Biology 101 3

Genetic change in a population from generation to generation defines which of the following?
Georges Louis Buffon
The French naturalist, who in 1749 became one of the first scientists to suggest that closely related species arose from a common ancestor and were changing, was
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James Hutton
In 1785, the theory of uniformitarianism was proposed by
Georges Cuvier; interruptions and fossil similaries in the fossil record
The scientist, ___, proposed catastrophism and the principle of superposition after observing ___
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
The French taxonomist, who in 1809, proposed the first testable evolutionary theory, that organisms using body parts repeatedly would increase their abilities, was
Charles Darwin
The scientist who published “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” in 1859 was
organisms living in similar habitats may develop similar traits even though they are not closely related
Convergent evolution means that
descent with modification
A gradual change in an organism, from an ancestral type was referred to by Darwin as
preserves favorable variations and rejects harmful variations in a population
Malthus’ ideas on population resource limits, was incorporated by Darwin as the summary that natural selection
The name for heritable traits that provide benefit and advantage for each individual in a population to survive and reproduce are
The relatively short-term changes in allele frequencies within a population is
gene pool
The entire collection of genes and their alleles is a population’s
directional selection
The mode of natural selection in which one extreme phenotype is fittest and the environment selects against the others is
disruptive selection
The mode of natural selection in which two or more extreme phenotypes are fitter than the intermediate phenotype is
stabilizing selection
The mode of natural selection in which extreme phenotypes are less fit than the optimal intermediate phenotype is
directional selection, disruptive selection, and stabilizing selection
Three types of natural selection are
heterozygote advantage
In Africa and other parts of the world, malaria parasites can cause deadly illness. Sickle cell anemia, and other varied alleles in the production of hemoglobin, can produce a resistance to parasite growth. In these cases, individuals whose red blood cells break down more rapidly have a better chance of reaching reproductive age, in a form of balanced polymorphism. This is known as
individuals immigrate or emigrate
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will not occur in a population in which
heterozygous individuals
In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1: 2pq represents the frequency of
allele frequencies remain constant from one generation to the next so evolution does not occur
At Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
homozygous recessive, q2
Raising small beetles for several generations, a distinctive phenotype in the wing shape appears, skipping generations. This trait most likely appears only in the ___ genotype, and can help determine the ___ Hardy-Weinberg probability of inheritance in the population.
Sexually dimorphic features do not include
artificial selection
Farmers and horticulturalists have bred broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage from the wild mustard plant through
Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited
Darwin made which large set of observations while on his four-year voyage on the Beagle?
More individuals of a population are born than survive to reproduce
Darwin read which of the following in the Essay on the Principle of Population by Malthus?
In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8 what percent of the population will be heterozygous?
In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous dominant?
In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous recessive?
stabilizing selection
Babies that are at a low birth weight are more likely to have health problems, while women will have difficulty delivering babies with high birth weight. Together this leads to ______ for babies of average birth weight.
disruptive selection
Ancestors of the Galàpagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small, and required small beaks to handle, other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to ____ among the Galàpagos finches.
Natural selection acts on
is preferred by female cardinals in choosing a mate
Alleles conferring red plumage to male cardinals are common because red plumage
The feathers require a lot of energy to produce
A male peacock has enormous tail feathers that it uses in mating displays to attract females. While the tail feathers are an advantage in mating, what is the potential disadvantage of these feathers to the male?
small groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves.
The founder effect occurs when
many members of a population die, resulting in a great loss of genetic diversity
The bottleneck effect occurs when
a directional selection for smaller white-tailed deer will result in fewer “prize bucks.”
Hunting magazines, hunting show hosts, and avid hunters often weave stories of letting smaller white-tailed deer pass by, waiting for the larger “prize bucks.” Given what you know about possible changes in allele frequencies of populations, and assuming these reported hunting behaviors are true,
death rate exceeds reproductive rate
A population declines when
decrease by natural selection
Historically fishermen kept larger fish and left smaller juvenile fish. Over time the average size of the fish would
A portion (location) of DNA that encodes a specific protein is a
Alternate forms (the DNA sequences indicated by alphabetic abbreviations) of the same gene are called
males and females (one allele form each parent)
In humans, alleles for each gene are inherited from
The changes in average size would occur more rapidly.
