Biology 111 chapter 9

homologous chromosomes
Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits are
Meiosis is a process that produces
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The process by which a bacterium uses a sex pilus to transfer genetic information to another bacterium is
sexual reproduction produces genetically different individuals
Sexual reproduction is important to the survival of a species in a changing environment because
2n is an abbreviation for
two complete sets of chromosomes
Diploid means having
1n is an abbreviation for
testes and ovaries
In humans, germ cells are located in
A diploid germ cell will produce cells that have reduced the chromosome number by half, generating four haploid nuclei in
After the completion of meiosis in humans, a diploid germ cell has produced cells with half the original chromosome number, generating __________ haploid nuclei.
The process that merges the gametes from two parents is
a diploid cell
A zygote is
meiosis, gamete formation,and fertilization
Sexual reproduction includes
once, once
Mitotic cell division creates identical copies by replicating a cell’s DNA __________ and then dividing ____________.
once, twice
Meiotic cell division replicates a cell’s DNA ____________ and then divides ______________.
23 pairs of chromosomes
Human cells have
The human chromosomes that do not determine gender are
The chromosomal designation for a human male is
The chromosomal designation for a human female is
larger than the Y chromosome
The X chromosome is
smaller than the X chromosome
The Y chromosome
interphase prior to meiosis 1
In meiosis, DNA replicates during
metaphase 1
In meiosis, homologous chromosomes align next to one another during
anaphase 1
In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate during
two haploid calls with sister chromatids still attached
In meiosis I, cytokinesis usually occurs after telophase I and produces
metaphase 1
In meiosis, paired homologs align down the center of the cell during
metaphase 2
In meiosis, chromosomes containing sister chromatids (not homologous chromosomes) align along the center of the cell during
anaphase 2
In meiosis, the separated sister chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell during
four haploid daughter cells
In meiosis II, cytokinesis results in the production of
random fertilization, independent assortment, and crossing over
Sexual reproduction and meiosis generate genetic variety by
is crossing over
The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material
are alleles
Alternate forms of the same gene
What process creates daughter cells with a mixture of paternal and maternal chromosomes?
cannot be produced by meiosis
A gamete having more than one complete set of chromosomes
results in a sperm or egg cell with an abnormal number of chromosomes
When chromosomes fail to separate at either the first or second meiotic division, this
all answers are correct
Nondisjunction may cause
genetic variability when the enviroment is stable
What is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
offspring are a genetic mix of both parents
Why does sexual reproduction produce more genetic variability in a population?
genes, alleles
Homologous chromosomes contain the same ____ but may contain different ____.
must have two x chromosomes
In order to be a female, a human
to prevent the number of chromosomes from doubling each generation
Why is it essential that meiosis produce haploid cells?
four haploid cells
If a diploid cell goes through meiosis it will generate
two diploid cells
If a diploid cell goes through mitosis it will generate
2 with sister chromatids still attached
When a human egg ovulates, it arrests in metaphase II until it is fertilized by a sperm. How many chromosomes are present in the egg at metaphase II?
crossing over
Which of the following will occur in meiosis but not in mitosis?
somatic cells cannot undergo meiosis
If a chromosome in one of your bone cells becomes mutated, you will not pass this mutation onto your children because
they have an odd number of chromosomes
If you mate a donkey (2n = 62) with a horse (2n = 64) you get a mule. A mule is sterile and cannot produce gametes by meiosis because
the number of X chromosomes in the egg
In humans, the sex of a child is determined by
two eggs and two sperm
Fraternal twins (dizygotic) result from the fertilization of
DNA, asexual, sexual reproduction, and gametes
Genetic information is passed from one generation to the next through
mitosis and asexual reproduction
What two processes results in genetically-identical products?
meiosis and sexual reproduction
What two processes results in genetically-different products?

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