
To add a blank table to a page, use the Table button on the ____ tab.
Which of the text wrapping settings flows around the exact outline of an object?
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paragraph level formatting
Charlotte has just taken a job at a local publishing house. She has a lot of tasks to accomplish today, but her first task is to write letters to several of the authors and send out contracts. Charlotte wants to make a good impression on her boss, so she wants to make sure all her correspondence with the authors is professional and looks formal.

Charlotte reviews her document and decides that the she needs to format an entire paragraph including changing the paragraph and line spacing. She should apply ____.

columns and rows
On the Table button grid, Word indicates the size of the table by ____ at the top of the grid when dragging the pointer across a selection.
dialog box launcher
Click the ____ in the Clipboard group to open the Clipboard task pane.
drop cap
A special design element, called _______, draws the reader’s attention to the beginning of an article.
To create a numbered list, you use the Numbering button in the ____ group.
If Word creates a new paragraph in the cell rather than moving the insertion point to a new cell, you pressed the ____ key(s).
link to previous
If the ____ button is selected in the Navigation group for the section 2 header, anything you add to that header will update in the section 1 header.
click undo
Kade is writing a cover letter that he will send with copies of his resume to different software development firms. Since a cover letter determines the first impression he will make, it has to be flawless. He has finished typing the letter but must stop to go to an evening class. He quickly saves it and exits Word 2013.

In his work on the letter, Kade inserts a sentence, then changes his mind and deletes the sentence using the Cut command. He then changes his mind again and _______.

In the world of academics, style guides emphasize the proper way to create ____.
_______ is a Word feature that automatically inserts the dates and other regularly used items.
______ is background color that you can apply to one or more paragraphs and can be used in conjunction with a border for a more defined effect.
When Word copies text to another location, the item remains in its ____ location.
AutoCorrect feature corrects it automatically
Gabrielle wants very much to get a job in television. Each day she visits local television station websites and peruses the Help Wanted sections. To her surprise, there is an opening for a production assistant at Channel 30. To apply for the job, applicants must download a form from the Channel 30 website, fill it out, and then email it to the human resources manager. The form is a Microsoft Word 2013 document.

Gabrielle is very excited and rushing. She continually types “teh” instead of “the.” Fortunately, the _______.

considers couric to be misspell
Gabrielle wants very much to get a job in television. Each day she visits local television station websites and peruses the Help Wanted sections. To her surprise, there is an opening for a production assistant at Channel 30. To apply for the job, applicants must download a form from the Channel 30 website, fill it out, and then email it to the human resources manager. The form is a Microsoft Word 2013 document.

The first part of the form asks applicants to write one paragraph about why they would like to at work Channel 30. Right away, Gabrielle knows what she wants to write; she’s grown up with Channel 30 and has always been impressed by the quality of the news anchors, especially Katie Couric. Each time she types Couric in her response, a red way underline appears beneath it. Gabrielle realizes that _______.

header and footer told tabs design
Monica is working on a report for her art history class. She is using Microsoft Word for her report so that she can incorporate tables, text, and graphics into one document, but needs suggestions on fine-tuning her report.

Monica needs to add a header to her report. She wants to have a different heading for the first page. Monica needs to select Different First Page check box in the Options group ____.

ctl end
In Microsoft Word, pressing the ____ key(s) will move the insertion point to the end of the document.
left arrow
When you position the pointer over the selected text, it changes to a ____.
The Themes button can be found in the Document Formatting group on the ____ tab.
alignment stays
A main advantage to tab stops and tables is that when you edit data, ____.
then by
To sort by a second column, click the ____ arrow and click a column header.
The Office ____ is a temporary storage area on your computer that holds objects such as text or graphics until you need them.
columns and rows
On the Table button grid, Word indicates the size of the table by ____ at the top of the grid when dragging the pointer across a selection.
page layout
To quickly format a document in columns, click the Columns button on the _______ tab.
the _______ group on the HOME tab includes a button for each of the four major types of alignment.
If you press the Shift+Enter keys at the end of a line, this inserts a _______ line break.
You can add rounded or _______ edges to the individual letters in WordArt.
on the ribbon
When WordArt is selected, the DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab appears as the active tab _______.
You can access Word’s typographic characters with the _______ button on the INSERT tab.
find and replace
Thomas is writing a report for his advertising class in which he analyzes corporate campaigns and ad slogans. To compile his report, he needs to copy several quotes and portions of articles from other documents, and needs to pay special attention to formatting.

