout the biosphere.
Which of the following statements about biological diversity is NOT true?
outcompeted by another species in the same ecosystem
Which of the following is not a human induced cause of extinction?
grizzly bear
Which of the following species is both a keystone species and a flagship species?

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