Chem - Set 2

An anion with a 1- charge
Iodine is an element in Group 7A of the Periodic Table. Which type of ion does iodine form?
Positive or negative charge
A polyatomic ion is a cluster of covalently bonded atoms with a ___ that acts as a unit.
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Have a numerical charge that is found by subtracting 8 from the group number
The nonmetals in Groups 6A and 7A _____.
Which polyatomic ion forms a neutral compound when combined with a group 1A monoatomic ion in a 1:1 ratio?
Copper, Cu+, cuprous ion
Which of the following correctly provides the name of the element, the symbol for the ion, and the name of the ion?
Fluorine, F+, fluoride ion
Copper, Cu+, cuprous ion
Sulfur, S2-, sulfurous ion
Zinc, Zn2+, zincate ion
The nitrite ion has one less oxygen atom
How does the nitrate ion differ from the nitrite ion?
Aluminum is a group 3A metal. Which ion does Al typically form?
They are anions
What characteristic is shared by most simple polyatomic ions?
What is the sum of all charges in the formula for an ionic compound?
Iron(III) phosphate, FePo4
Which set of chemical name and chemical formula for the same compound is correct?
Ammonium sulfite, (NH4)2S
Iron(III) Phosphate, FePO4
Lithium Carbonate, LiCO3
Magnesium Dichromate, MgCrO4
Roman numeral following the name
When naming a transition metal ion that can have more than one common ionic charge, the numerical value of the charge is indicated by a ____.
Fe2+ : ferrous ion; Fe3+ : ferric ion
In which of the following are the symbol and name for the ion given correctly?
Only anions
What type of ions have names ending in -ide?
Lose two electrons
When Group 2A elements form ions they ____.
Nitride ion
What is the correct name for the N3- ion?
Chromate CrO(4)2-; dichromate: Cr2O(7)2-
Which of the following correctly provides the names and formulas of polyatomic ions?

Carbonate: HCO3-; bicarbonate: CO(3)2-
Chromate CrO(4)2-; dichromate: Cr2O(7)2-
Sulfite: S2-, sulfate: SO3-
Nitrate: NO-; nitrate: NO2-