Thomas is reviewing all his documents and decides that using boldface and italics is too heavy. To change the formatting, he should use ____.

insert tab
Monica is working on a report for her art history class. She is using Microsoft Word for her report so that she can incorporate tables, text, and graphics into one document, but needs suggestions on fine-tuning her report.

Monica wants insert a cover page for her report. She needs to be sure her insertion point is at the beginning of the report. Then she would click the Cover Page button from the ____.

delete all
All of the following are options in the Delete menu EXCEPT ____.
To accept an AutoComplete suggestion, press the _______ key.
a. Word automatically wraps the text to the next line and increases the height of the row Correct
If data takes up more than one line in a cell, ____.
c. Select the row to be deleted, and click the Delete button in the Rows & Columns group. Correct
Josephine has just been hired as the assistant for a ten-person production team. She wants to organize her team’s information, but she is only familiar with Microsoft Word. Josephine wants to include each team member’s name, title, e-mail address, and work extension.

After a few months, one of Josephine’s colleagues moves to another team within the company. Josephine no longer needs his information in her table. What would you recommend that she do?

The ____ guidelines were developed to simplify the process of transforming a manuscript into a journal article or a chapter of a book.
double click the space
To hide the shaded space between pages, ____.
Which of the text wrapping settings flows around the exact outline of an object?
Line spacing is the amount of space that appears between lines of text within a _______.
the left or right arrow
To move the insertion point left or right one character at a time, you would press _______.
To move the insertion point to the next cell to the right in a table, you can ____.
The indent buttons on the HOME tab allow you to increase or decrease paragraph indenting in increments of ____ inches.
_______ is a Word feature that automatically inserts the dates and other regularly used items.
A ____ is a coordinated collection of fonts, colors, and other visual effects designed to give a document a cohesive, polished look.
A bitmap is a grid of square colored dots, called _______.
The shaded space between the first and second pages of a document indicates a ____ break.
You can click the Clear All Formatting button to restore selected text to the _______ font, font size, and color.
delete from rows and columns
To delete the structure of a row, column, or table, select the row, column, or table, and then use ____.
A(n) ____ should not be included on a cover page.
To insert a page number where the insertion point is located, choose ____ from the Page Number menu.
paragraph spacing
Gabrielle wants very much to get a job in television. Each day she visits local television station websites and peruses the Help Wanted sections. To her surprise, there is an opening for a production assistant at Channel 30. To apply for the job, applicants must download a form from the Channel 30 website, fill it out, and then email it to the human resources manager. The form is a Microsoft Word 2013 document.

The last part of the form asks applicants to create a bulleted list of their accomplishments. Gabrielle does not like the amount of space the program inserts between the bulleted items each time she presses Enter, so she adjusts the _______.

on the header and footer tools
Monica is working on a report for her art history class. She is using Microsoft Word for her report so that she can incorporate tables, text, and graphics into one document, but needs suggestions on fine-tuning her report.

Monica needs to add a header to her report. She wants to have a different heading for the first page. Monica needs to select Different First Page check box in the Options group ____.

To cut off part of the graphic in an illustration, you would _______ the illustration.
To organize large amounts of information, it is best to use ____.
To add a blank table to a page, use the Table button on the ____ tab.
blue wavy line
Kade is writing a cover letter that he will send with copies of his resume to different software development firms. Since a cover letter determines the first impression he will make, it has to be flawless. He has finished typing the letter but must stop to go to an evening class. He quickly saves it and exits Word 2013.

Kade’s dad suggests that Kade also check the cover letter for grammatical errors. Kade notices that he typed “you’re” instead of “your,” so the word is underlined with _______.

ctrl x
To cut selected text, you can use the keyboard command ____.
Which of the following is not a category in the SmartArt Graphic dialog box?
In the world of academics, style guides emphasize the proper way to create ____.
Which of the following is not a major tab stop?
wordart styles
To quickly change the shape of a WordArt graphic, use the Text Effects button in the _______ group.
divide into sections
To format part of a document in an orientation different from the rest of the document, you need to ____.
Which keystroke(s) should you use to move the insertion point to the end of the line you are currently on?
In the block style business letter, the inside address appears below the date, with one blank _______ in between.
click the add column button
Josephine has just been hired as the assistant for a ten-person production team. She wants to organize her team’s information, but she is only familiar with Microsoft Word. Josephine wants to include each team member’s name, title, e-mail address, and work extension.

