Circulatory and Respiratory systems

Term Definition
Circulatory system Cardiovascular system is made up of blood vessels, heart, and blood are apart of this system. Blood circulates through your body through a network of vessels. It moves blood from the heart all over and through your body and back again.
Heart A muscle that pumps blood. Blood leaves your heart through a big artery called the Aorta. The atrium's take blood from the body into the heart pass it to the ventricles which pass it back out.
Blood pressure The force exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels. Normal blood pressure is 100-139 for Systolic and 80- 89 for Diastolic.
Respiratory system Responsible for carrying oxygen to the lungs. Oxygen travels through the Trachea and into the lungs. Inside the Lungs oxygen moves through the Bronchial tubes and eventually the air spreads to the Alveoli. Then you exhale the carbon dioxide.
Alveoli Tiny sacs surrounded by blood vessels called Capillaries. Oxygen moves through the walls of both of these and into the blood.
Cillia Little hairs inside your Bronchial tube that help remove unwanted matter from the Lungs.
Trachea A large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and moving air to and from the lungs. Also known as the windpipe.
Diaphragm A dome shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen. It contracts so the lungs can inflate.
Diffusion when a material moves from an area where there is more of it to an area where there is less of it.
Blood Blood carries oxygen from your lungs to all your body cells. Your blood carries carbon dioxide to your lungs to be exhaled.Blood carries waste products from your cells to your kidneys to be removed.
Plasma Blood is 55% Plasma which is the liquid material. Nutrients, minerals, and oxygen are dissolved in plasma and carried to cells. Wastes from cells are also carried in plasma.
Red Blood Cells Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which is a molecule that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, and made of an iron compound that gives blood its red color.
White Blood Cells White bloods cells fight bacteria, viruses, and other invaders of your body. These cells leave the blood through capillary walls and go into the tissues that have invaded.
Larynx The larynx is the airway to which two pairs of horizontal folds of tissue, called vocal cords, are attached.
Systemic circulation Brings blood to all the cells that need it and removes their waste products.
Pulmonary circulation Is the flow of blood through the lungs.
Coronary circulation Is the flow of blood through the heart itself
Right Atrium Fills with blood from the body ready to go to the lungs.
Left Atrium Fills with blood from the lungs ready to go back to the body.
Systolic blood Pressure is when the heart contracts and pushes blood to the arteries
Diastolic blood pressure Is when it is at is lowest and is when the heart relaxes and fills with blood.

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