Biology Chapter 25

by characteristics that resemble those of fungi, plants and animals
How are protists often classified ?
flagella,cilia, or pseudopodia
How do protists move?
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binary fission, multiple fission, conjugation
List three ways that protists reproduce :
an organism that is classified as a member of the kingdom Protista
binary fission
a form of asexual reproduction in single celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells
multiple fission
a form of cell division that produces more than two cells
an exchange of genetic material that occurs between two temporarily joined cells
a retractable, temporary cytoplasmic extension that functions in food injection and movement in certain amoeboid cells
amoeboid movement
a characteristic movement of protozoa that occurs because of the formation of pseudopodium
a hairlike structure arranged in tightly packed rows that projects from the surface of some cells
a protective envelope of nonliving material that covers many protozoans
oral groove
a depressed region in the mouth of some ciliate protozoans, such as parameciums
an opening into which the mouth pore opens
anal pore
an opening in which wastes are eliminated
contractile vacuole
an organelle that accumulates water and then releases it periodically to maintain somatic pressure
the larger of two types of nuclei found in some protozoans
the smaller, reproductive nucleus found in some protozoans
a long, hairlike structure that grows out of a cell and enables a cell to move
pellicle, oral groove, mouth pore, gullet
name the key characteristics of each phylum of animal like protists
autotrophic eukaryotic organisms that convert the sun’s energy into food through photosynthesis but do not have roots, leaves, or stems
a cell or organ that produces gametes
organisms that float near the surface of marine or fresh water and that are the basic source of food in many aquatic ecosystems
a unicellular alga that has a double shell that contains silica
the production of light by means of a chemical reaction in an organism
red tide
a population explosion of certain marine dinoflagellates that causes the water to turn red or red brown color and contain poisonous alkaloids
a flagellated unicellular algae
fruiting body
a part of a plant, fungus, or protist that produces seeds or spores
water mold
a funguslike protist that is composed of branching filaments of cells
plasmodial slime molds
a type of protist that has amoeboid cells, flagellated cells, and a plasmodial feeding in its life cycle
cellular slime molds
a type of protist that lives as an individual haploid amoeboid cell that gathers with other such cells in a dense structure called a pseudoplasmodium
algal blooms
a vast increase in the concentration of algae and cyanobacteria in a body of eutrophic water
a polysaccharide derivative of alginic acid that is found in brown algae and that has many industrial uses including thickening agent in foods and a dental impression agent
a gel like polysaccharide compound used for culturing microbes
diatomaceous earth
a soft, fine, porous deposit that is composed mainly of the skeletons of diatoms
a sporozoan that has been released from the oocyst and is ready to penetrate a new host cell
the infective stage of the plasmodial life cycle,infects red blood cells of the host organism
a cell that is not differentiated and that develops into a gamete
produce oxygen,recycle materials, form food webs
What are three roles of protist producers?
protists and corals
Give an example of protist symbioses :
cytoplasmic streaming
amoebas move by means of what ?
What is formed from the tests of dead sarcodines ?
the exchange of haploid micronuclei between two individuals
Sexual reproduction in ciliates involve what ?
sleeping sickness
What is one disease caused by mastigophoran ?
parasitic and complex life cycles
Most species in the phylum Apicomplexa are what ? and have what ?
accumulate sediment
How have forminifera and radiolarians contributed to the formation of sedimentary layers on the ocean floor ?
cilia creates a current that sweeps food into food vacuole
Describe the processes of feeding and digestion in a paramecium :
Algae differ from protozoans in that algae are what ?
The body portion of a seaweed is called what ?
presence or absence of flagella
Algae are classified into phyla based on their what ?
food or water is scarce
A plasmodial slime mold will generally form a fruiting body when what happens ?
water molds
Separate sperm-containing and egg-containing structures are produced by what ?
Protozoans are members of what kingdom?
One characteristic that is not found in any protozoan is what ?
Phylum Protozoa, amoeba
Name the Phylum : animal like, unicellular, uses pseudopodia to move and feeding purposes, oceans. and give an example
Phylum Ciliphora, Paramecium
Name the Phylum : unicellular, animal like protists, move by cilia, reproduce asexually or sexually. and give an example
plasmodium, mosquitos
What causes malaria and how is it transferred ?
What causes sleeping sickness ?
human intestines
Although most amoebas live freely , where else can they be found ?
How many species are found in the phylum ciliphora ?
clear, elastic layer of protein
give an example of sarcomastigophora
give an example of phylum apicomplex
How do protozoans move?
How do ciliophora move ?
How do sarcomastigophora move ?
they don’t move
How do apicomplex move ?
unicellular, collonial, filamentous, multicellular
name four body forms :
green algae
what is chlorphyta ?
brown algae
what is phaeophyta ?
red algae
what is rhodophyta ?
golden algae
what is chrysophyta ?
plasmodial slime molds
What is muxomycota ?
cellular slime molds
what is dictyosteldia ?
water molds
what is oomycota ?
what do we use for cosmetics and ice-cream ?
what kind of protist of we use for food ?

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