Josephine’s boss likes her table, but has asked that she also include each team member’s home office number. What’s the best way for Josephine to go about adding this information?

A _______ file is a type of vector graphics file created specifically for Windows.
cntrl a
To select the entire document, press _______.
cut and copy
Which of the following is NOT a way to move text in Word?
banded rows
Monica is working on a report for her art history class. She is using Microsoft Word for her report so that she can incorporate tables, text, and graphics into one document, but needs suggestions on fine-tuning her report.

Monica has included a table in her report to give information on 20 key events. Since the table is text-heavy, Monica wants to make it easier to distinguish between the rows. Monica should use the ____ formatting to make her table easier to read.

Pictures and text boxes are separate from the document text; you need to adjust the way text flows, or _______, around them.
dialog box launcher
Click the ____ in the Clipboard group to open the Clipboard task pane.
wrap text
To change the text wrap setting for clip art, click the _______ button.
Styles for formatting rows or columns in alternating colors are referred to as ____ rows or columns.
The Bullets button is located in the ____ group.
Gabrielle wants very much to get a job in television. Each day she visits local television station websites and peruses the Help Wanted sections. To her surprise, there is an opening for a production assistant at Channel 30. To apply for the job, applicants must download a form from the Channel 30 website, fill it out, and then email it to the human resources manager. The form is a Microsoft Word 2013 document.

Anxious to apply, Gabrielle downloads the form and opens it on her computer. In the space allocated for today’s date, Andrea types Janu and then is prompted by _______.

