Chapter 3: BIOLOGY: Communities and Biomes

Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
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Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Soil chemistry
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Plant nutrients
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
Tell if abiotic or biotic:
_____ are constantly changing.
Abiotic factors
Both ____ and biotic factors change in every ecosystem.
Ecological succession
One type of ecosystem change, called ___, results in one community replacing another over time.
Lava flow
This process might begin on bare rock, such as a(n) ____.
Pioneer species
The process begins when _____ begin living on bare rock.
Primary succession
This process is called ____ which bare rock is just there and soil regrows over time
Climax community
The mature community that eventually forms is called the ____
Sometimes that community is destroyed by a(n) ____
Secondary succession
A new community will replace the destroyed one through the process of ____
Name the material that is present for secondary succession that is not present for primary succession
•the soil exists
Cite two reasons why secondary succession is faster than primary succession
Climax community
Recall the name for the mature community that develops in secondary succession
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
The INTERACTIONS of abiotic and biotic factors result in conditions that are suitable for some organisms but not for others.
False; abiotic factors
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
Food availability and temperature can be BIOTIC FACTORS for a particular organism.
False; restricts
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
A limiting factor is any biotic or abiotic factor that PROMOTES the existence, numbers, reproduction, or distribution of organisms
False; small, shallowed-rooted trees
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
At high elevations where the soil is thin, vegetation is limited to LARGE, DEEP ROOTED trees.
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
Factors that limit one population in a community may also have AN INDIRECT effect on another population
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
TOLERANCE is the ability of an organism to withstand fluctuations in biotic and abiotic environmental factors.
False; smaller
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
A population of deer would become LARGER as conditions move away from optimal toward either extreme of the deer’s range of tolerance.
Tell if true or false. If false replace the word in bold to make true.
Different species may above different ranges of TOLERANCE
The natural changes and ___ replacements that take place in the communities of ecosystems are known as ___
It can take ____ or even centuries for one community to ___, or replace, another
When new sites of land are formed, as in a lava flow, the first organisms to colonize the new area are _____ species
This colonization is called ____ succession that has only bare rock
Slows down
The species inhabiting the area gradually change. Eventually, succession _____ and the community becomes more stable.
Finally, a mature community that undergoes little or no change, called a _____ community, develops
Primary succession
Sequence of community changes where soil is formed, allowing small, weedy plants to inhabit the area
Secondary succession
Sequence of community changes occurring as a result of a natural disaster, such as a forest fire
Climax community
A stable, mature community with little or no succession occurring
Amount of plant growth
An example of a biotic limiting factor affecting a community of organisms
This colonization is called ____ succession that has only bare rock
Finally, a mature community that undergoes little or no change, called a _____ community, develops
Primary succession
Sequence of community changes where soil is formed, allowing small, weedy plants to inhabit the area
climax community
A stable or mature community
A large group of ecosystems that have the same type of climax community
Ground that is always frozen
Changes in a community over time
Driest biome
Boone in which cereal grains are grown
Photic zone
Part of the ocean where sunlight penetrates
Taiga (boreal forest)
Most of its trees are conifers
Body of water in which salt and fresh water mix
Tropical rain forest
Has warm weather and plenty of rainfall
Has no trees
Aphotic zone
Part of the ocean where sunlight does lot penetrate
Temperate forest
Most of its trees lose their leaves every year
Climax community; biome
A large group of ecosystems sharing the same type of ____ is called a ___
Water; aquatic biomes
Biomes located in the bodies of ____, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, are called ____
The water in Maine biomes is ____
Biomass; small
Oceans contain the largest amount of ____, or living material, of any biome on Earth. Yet, most of them organisms are so ___ that they cannot be seen without magnification
Photic zone
The ____ is that part of marine biomes shallow enough to be penetrated by sunlight
Aphotic zone
Deep-water regions of marine biomes reviewing no sunlight make up the ____
If you followed the course of a river, it would eventually flow into the ____
A. a lake
B. a stream
C. an ocean or a sea
D. a swamp
The body of water where fresh water from a river mixes with salt water is called
A. an estuary
B. a shoreline
C. a sandbar
D. a sea
Organisms living in intertidal zones have structured that protect the from
A. the dark
B. sunlight
C. wave action
D. temperature
Life is abundant in photic zones because
A. there are no waves
B. the water is warm
C. the water is clean
D. there are many nutrients
The greatest number of organisms living in the photic zone of a marine biome are
A. dolphins
B. plankton
C. plants
D. sharks
Few organisms live at the bottom of a deep lake because of the lack of
A. sunlight
B. space
C. plankton
D. bacteria
Temperature and precipitation
Which two abiotic factors determine the type of climax community that will develop in a particular part of the world?
In which terrestrial biome is the ground permanently frozen?
1. Narrow leaves and waxy coatings to reduce water loss
2. Spines, thorns, or poisons
3. Ability to germinate from seeds and quickly mature
What are some adaptation that desert animals have developed?
Top- canopy
Middle- understory
Bottom- ground
Describe the three layers of a tropical rainforest, including organisms that live in each layer
Arid land with sparse, drought-resistant plane
Largest terrestrial biome that supports small planes and grasses, but few trees
Treeless land where only small planes and grasses grow during the long summer days
Tropical rain forest
Warm, wet land that supports many species of organisms
Land with coniferous forests, peat swamps, and long, harsh winters
Temperate deciduous forest
Land populated with broad-leaves hardwood trees that lose their leaves annually
A severe drought
An example of an abiotic limiting factor affecting a community of organisms
Limiting factor
Something that stops or slows down the growth of a population
Secondary succession
Happens after a community had been destroyed

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