The heritability of body size is 0.2 in Atlantic silversides. What would happen in figure (b) if this heritability was 0.8?
crossing over and random alignment of chromosomes
Gametes may carry different combinations of alleles because of
Mendel kept detailed records of the genetic traits of parent plants and their offspring plants. Among observations, he found that some traits would be expressed, whenever one particular allele was present, and called this allele
all short
If you, like Mendel, grow plants in the lab, and cross short (tt) pea plants with short pea plants, the offspring will be
were a variable mix of tall and short.
When Mendel crossed tall (Tt) plants with tall plants of the same genotype, the offspring
If the two alleles for a particular gene are identical the gene pair is
each parent contributed a different allele for that trait
If an individual is heterozygous for a particular trait,
the combination of alleles in an individual
Genotype means
the observable expression of the genes in an individual
Phenotype means
The “P” in P generation refers to
F1 generation
In the study of genetics, the offspring of the parental generation is referred to as the
Mendel’s monohybrid cross of Tt parents resulted in a tall to short ratio of
is homozygous recessive
A testcross is a mating of an individual with an unknown genotype and an individual that
homozygous dominant
In a testcross, if all the offspring show the dominant phenotype, then the individual with the unknown genotype was
The fact that the two alleles of each gene are packaged into separate gametes because they move apart from each other during gamete formation is Mendel’s law of
independent assortment
The fact that during gamete formation, the segregation of alleles for a gene on one chromosome does not influence the segregation of alleles for a gene on another chromosome is Mendel’s law of
four phenotypes
In the ABO blood type system the alleles IA, IB, and i produce
codominant inheritance
In the biology lab, you observed that your lab partner’s blood type is AB. The placement of the A and B molecules on each cell is controlled by proteins, coded by different versions of the same gene. Having both is an example of
incomplete dominance
If the heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between those of the two different homozygotes, this is called
A gene that produces a protein that is important in more than one biochemical pathway, or other trait, is a ___ gene.
are found on the same chromosome
Linked genes, by definition, are genes that
had different results
If any of the traits that Mendel worked with had been due to linked genes, his dihybrid crosses would have
far apart
Crossing over is more likely to separate genes on a chromatid if they are
is termed a carrier
If a person has a recessive allele for a disorder and that allele is masked by presence of a normal dominant allele, this person
appear in every generation
In pedigree charts, autosomal dominant disorders typically
seem to disappear in one generation, only to reappear in the next generation
In pedigree charts, autosomal recessive disorders typically
the same genes but can have different alleles
At a given position, homologous chromosomes have
homozygous for the dominant allele
If you cross two pea plants, one with green peas and the other with yellow peas, you find all of the offspring have yellow peas. You conclude the yellow parent was
G or g
If a pea plant is heterozygous for yellow seeds (Gg), which gametes could it produce?
If you conduct a monohybrid cross of two heterozygous Yy pea plants, what percentage of the offspring will be heterozygous?
In pea plants, Y confers yellow peas, and y confers green peas. If you cross two heterozygous Yy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will be yellow?
If you cross RrYy and RRyy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will have yellow peas? R = round, r = wrinkled, Y = yellow, y = green.
A cell with two full sets of chromosomes would be termed a _______________ cell.
A cell with one set of chromosomes would be termed a ________________ cell.
All of the answer choices are correct.
In human male cells, the only pair of unmatched homologous chromosomes
diploid cell.
If a sperm cell combines with an egg cell, then the result is a
sperm cell.
An example of a haploid cell is a
germ cells.
In humans, specialized cells that produce gametes are
All of the answer choices are correct.
Meiosis is a process that produces
not be as strongly able to adapt to environmental change, compared to the Kalanchoe that are reproducing sexually.
A desert plant called Kalanchoe can reproduce, either with sexual reproduction through flowers, or asexually by budding off miniature leaf and root clusters from its leaves. When buds are produced, they land on the ground, take root, and grow, genetically identical to the original. If budding is used for several years, a large area may be covered with these descendents from the same original plant. The resulting population of plants will
The abbreviation n indicates that a cell is
A diploid germ cell reduces its chromosome number by half to generate four haploid nuclei in
once; once.
Mitotic cell division creates identical copies by replicating a cell’s DNA __________ and then dividing ____________
once; twice.
Meiotic cell division replicates a cell’s DNA ____________ and then divides ______________
The chromosomal combination for a human female is
before meiosis I.
In a cell dividing by meiosis, DNA is replicated
anaphase I.
In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate during
four haploid daughter cells.
In meiosis II, cytokinesis results in the production of
All of the answer choices are correct.