Chromium can form either a 2+ or a 3+ ion. What is the Stock name for the chromium ion with the 3+ charge?
Which of the following is NOT a cation?
Iron(III) ion
Mercurous ion
Oxygen is in the formula
What does an -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion mean?
Which formula represents the compound calcium bromide?
CaBr, Ca2Br, CaBr2, Ca2Br2
A 2+ charge
What does the “II” in the name iron(II) indicate about the cation?
OH-: hydroxide; O2- oxide
In which of the following are the symbol and name for the ion given correctly?
C2H3O2- : acetate, C2O4- oxalate
NH4+: ammonia; H+: hydride
PO(3)3-: phosphate; PO4-: phosphite
OH-: hydroxide; O2- oxide
A polyatomic anion
An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains ___.
Which formula represents the compound strontium nitrate?
SrNO3, Sr2(NO3), Sr(NO3)3, Sr(NO3)2
They are composed of anions and cations
Which of the following is true about the composition of ionic compounds?
Common names do not provide information about the chemical composition of the compound
Why are systematic names preferred over common names?
Ca2+, F- = CaF2
Which of the following correctly represents an ion pair and the correct formula for the ionic compound the ions form?
Na+, Cl- = NaCl2
Ba2+, o2- = Ba2O2
Pb4+, O2- = Pb2O4
Ca2+, F- = CaF2
What is the correct formula for barium chlorate?
What is the correct formula for potassium sulfite?
Which of the following compounds contains the lead(II) ion?
Pb2O, PbO, PbCl4, Pb4S
Which of the following formulas represents an ionic compound?
Cs2, N204, PCl3, BaI2
Stannic fluoride, SnF4
In which of the following is the name and formula paired correctly?
Stannic fluoride, SnF4
Cobaltous chloride, CoCl3
Barium nitride, BaN
Sodium oxide, NaO
Iron(III) Phosphate, FePO4
In which of the following is the name and formula paired correctly?
Ammonium sulfite (NH4)2S
Iron(III) Phosphate, FePO4
Magnesium dichromate, MgCrO4
Lithium carbonate, LiCO3
What is the ending for the names of all binary compounds, both ionic and molecular?
Which of the following compounds contains the Mn3+ ion?
MnS, MnO, MnBr2, Mn2O3
ThO2, Th4+
In which of the following are the formula of the ionic compound and the charge on the metal ion shown correctly?
ThO2, Th4+
IrS2, Ir2+
NiO, Ni+
UCl5, U+
Which polyatomic ion forms a neutral compound when combined with a group 1A monatomic ion in a 1:1 ratio?
Nitrate, Ammonium, Carbonate, Phosphate
polyatomic ion
What type of compound is CuSO4?
Cation on the left, Anion on the right
How are chemical formulas of binary ionic compounds generally written?
What is the correct formula for calcium dihydrogen phosphate?
Cobalt(III) chloride
What is the correct name for the compound CoCl3?
Cobalt(I) chlorate
Cobalt(I) chloride
Cobalt(II) chlorate
Cobalt(III) chloride
Fe3+, O2- = Fe2O3
Which of the following shows correctly an ion pair and the correct formula for the ionic compound the two ions form?
Cr3+, I- = CrI
Cu1+, O2- = CuO
Fe3+, O2- = Fe2O3
Sn4+, N3- = Sn4N3
How many atoms of nitrogen are in each molecule of dinitrogen tetroxide?
Which formula represents the binary molecular compound dinitrogen tetroxide?
Iodine heptafluoride
What is the name of the molecular compound IF7?
Nitrogen trihydride
What is the name of the molecular compound NH3, which is also known as ammonia?
Which formula represents the molecular compound sulfur dichloride?
Binary compound
Sulfur hexaflouoride is an example of a ___.
Polyatomic compound
Binary compound
Polyatomic ion
Monoatomic ion
Which formula represents the binary molecular compound phosphorus trichloride?
The name of the compound B2O3 is diboron ______.
SO2 (two nonmetals)
Which of the following represents a molecular compound?
BeF4, Xe, ZnO, SO2
Which subscript should be written to the right of the symbol for fluorine in the compound dinitrogen tetrafluoride?
Dinitrogen pentoxide
Which of the following is the correct name for N2O5?
How many atoms of fluoride are in each molecule of disulfur decafluoride?
Nitric Acid
What is the name of the acid with the formula HNO3?
Which formula represents carbonic acid?
HC03, H2CO3, H2C, H2CO2
What is the formula for magnesium hydroxide, a base?
Like ionic compounds
How are bases named?
Hydrochloric acid
The name of the acid represented by the formula HCl is _____.
Ammonium hydroxide
What is the name of the base represented by the formula NH4OH?
What is the formula for sulfurous acid?
When naming acids, the prefix hydro- is used when the name of the acid anion ends in _____.
Which formula represents hydrosulfuric acid?
When the name of an anion that is part of an acid ends in -ite, the acid name includes the suffix _____.
H3PO4, phosphoric acid
Which of the following shows both the correct formula and correct name of an acid?
Which formula represents hydrofluoric acid?
What is the formula for carbonic acid?
A scientist is studying samples of water (H2O) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Each sample consists of 1 gram of hydrogen. What is the ratio of the mass of oxygen in hydrogen peroxide to the mass of oxygen in water?
Copper(II) sulfate
What is the name of the compound CuSO4?
Which formula represents aluminum oxide?
Lead forms two compounds with oxygen. One contains 2.98 g of lead and .461 g of oxygen. The other contains 9.89 g of lead and .763 g of oxygen. For a given mass of oxygen, what is the lowest whole number mass ration of lead in the two compounds?
59.01 g
A 100 gram sample of sodium chloride (NaCl) consists of 60.66 g of chlorine and 39.34 g of sodium. What mass of sodium would make up a 150 gram sample?
A 33-g sample that contains 10g of oxygen
In the compound iron(III) oxide, the mass ration of iron to oxygen is 7:3. Which masses could describe a sample of iron(III) oxide?
Lithium carbonate
Which compound includes a polyatomic ion that contains oxygen?
Which formula represents barium phosphate?
Select the correct formula for sulfur hexafluoride.
What is the correct formula for barium chlorate?
Dinitrogen trioxide
Which of the following is the correct name for N2O3?
Nitrogen combines with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). A sample of NO consists of 1.14 g of oxygen and 1 g of nitrogen. How mana grams of oxygen combine with 1 gram of nitrogen to form NO2 if the ratio of the masses of oxygen in these two compounds is exactly 1:2?
In any chemical compound, the elements are always combined in the same proportion by ____.
The masses of fluorine are in a ratio of small, whole numbers
Sulfur (S) and fluorine (F) combine to form three different compounds. Compound A has 1.118 g of F for every 1.000 g S. Compound B has 2.375 g of F for every 1.000 g S. Compound C has 3.563 of F for every 1.000 g S. How do these compounds support the law of multiple proportions?
Cobalt(II) chloride
What is the correct name for the compound CoCl2?
H is the cation
What do acid formulas have in common?
Which formula represents iron(III) nitrate?
only anions
What type of ions have names ending in -ide?
Diphosphorus pentoxide
What is the name of the compound P2O5?
An -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion mean that ___ is in the formula.
Iron(II) chloride
What is the name of the compound FeCl2?
A polyatomic anion
An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains ____.
Chromium can form either a 2+ or a 3+ ion. What is the stock name for the chromium ion with the 3+ charge?
It is a binary molecular compound
Consider a mystery compound having the formula M(x)T(y). If the compound is NOT an acid, if it contains only two elements, and if M is NOT a metal, which of the following is true about the compound?
Composed of two or more nonmetallic elements
Molecular compounds are usually ___.
Tin(IV) bromide, SnBr4
Which chemical name is correctly paired with the chemical formula?
Tin(IV) bromide, SnBr4
Iron(II) oxide, Fe2O3
Potassium chloride, K2Cl2
Aluminum fluorate, AlF3
nitrous acid
What is the name of HNO2?
When the name of an anion that is part of an acid ends in -ite, the acid name includes the suffix ____.
In naming a binary molecular compound, the number of atoms of each element present in the molecule is indicated by _____.

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