Biology-Chapter 12

DNA that includes pieces from two different sources
Which of the following is the best definition for recombinant DNA
An organism carrying a gene that was acquired by artificial means
Which of these is a genetically modified organism
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An organism containing a gene from another species
Which of the following best defines the term transgenetic organism
The world’s first genetically engineered pharmaceutical product was
Stimulating the immune system to develop lasting defenses
A vaccine works by
To produce potentially useful protein
Transgenic animals are currently used
Which of these can act as a vector to introduce new genes into a cell
Isolation of a plasmid from a bacterium
Of these steps, which occurs first in the production of recombinant plasmid
The same restriction enzyme is used to isolate the gene of interest and to cut the plasmid DNA
Of these steps which one acker earliest in the process of producing recombinant DNA
Desired gene is inserted into the plasmid in the plasmid is taken up by the bacterium
When plasmids are used to produce a desired protein the
Gene cloning
The process of making multiple copies of a gene by inserting it into a host genome and culturing the host is an example of
Genomic library
A collection of cloned DNA fragments that include an organism’s entire genome is called a
Find a specific nucleotide sequence
Nucleic acid probes are used to
Restriction enzymes are obtained from
A restriction enzyme
Sticky ends are produced as a result of the action of
Single-stranded ends of fragments of double-stranded DNA
Sticky ends are
A DNA fragment with a sticky and that reads ATTCG will bind with another DNA fragment with a sticky and that reads
DNA ligase
Which enzyme is used to bind DNA fragments together
Using DNA ligase to join DNA fragments
Of the following which is the last step in the production of recombinant DNA plasmid
You can use PCR to increase the amount of DNA available for restriction fragment analysis
You are attempting to link an individual to a crime the only evidence you have is a tiny drop of blood how can you use this drop of blood to make the association
Genetic marker
What name is given to a region of DNA that varies from person to person
Gel electrophoresis
Cutting DNA with a particular restriction enzyme produces DNA fragments that can be separated by
Restriction enzymes
To make restriction fragments of a DNA sample is treated with
Gel electrophoresis separate DNA fragments on the basis of differences in their
Different numbers of repeats of short DNA sequences at certain sites in the genome
Str analysis is a DNA profiling technique that makes use of the fact that different people have
The scientific field that studies complete sets of gene is called
The human genome contains approximately_______ genes
Approximately what percentage of the human genome consists of noncoding DNA
Play a role in all of the choices listed here
The human genome project has the potential to
Humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor
Which of these statements can be logically inferred from the amount of DNA shared by chimpanzees and humans
modern laboratory techniques for studying and manipulating genetic material
DNA Technology
constructed when scientists combine pieces of DNA from two different sources –often from different species– to form a single DNA molecule
Recombinant DNA
the direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes
genetic engineering
a harmless variant or derivative of a disease-causing microbe that is used to prevent an infectious disease
organisms that have acquired one or more genes by artificial means
genetically modified organisms
an organism that gets a gene from another species
transgenic organism
small, circular DNA molecules that replicate separately from the large bacterial chromosome & carry genes
the production of multiple identical copies of a gene-carrying piece of DNA
gene cloning
the cutting tool used for making recombinant DNA
restriction enzymes
the DNA sequence recognized by a particular restriction enzyme
restriction site
pieces of DNA like A and G
restriction fragments
the “pasting” enzyme; connects the DNA pieces into continuous strands by forming bonds between adjacent nucleotides
DNA ligase
an organism’s entire genome
genomic library
a labeled (with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent dye) molecule that is used to find a specific gene or other nucleotide sequence in a mass of DNA
nucleic acid probe
the analysis of DNA samples to determine whether they come from the same individual
DNA profiling
the scientific analysis of evidence for crime scene investigations and other legal proceedings
a technique to target a specific segment of DNA so that it can be copied quickly and precisely (good w/ very little evidence)
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
nucleotide sequences that are present in multiple copies
repetitive DNA
a series of short repeats in DNA sequences
short tandem repeat (STR)
a method of DNA profiling that compares the lengths of STR sequences at specific sites in the genome
STR Analysis
the study of complete sets of genomes
1st, chop up the entire genome into fragments using restriction enzymes
2nd, clone all the fragments and sequence them
3rd, computers reassemble the sequences
whole-genome shotgun method
the study of full protein sets

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