Chapter 12 Quiz microbiology

a. zygote
The fusion of two gametes produces a…
a. zygote
b. chromatid
c. schizont
d. centromere
e. merozoite
e. interphase
Replication of the DNA occurs during?
a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. telophase
d. anaphase
e. interphase
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b. anaphase
Sister chromatids separate and move towards the poles of the cell during _____ of mitosis?
a. interphase
b. anaphase
c. prophase
d. telophase
e. metaphase
C. tetrad
The aligned pair of homologous chromosomes is called a…
a. spindle
b. chromatid
c. tetrad
d. coenocyte
e. gamete
b. fungi: usually diploid
Which of the following pairs is mismatched
a. plants: usually diploid
b. fungi: usually diploid
c. animals: usually diploid
d. protozoa: usually diploid
e. algae: usually haploid
d. anaphase II
Sister chromatids separate during the _____meiosis?
a. anaphase I
b. prophase II
c. metaphase II
d. anaphase II
e. telophase I
b. diploid cells produce haploid daughter cells
Which of the following statements regarding meiosis is most accurate?
a. homologous (non sister) chromatids separate during anaphase II
b. diploid cells produce haploid daughter cells
c. haploid cells produce diploid cells
d. meiosis has the same number of stages and mitosis
e. crossing over occurs during metaphase I
b. schizogony
Merozoites are a result of?
a. meiosis
b. schizogony
c. mitosis
d. crossing over
e. conjugation
e. toxoplasma: cilia
Which of the following pairs is mismatched
a. entamoeba: pseudopodia
b. euglena: flagellum
c. plasmodium: merozoites
d. paramecium: two nuclei
e. toxoplasma: cilia
a. cyst
Which of the following is a protozoan stage that allows for transmission of intestinal parasites from one host to another?
a. cyst
b. kinetoplast
c. schizont
d. foraminifera
e. merozoite
a. pseudohyphae
Candida albicans invades human tissues by use of?
a. pseudohyphae
b. hyphae
c. thalli
d. mycelia
e. coenocytes
c. mycelium
The _____ is the entire interwoven mass of one multicellular fungai organism?
a. psudoplamodium
b. conidiophore
c. mycelium
d. sporangium
e. hyphae
e. Paramecium and Plasmodium
Which of the following is classified among the Alveolates?
a. Foraminifera
b. Paramecium and Foraminifera
c. Plasmodium
d. Paramecium
e. Paramecium and Plasmodium
b. dinoflagellates
Which of the following types of protozoa are bioluminescent?
a. ciliates
b. dinoflagellates
c. kinetoplastids
d. apicomplexans
e. amoebae
d. both algae and protozoa
Plankton is composed of which of the following types of eukaryotic microbes?
a. algae
b. protozoa
c. fungi
d. both algae and protozoa
e. both fungi and algae
a. ciliates
Conjugation is a reproductive process associated with which of the following types of protozoa?
a. ciliates
b. amoebae
c. dinoflagellates
d. parabasalids
e. kinetoplastids
a. forminiferans
Which of the following types of protozoa contributes to limestone formation in their fossilized state?
a. forminiferans
b. diplomonads
c. amoebae
d. euglenozoa
e. ciliates
d. mode of development
The asexual spores of molds are classified according to their?
a. size
b. number of chromosomes
c. type of metabolism
d. shapes
e. mode of development
a. dikaryon
Which of the following is a cell type associated with sexual reproduction in fungi?
a. dikaryon
b. mycorrhiza
c. pneumocyst
d. sporangiospore
e. haustoria
c. Saccharomyces
The first eukaryote to have its entire genome sequenced was the fungus
a. Cryptococcus
b. Neurospora
c. Saccharomyces
d. Candida albicans
e. Rhizopus
e. both helminths and protozoa
Parasitology is the study of
a. helminths
b. fungi
c. algae
d. protozoa
e. both helminths and protozoa
e. Pfiesteria
Which of the following is a dinoflagellate whose toxin causes possible estuary-associated syndrome (PEAS)
a. Gymnodinium
b. Balantidum
c. Toxoplasma
d. Gonyaulax
e. Pfiesteria
b. Phaeophyta
The large seaweed known as kelp is classified as a member of the
a. Chrysophyta
b. Phaeophyta
c. Rhodophyta
d. Chlorophyta
e. Deuteromycete
c. molds
Hyphae are associated with which of the following?