Among humans, you can observe that there is variability in shape (size), skin color, and other traits. The variety in a small population results from ___ in sexual reproduction and meiosis.
is crossing over.
The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material
genetic variability during an ecological disaster
What is the major advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
four genetically distinct types of haploid gametes
A diploid cell with 4 chromosomes would produce which of the following after meiosis, assuming variability occurred due to crossing over or other abnormalities in the process?
Genes A and B are on the same chromosome. What gametes could an AABB individual produce, if no crossing over, nondisjunction or other abnormalities in meiosis occur?
crossing over
Genes A and B are on the same chromosome. The genes have alleles A and B on one homologous chromosome, and the alleles a and b on its paired homolog. How could an individual with this allele arrangement produce a gamete with a chromosome containing the alleles Ab or aB?
A species has 6 chromosome pairs in each diploid cell. How many genetically unique gametes could be produced from sexual reproduction in this species, accounting only for independent assortment?
have an odd number of chromosomes.
If you mate a donkey (2n = 62) with a horse (2n = 64) you get a mule. Mules are sterile and cannot produce gametes by meiosis because they
are alleles.
Alternate forms of the same gene
prophase I.
In meiosis, homologous chromosomes align next to one another during
homologous chromosomes.
Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits, such as these shown from two parents, are
The chromosomal combination for a human male is
sexual reproduction produces genetically variable individuals in the population.
Sexual reproduction is important to the survival of a species in a changing environment because
When the genetic material of multiple organisms has been combined, it is called recombinant DNA.
The small unit of self-replicating DNA used as a cloning vector in genetic engineering is a bacterial plasmid.
The method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to make enough exact copies of DNA for researchers to use in analysis.
stem cell research.
An ill or injured patient may have suffered from damaged tissues that the cell cycle, including mitosis, won’t naturally repair or replace. This may include damaged nerves, or skin, or muscle. A form of biotechnology that attempts to stimulate new cell divisions with application of cells that are genetically unspecialized, is
recombinant DNA.
The genetic molecular material that has been spliced together from multiple organisms is
The first organism (organisms) to have been produced as transgenic organisms was (were)
precisely cut, with a restriction enzyme,
Before a desired gene can be spliced into a bacterial plasmid cloning vector, the gene must first be ___ from the original DNA.
For DNA sequencing, the technological process called ___ separates DNA fragments that have already been isolated and cut into different lengths.
Man 2 is likely guilty, considering that he has a rare STR profile that matches crime scene samples.
Examine this diagram of short tandem repeats found in DNA profiling of three suspects in a crime. Man 1 shares the same number of STRs as 1 in 5,000 people. Man 2 shares the same number of STRs as 1 in 10,000 people. Man 3 shares the same number of STRs as 1 in 3,500 people. DNA extracted from samples at the crime scene found 6 STR repeats, giving the interpretation that Picture
Embryonic stem cells can produce any of the differentiated cells, while adult stem cells can’t.
Identify the correct comparison in the genetic characteristics between embryonic and adult stem cells.
Many plants, fungi, and even animals can asexually reproduce new genetic copies of themselves because fragments survive. This is a natural version of
somatic cell nuclear transfer.
The method used to produce the cloned sheep, Dolly, was
DNA probe
After identifying a specific protein associated with a medical problem, the corresponding gene can identified with a ___, which is radioactively or fluorescently tagged.
preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
A couple, both carriers of Cystic Fibrosis alleles, can prepare for a child being born with the disease, by testing with
A portion (location) of DNA that encodes a specific protein is a
will continue to grow and develop.
After a cell has been removed from an embryo for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the embryo
in vitro fertilization
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is one form of biotechnology associated with the fertility technology of
Alternate forms (the DNA sequences indicated by alphabetic abbreviations) of the same gene are called
males and females (one allele from each parent)
In humans, alleles for each gene are inherited from
crossing over and random alignment of chromosomes
Gametes may carry different combinations of alleles because of
Mendel kept detailed records of the genetic traits of parent plants and their offspring plants. Among observations, he found that some traits would be expressed, whenever one particular allele was present, and called this allele
all short
If you, like Mendel, grow plants in the lab, and cross short (tt) pea plants with short pea plants, the offspring will be
were a variable mix of tall and short
When Mendel crossed tall (Tt) plants with tall plants of the same genotype, the offspring
If the two alleles for a particular gene are identical the gene pair is
each parent contributed a different allele for that trait.
If an individual is heterozygous for a particular trait,
the combination of alleles in an individual.
Genotype means
the observable expression of the genes in an individual.
