Character Protects Life Essay

Sample Questions 1. In the chemical formula for ammonia, NH3, what does the subscript 3 represent? (a) the number of ammonia molecules that will bond together (b) the number of nitrogen atoms in each molecule of ammonia (c) the number of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms in each molecule of ammonia (d) The number of hydrogen atoms in each molecule of ammonia 2. The diagram above shows a block from the periodic table. The number six represents the following consumers eats only producers? a) atomic mass of the element carbon (b) atomic number of the element carbon (c) number of neutrons in the element carbon (d) number of valence electrons in the element carbon 3. Insulation materials reduce heat loss because they (a) promote convection (b) block out the sun (c) reduce evaporation (c) are poor conductors In the food web shown, which of the 5. (a) Mouse (b) Owl (c) Fox (d) Hawk Which system shows a transformation from chemical to electrical and light energy? (a) A display of fireworks in the night sky. b) An avalanche rolls down a steep mountain (c) A car battery causes the headlights to shine (d) A candle burns and lights up the room 6. This experiment was set up to test the 4. Eduheal Foundation Class 7 / 41 hypothesis that plants grow faster in green light. The same amount of water and fertilizer were added to each pot. Which of these would improve the experiment? 8. Both light bulbs are lit in the circuit above. In order to turn off both lights, a switch must be installed in the circuit at the place marked (a) 4 (c) 2 9. (b) 1 (d) 3

Calcium metal (Ca) can be produced by passing an electric current through molten calcium chloride (CaCl2). Chlorine gas (Cl2) is also formed. What is the balanced equation for this reaction? (a) CaCl2 ® Ca+Cl2 (b) 2 C aC l ® C a + 2 C l (c) CaCl2 -H2O ® Ca+ClH+O (a) Use the same kind of plant in all trials (b) Add more types of plants (c) Use green lights for all three plants (d) Use different pots for each plant 7. The location on the track where the train has the greatest potential energy is (d) CaCl2 +Cl ® Ca+Cl3 10. Which diagram best shows the reflection of light? b) (a) 3 (c) 2 (b) 1 (d) 4 (b) 42 / Class 7 Eduheal Foundation Which term identifies the shaded part in the center of the design? (a) Pentagon (b) Heptagon (c) (c) Nonagon (d) Decagon 14. These cards are used to play a game between two players. (d) 11. Which of the following is not true? 3  (a)  3 – 3. 375 – 337. 5%  8 (b)  2 – 2. 5 – 25% 1  – 0. 7 – 70%  10 2  = 0. 4 = 40%  5 1  2 If sally draws one card at random, what is the probability it will be a card with a star? (a) 3 10 1 5 2 5 1 10 (c) (d) (b) 12. Harold was looking at a scale drawing of a city park.

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A reflection pool 27 meters long measured 1. 8 centimenters on the drawing. Which is most likely the scale used to make the drawing? (a) 1 cm represents 15 m (b) 1 cm represents 12 m (c) 1 cm represents 18 m (d) 1 cm represents 9 m 13. Look at the design below. (c) (d) 15. Harry asked several classmates to name their favorite after-school activity and showed the results in this table. Eduheal Foundation Class 7 / 43 Which graph correctly display s this information? (a) 16. When was the first genetically modified plant produced in a laboratory? (a) 1954. c) 1974. (b) 1964. (d) 1984. 17. Which foods use genetically modified organisms in their production to the largest extent? (a) Cheese. (c) Meat (b) Vegetables. (d) All of these 18. What are the current benefits of having foods made from genetically modified crops? (b) (a) They improve farm profitability and make some farmers’ jobs easier. (b) They allow farmers to greatly increase the amount of crops produced. (c) They improve convenience for consumers, e. g. by creating foods with longer shelf lives. (d) They improve the nutritional quality of foods. 19.

Most foods derived from genetically modified crops contain: (a) The same number of genes as food produced from conventional crops. (b) The same number of genes as foods produced from hybrid crops. (c) One or two additional genes. (d) (d) Hundreds of additional genes. 20. How long does it take to develop a new genetically modified crop? (a) Twenty years (b) Ten years (c) Five years (d) One year (c) 44 / Class 7 Eduheal Foundation Answer Key 1. 6. 11. 16. (d)  (a)  (b)  (d)  2. 7. 12. 17. (b)  (b)  (a)  (a)  3. 8. 13. 18. (d)  4. (a)  5. (c)  (b)  9. (a)  10. (d)  (b)  14. (c)  15. (a)  (b)  19. (d)  20. (a) Eduheal Foundation Class 7 / 45


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