To be sure the document is ready to print, and to avoid wasting paper and time, you should first review it in _______ view.
adjust to widest entry
To be sure the document is ready to print, and to avoid wasting paper and time, you should first review it in _______ view.
Text in newspapers uses _______ alignment so that full lines of text are spaced between the left and right margins without the text being ragged.
As you continue to add text at the end of a document, the text typed earlier will _______ and disappear from the top of the document window.
A(n) _______ tab appears on the ribbon only when an object is selected.
The ______ shows in the accompanying figure is the main set of buttons and other tools you can use to complete tasks
Status bar
Shown in the accompanying figure provides information about the current document, such as the page and number of words in the document
The______ tab shown in the accompanying figure includes options for formatting and editing text
Title bar
Displays the name of the open file in the program
Buttons shown in the accompanying figure allow you to change the way the document displays
Changing the _______ affects only the way the document is displayed on the screen
How parts of a letter or indented from the left margin
The main difference among different types of business letters is
Insertion point
The letters you type up here at the current location of the
In the block style business letter, the inside address appears below the date, with one blank ________ in between
A_is text orographic you can click to jump to another file or just somewhere else in the same file
to correct an error marked by either the spelling or grammar checker, you can right-click the error, and then select the correct replacement on the_menu
Line spacing is the amount of space that appears between lines of text within a _____.
If you press the shift and enter keys at the same time at the end of the line this inserts a_line break
Task pane
an ______ is a window that helps you navigate through a complex feature
To apply an outline to the selected paragraph, use the_button in the paragraph group on the home tab
Each dot represents a space between words, so she could go back and delete the extra one she inserted
As she types, Gabrielle notices that there are little dots between each word in her paragraph. Sometimes there is one.and other times there are two dots. Confused, Gabrielle tights for next two words very slowly to try and figure out what the doctor all about. She realizes that
The next day Kate opens the letter in order to proofread it. He realizes that there is some formatting and part of the letter that he would like to use elsewhere in the letter. After using for a painter, he wants to turn it off. What should he press?
Kate thinks that a photo may help to illustrate a point he is making in the letter about a project on what she has work. What is the term for the photo he wants to insert into this document?
To create a numbered list, you use the number button in the ______ group
Bullet button arrow
To ask a square bullets, click the _______ to access the full gallery bullet styles
The bullet button is located in the ____ group
The numbering button is ________ a button, which means you can click it to turn on bring it on or off.
You typed a paragraph on page 2 that should appear on page 27. To move that paragraph to the correct place in your document you should use
To use cut-and-paste, click the cut button from the ________ group on the home tab
clear all
Clicking the ________ button on the clipboard task pane will delete the contents of the clipboard
Replace all
If you want to substitute all occurrences of the found text with the replacement text, without reviewing each occurrence, click ______ in the accompanying figure
The things but it can be found in the document formatting on the ______ tab
In the world of academics, style guides emphasize the proper way to create ______
With a _______ indent, all lines except for the first line of the paragraphs are indented from the left margin
Page width
Thomas is working on his report, which has a lot of comments, on a small monitor. He would like to switch the document zero levels the word would automatically reduce the width of the document to accommodate the comments. Which of the following will do this for him?
Charlotte knows that she will be drafting several contracts in the coming weeks, and each letter will need to be printed with specific headings and body text formatting. To save time, Charlotte should apply
Content control
Although the citation looks like ordinary text, it is actually contained inside a,_______ a special feature used to display information that is inserted automatically, and that may need to be updated later.
When you sort a table, you arrange the rows based on the ____ of one of the columns
Not to include that row in a sort
Make sure the header row option button is selected to indicate
tab stop
_______ Is a location on the horizontal ruler where the insertion point moves when you press the tab key
Which is not a major tabstop?
Drag it off the ruler
To clear a tabstop _____
To create smart art, switch to the insert tab and use a button in the ______ group
Cover page styles in the cover page gallery match the preformatted________ styles in word, making it easier to create a coherent style by choosing matching games.
On the header and footer tools design tab
Monica needs to add a header to her report. She wants to have a different heading for the first page. Monica needs to select different first page checkbox the options. _________.
Insert tab
Monica wants to insert a cover page for her report. She needs to be sure her insertion point is at the beginning of the report. Then she would click the cover page button from the__________.
Word art
Which the following is not an example of a type of clipart
Word art is considered an ____________ that can be manipulated independently of the rest of the text
Page layout
To quickly format a document and columns, click the call is button on the _______ tab
For the text to flow around an object, the option marked_____ in the accompanying figure is usually the best option
The item marked ______ in the accompanying figure is not tight text wrapping, but it is similar
In the accompanying figure, the object is layered in front of the text with the textile and behind it with the option mark
Apply a text wrapping style to it
To change an in-line object to a floating object you need to
Text direction
You can use the ______ button in the text group to rotate text within a text box
To delete a drop cap, put the paragraph that it contains, open the drop Dialog box, and then click
Screen tip
When you position the mouse pointer over a style in the word art gallery, a _______ display some elements of the style
On the ribbon
Where the word art is selected, the drawing tools format tab appears as the active tab _____
When ______ word art, you need to consider both the font size and the text and the size of the text box that contains word art
online pictures
You can insert pictures via either the picture button or the _____ button
To remove the background of the photo in the accompanying figure, used to remove background button in the ______ group
______ Files are suitable for most types of simple Weiner, without complicated colors
Use word art to create a graphic effect
Santos has created the newsletter skyline but wants to make sure the newsletters name stands out. Santa should
Change from an in-line to a floating graphic
Santos would like to position his word art objects across the width of the newsletter. So that he can wrap text below the graphic and get himself more flexibility in position in the graphic later, he should
Saving all graphics as JPEG files
Santos wants to use most of the graphics his colleagues asked to display with their articles, but his file size has become unmanageable with so many sketches and photos. Sanchez might be able to reduce his document file size without leaving a content bye
For another self Milear she is producing, Emily needs a photograph. Which of the following most likely format for the file she will use?
Emily has a very large digital picture file any colleague of hers has recommended that she save it in a different format before using it in her word document. Which of the following is most likely to file
Emily has used this file format many times, as it is suitable for photographs, and highly compressed,
Word art style
To quickly change the shape of a word art graphic, use the text effects by and in the ____ group
Aligning a graphic relative to the _______ is usually the best choice because it ensures that you do not actively position a graphic outside the page margins
To change the clipart colors, click the_____ button in the ad just group on the picture tools format tab

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