Chest Tube-ATI Lab

A patient injured in a motor vehicle crash is transported to an emergency department. The provider determines the need for immediate thoracotomy and chest-tube insertion and anticipates the need for maximal suction pressure. The appropriate type of closed-chest drainage system for this patient is a ..
Dry suction-control system
A nurse is caring for a patient who has a chest tube in place attached to water-seal drainage. Which of the following observations about the drainage should be reported if found 5 hr after insertion?
About 150 mL/hour over the past 2 hours
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A nurse is caring for a patient who is 6 hour postoperative and has a chest tube in place attached to a closed-chest water-seal drainage system. The nurse should observe for which of the following indications of a problem in the drainage system?
Continuous bubbling in the water-seal chamber
A nurse is caring for a patient who has a chest tube in place attached to a closed-chest water-seal drainage system following thoracic surgery. Which of the following strategies should the nurse use to help promote comfort for this patient?
Have the patient splint the affected side during coughing.
A nurse is planning education for a patient who has a chest tube in place attached to a closed-chest drainage system following surgery for lung cancer. Which of the following should the nurse emphasize to the patient when he is ready to ambulate freely?
Keep the collection device upright at all times.
While providing care for a patient who has a chest tube in place attached to a closed-chest drainage system, the nurse accidentally disconnects the chest tube from the system. Which of the following should the nurse do to prevent serious complication while preparing to reconnect the system?
Submerge the end of the chest tube in 1 inch sterile water
A nurse is preparing to transport to radiology a patient who has a chest tube and a closed-chest wet-suction drainage system. The provider allow disconnecting the drainage system from the suction source during transportation. Which of the following must the nurse for when detaching the suction source?
Make sure the air vent is open
A nurse is assessing a patient who has a chest tube in place attached to a closed-chest water-seal drainage system. When the nurse palpates the area around the chest-tube insertion site, she is checking for..
subcutaneous emphysema

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