Classifying Matter

Term Definition
volume the amount of space a sample of matter occupies
solid the state of matter with a definite shape and volume
liquid the state of matter with a definite volume but no definite shape
gas the state of matter without a definite shape or definite volume
physical property any characteristic of matter that you can observe without changing the identity of the substance that makes it up.
mass the amount of matter in an object
density the mass per unit volume of a substance
solubility the ability for one material to dissolve into another
chemical property a characteristic of matter that you observe as it reacts with or changes into a different substance.
metal an element that is generally shiny and is easily pulled into wires or hammered into thin sheets
alkali metals elements in group 1 on periodic table of elements in nature they occur only in compounds
alkaline earth metals elements in group 2 on periodic table of elements react quickly with other elements

transition elements

elements in group 3-12 on periodic table of elements will react less quickly with oxygen

nonmetals-elements that have no metallic properties

nonmetals elements that have no metallic properties
halogen an element in group 17 of the periodic table can react with a metal and form a salt
noble gases elements in group 18 only react with other elements in a laboratory setting
metalloid an element that has both physical and chemical properties of both metals and nonmetals
semiconductor conducts electricity at high temperatures, but not at low temperatures

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