Cause the teacher told me too

Question Answer
Water in the oceans Seawater
chemical process in which light energy, water, and carbon dioxide are converted into sugar Photosynthesis
the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise are regions of the continental Plains
What is the term for an unscrewed submersible used to explore the seafloor ROV
The large, flat areas of the seafloor that extend across the deepest parts of the ocean basin are Abyssal plains
Which zone does not receive any sunlight Deep zone
What happens to density as depth increase in oceans It increases
Salt water mixed with freshwater is Brackish water
The five oceans are the Antarctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Southern Ocean False
Salinity is a measure of the mass of dissolved solids in a mass of water True
A salinity of 35 parts per thousands means that if you mesaured 1,000 g of seawater, 1,000 g would be water molecules and 35 g would be salts False
The salinity of seawater is not constant True
Brackish water is polluted water mixed with seawater False
Distinguish between how an ocean trench and a mid-ocean ridge form Mid ocean ridges form by tectonic plates pulling apart
Ocean trenches form by tectonic plates colliding
List two main categories of resources on or beneath the ocean floor Energy and minerals
Why do organisms that perform photosynthesis live only in the surface zone They need direct sunlight
Most bio-luminescent deep-sea organisms emit blue and green light. What is the advantage of emitting these colors instead of other colors They go deeper into the water.
To operate with hands or by mechanical means in a skillful manner. manipulate
The oceans were filled during tens of thousands of years with water from _____ and possibly ice from comets and asteroids Precipitation
Oceanographers use _______ to explore the seafloor submersibles
What is the term for an uncrewed submersible used to explore the seafloor ROV
Which zone does not receive any sunlight Deep zone
Surface Zone Most sunlight
Middle Zone Some sunlight
Deep Zone No sunlight

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