Ch. 15 Bio

the field of genetics that involves the microscopic examination of the chromosomes and cell division
Cytogenetics is
negative charges on DNA are attracted to positive charges of the histone proteins
DNA associates very tightly with nucleosomes because
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When the S phase of the cell cycle is finished, a cell has twice as many chromatids as the number of chromosomes in the G1 phase
What is correct about the cell cycle?
Humans have __________ different types of autosomes
Consider an organism whose karyotype shows it to have a total of 60 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be contained in the sperm of this organism?
The process by which haploid cells are produced from diploid cells is called
contributes to the genetic diversity of a species
The formation of the bivalent during meiosis
the cells are haploid and the homologous pairs are in separate cells
At the end of meiosis 1
are spontaneously aborted in the first trimester
Most human embryos that are aneuploid
they all have a specific chromosome territory that is determined by the nuclear matrix
Chromosomes inside the nucleus do not overlap with each other because
is not present on the chromosomes of the daughter cells until the S phase
The centromere
Chromosomes are replicated during the ______ phase.
prophase of meiosis I
Synaptonemal complexes form during
mitosis, meiosis, and fusion of the gametes
The life cycle of a sexual reproducing organisms includes
The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are called
The parts of chromosomes where the spindle apparatus will attach are called
sister chromatids
When a single chromosome has undergone DNA replication, it consists of two
The human ________ consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes.
homologous chromosomes
Each pair of human chromosomes (for example, two copies of chromosome 17) is called a pair of
double-stranded DNA molecule
A single, unreplicated chromosome consists of a single
Supplying energy for the replication of chromosomes into pairs of sister chromatids
The cell cycle consists of several checkpoints at which the cycle can be stopped before continuing to the next phase. What is not one of these checkpoints?
cyclin-dependent kinase
The activity of a __________ ________ depends on interaction with a cyclin
mitotic cyclin
Just before mitosis, a ________ _________ interacts with an appropriate cdk to start M phase
After a cell enters S phase, the G1 ______ will be degraded
Cyclins are named because their levels ______ during gap, S and M phases
The point in the cell cycle at which conditions are assessed before continuing is called a
all the genetic material is duplicated then segregated equally to the daughter cells
Mitosis results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. This is because
Homologous chromosomes pair together to form a
The process of pairing of homologous chromosomes is called
In each bivalent, there would be a total of ___ centromeres
In a bivalent, you should be able to see _____ total sister chromatids
crossing over
A physical exchange of material between two homologous chromosomes is called _______ ______.
The visible evidence that exchange of genetic material has occurred is called a
the mother cell is diploid, but the products of the first division are haploid
The first division of meiosis is called a reduction division. This is because

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