Phenotype means
The “P” in P generation refers to
F1 generation.
In the study of genetics, the offspring of the parental generation is referred to as the
Mendel’s monohybrid cross of Tt parents resulted in a tall to short ratio of
is homozygous recessive.
A testcross is a mating of an individual with an unknown genotype and an individual that
homozygous dominant.
In a testcross, if all the offspring show the dominant phenotype, then the individual with the unknown genotype was
The fact that the two alleles of each gene are packaged into separate gametes because they move apart from each other during gamete formation is Mendel’s law of
independent assortment
The fact that during gamete formation, the segregation of alleles for a gene on one chromosome does not influence the segregation of alleles for a gene on another chromosome is Mendel’s law of
four phenotypes.
In the ABO blood type system the alleles IA, IB, and i produce
codominant inheritance.
In the biology lab, you observed that your lab partner’s blood type is AB. The placement of the A and B molecules on each cell is controlled by proteins, coded by different versions of the same gene. Having both is an example of
incomplete dominance.
If the heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between those of the two different homozygotes, this is called
A gene that produces a protein that is important in more than one biochemical pathway, or other trait, is a ___ gene.
are found on the same chromosome
Linked genes, by definition, are genes that
had different results.
If any of the traits that Mendel worked with had been due to linked genes, his dihybrid crosses would have
is termed a carrier.
If a person has a recessive allele for a disorder and that allele is masked by presence of a normal dominant allele, this person
appear in every generation.
In pedigree charts, autosomal dominant disorders typically
seem to disappear in one generation, only to reappear in the next generation.
In pedigree charts, autosomal recessive disorders typically
the same genes but can have different alleles.
At a given position, homologous chromosomes have
homozygous for the dominant allele.
If you cross two pea plants, one with green peas and the other with yellow peas, you find all of the offspring have yellow peas. You conclude the yellow parent was
G or g
If a pea plant is heterozygous for yellow seeds (Gg), which gametes could it produce?
If you conduct a monohybrid cross of two heterozygous Yy pea plants, what percentage of the offspring will be heterozygous?
In pea plants, Y confers yellow peas, and y confers green peas. If you cross two heterozygous Yy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will be yellow?
If you cross RrYy and RRyy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will have yellow peas? R = round, r = wrinkled, Y = yellow, y = green.
RY, Ry, rY, or ry
Which gametes can a RrYy plant produce?
incompletely dominant
In an inherited form of high cholesterol, rr individuals have a blood cholesterol level greater than 500 mg/dL, Rr individuals are near 300 mg/dL, while normal (RR) cholesterol levels should be less than 200 mg/dL. The R allele is ___ to the r allele.
IA i , and IB i
A man with type A blood and a woman with type B blood have a child with type O blood. What are the genotypes of the man and woman?
autosomal recessive
In cystic fibrosis, two unaffected carriers can have a child with the disease. It is as common in boys as in girls. This disease is
Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. If a normal man marries a woman who is a carrier, what fraction of their sons will have hemophilia?
Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. If a normal man marries a woman who is a carrier, what fraction of their daughters will have hemophilia?
XHXh, and XhY
In order for a girl to inherit hemophilia A, her parents would have which genotypes?
skin color is a polygenic trait.
The wide variation in skin color in humans is best explained by
natural selection
When a farmer grows cotton containing the gene for Bt toxin, insects that are resistant (rr) survive and reproduce. This is an example of
the purpose of sex is reproduction– we reproduce so that our genes are passed down and we reproduce as much as possible for genetic variation in the face of disaster
Why sex?
during dna replication a homologous pair may exchange segments of the same gene for genetic variation
crossing over
genetic variation occurs by mutation or crossing over– variation is good for reproduction for survival
genetic variation in meiosis
chromosomes that are joined by the kinetochore are a homologous pair — they share the same genetic material
homologous pair
the failure of one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate normally during nuclear division, usually resulting in an abnormal distribution of chromosomes in the daughter nuclei.
of, relating to, or denoting an organism that contains genetic material into which DNA from an unrelated organism has been artificially introduced
Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is a laboratory technique used to make multiple copies of a segment of DNA. PCR is very precise and can be used to amplify, or copy, a specific DNA target from a mixture of DNA molecules.
three hydroxyl group
dideoxynucleotides (terminators)
an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
stem cells
the transplantation of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders.
gene therapy
genetic variation in meiosis
this occurs through crossing over and independent assortment
the relatively short term changes in allele frequencies in a population

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