Chapter 17 Laboratory Animal and Research Animal Management

Question Answer
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) association developed for the exchange of information and humane care of laboratory animals used in research
American Medical Association (AMA) agency that represents the human side of medicine and conducts many studies that benefit the advancement of human medicine and surgical procedures
animal behaviorists people who study animals to collect data on their behavior in captivity
animal models live animals used to assist in gaining knowledge and information on human and veterinary medicine by studying behavior, diseases, procedures, treatments, and the effects of medications on the body
animal tissue living part of an animal that is cultured in a lab and grown for specific needs
Animal Welfare Act strictly regulates experiments on animals; statistics show that most experiments are not painful to animals
applied research research done for a specific purpose such as developing a vaccine or medication
asepsis technique of keeping a sterile environment
basic research research studied in a lb setting in order to determine knowledge and understanding in life processes and diseases
by products tissue tissue that is removed from an animal when it is used for other purposes in research or for human consumption
clinical research research that is conducted in a lab setting and focuses on human and veterinary related issues
computer system computerized models that mimic animal behaviors and internal or external structures, also known as simulated systems
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) agency that monitors and approves studies for research prior to being conducted
lab animals animals bred, raised, and care for specifically in controlled environments to ensure accurate results are obtained and that the animals are genetically suitable for work
laboratory animal technician specially trained professionals that care for animals used in research by feeding, cleaning, monitoring, and caring for their overall health
laboratory veterinarian doctors who provide medical care to animals involved in research and perform surgical procedures used in improving techniques for humans and animals
living animals any species of animal that is alive and in some way responds to a stimulus
Mus musculus genus and species of the mouse
National Institute of Health (NIH) agency that specfies animal space requirements of a species housed for research purposes
New world monkeys monkey species that originated in south America
nonhuman primates animals that resemble humans and have moveable thumbs
nonliving systems models that are mechanical in nature and mimic the species of animals that is being studied
Old world monkeys monkeys that originated in Asia and Africa
Oryctolagus cuniculus the genus and species of the rabbit
physiology study of living organisms
primates animals, such as monkeys and apes that have moveable thumbs and in many ways resemble humans
Rattus norvegicus genus and species of the rat
research studies used to answer questions about medical conditions that affect humans and animals
research scientists staff responsible for planning the experiments to be done on animals and ensuring the animals are not in pain
simulated systems models that mimic an animal's behavior and internal or external structures to conduct research

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