a. yeasts
b. protozoa
c. molds
d. algae
e. helminths
d. Ascomycota
Most of the fungi that spoil food belong to the division
a. Basidiomycota
b. Rhodophyta
c. Deutromycetes
d. Ascomycota
e. Zygomycota
d. cyanobacteria or green algae
Lichens are composed of a symbiosis of fungi and which of the following?
a. cyanobacteria
b. euglenoids
c. green algae
d. cyanobacteria or green algae
e. euglenoids or dinoflagellates
a. slime molds
A plasmodium is a coenocytic structure associated with
a. slime molds
b. yeast
c. amoebae
d. water molds
e. green algae
b. mushrooms
The division Basidiomycota includes which of the following types of fungi?
a. truffles
b. mushrooms
c. baker’s yeast
d. bread mold
e. ringworm
c. mycorrhizae
The roots of vascular plants form associations with fungi called _______, which allow them to absorb water and dissolved minerals from the soil?
a. thalli
b. mycoses
c. mycorrhizae
d. lichens
e. hyphae
a. Trichonympha
Which of the following protozoan genera helps termites digest wood?
a. Trichonympha
b. Naegleria
c. Trichomonas
d. Pfiesteria
e. Nosema
c. 16
In a cell that has a diploid number of 8 chromosomes, how many chromatids will be present at the beginning of mitosis?
a. 8
b. 4
c. 16
d. 32
e. 2
c. spindle
Which of the following is composed of microtubules?
a. coenocyte
b. tetrad
c. spindle
d. zygote
e. chromatid
d. late anaphase and early telophase
Which of the following would be virtually indistinguishable under the microscope?
a. early metaphase and early anaphase
b. early prophase and early metaphase
c. late metaphase and early telophase
d. late anaphase and early telophase
e. early anaphase and late anaphase
E. coenocytes
When mitosis occurs without cytokinesis, which of the following is produced?
a. merozoites
b. chromatids
c. cysts
d. macronuclei
e. coenocytes
A. anaphase
______ is the stage of mitosis in which chromatids move toward opposite poles?
a. anaphase
b. telophase
c. metaphase
d. prophase
e. interphase
b. prophase
The nuclear membrane disintegrates during _____ of mitosis.
a. cytokinesis
b. prophase
c. anaphase
d. metaphase
e. telophase
c. metaphase
The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during
a. telophase
b. prophase II
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. prophase
d. telophase
The process of cytokinesis may occur during
a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. interphase
d. telophase
e. anaphase
e. prophase
During mitotic _____, the spindle forms.
a. metaphase
b. interphase
c. anaphase
d. telophase
e. prophase
a. algae
Organisms known as diatoms are classified with the
a. algae
b. helminths
c. water molds
d. protozoa
e. fungi
B. fungi
The _____ include organisms classified as Deuteromycetes
a. algae
b. fungi
c. water molds
d. protozoa
b. protozoa
Single-celled organisms called ciliates are
a. insects
b. protozoa
c. algae
d. water molds
e. fungi
d. fungi
Ascomycetes are members of the
a. algae
b. protozoa
c. helminths
d. fungi
e. arachnids
a. algae
The kelps are classified as
a. algae
b. fungi
c. arachnids
d. protozoa
e. water molds
Fungi reproduce only asexually
Haploid genomes contain two sets of chromosomes
Protozoa are eukaryotic organisms that lack a cell wall and can be unicellular or multicellular
In fungi, aseptate hyphae are coenocytic by definition
Diseases of animals caused by fungi are called mycoses
Myxamoebae act like protozoan amoebae only in the absence of water
Algae can have different types of photosynthetic pigments that allow them to photosynthesize at various depths in water
Ciliates often have two kinds of nuclei that have different functions
Unlike the term fungi, the terms algae and protozoa are not accepted taxa.
Current classification of the algae is based on morphologic characteristics.

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