Common Contractual Management Issues in the Australian Construction Industry Essay

Contract Administration Assignment 3

“Choose THREE ( 3 ) of the most common contractual direction issues which arise during a undertaking and discourse how these are handled by the Contract Administrator under a typical Australian contract model.”

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This study outlines contractual direction issues of fluctuations, faulty work and latent conditions that arise during the class of a undertaking. These issues will be discussed in relation to the contract theoretical account General Conditions of Contract ( GC21 ) . With contractual issues common in the building industry, contract decision makers play a major function in how these issues are successfully worked through and managed. The manner in which these functions and duties are handled by contract decision makers are non to be underestimated in at that place importance to the entire prosperity of the undertaking.


The term ‘variation’ may be applied to an change of the contractual duties by understanding, nevertheless the conventional usage and significance of the word in building contracts relates to the change of the quality or measure of the work to be carried out under the contract. It is about inevitable that alterations will necessitate to be made to the contracted range of plants during the class of a undertaking. These could be alterations by the contractor for such as a more efficient agencies of working. Changes may besides be put in topographic point by the rule such as cost economy steps. All these possible fluctuations mean there will be subsequent accommodations to the building plan and contract amount. It is frequently the instance with fluctuations that an appropriate understanding can be struck between the rule and the contractor before the fluctuation can continue.

Variations arise in a figure of ways. The i¬?rst is where the principal requires add-ons or skips to the work or the change of the quality of the work. Disputes frequently arise in relation to these fluctuations due to misconceptions as to the effect of what appear to be comparatively simple alterations ; for illustration, the difference between the consequence of, and the work involved. Variations may besides originate as a consequence of dei¬?ciencies in, or uncomplete, description or inside informations of the work to be executed as described in the contract paperss. Disputes which arise frequently concern whether the work is in fact excess or forms portion of the contract works ( Bailey & A ; Bell, 2011 ) .

Variations are frequently a cautious affair for dialogue at the clip when they are proposed, particularly if the contractor lacks the capacity or desire to transport it out. This, along with the general rule that a party can non one-sidedly change the contract, intending that it is the norm that building contracts include some signifier of express right in the principal to change the contracted range of work and for the contract’s clip and cost parametric quantities to be altered as a consequence ( Bailey & A ; Bell, 2011 ) & A ; ( Uher & A ; Davenport, 2009 ) .

General Conditions of a Contract

Under GC21 the principal may teach fluctuations in composing at any clip before completion, and the contractor must follow with these instructions. Unless the principal considers that urgent or particular fortunes exist and instructs the contractor to continue, the contractor must non get down to transport out a fluctuation until:

1. The parties have agreed on its value ( including hold costs under clause 55.1 ) and clip deductions ; or

2. A party has made a petition to the valuer

3. When requested to by the Principal, the Contractor must rede the Principal of its monetary value for a proposed Variation and its consequence ( if any ) on the clip for Completion, or on any other affair specified, within the clip specified in the petition. In reding the Principal of its consequence on the clip for Completion, the Contractor thereby acknowledges its duty to take all sensible stairss:

1. To transport out the work at the same time with other work whenever possible ; and

2. To otherwise understate the effects of the Variation on the Contractual Completion Date, including for any Milestone.

4. If the parties agree that a Variation applies, they must endeavor to hold in composing on its value and consequence on the clip for Completion ( if any ) .

5. The Contract Price must be adjusted to account for the value of the Variation.

6. If the parties do non hold that a Variation applies, all issues associating to the claimed Variation must be dealt with under clauses 72 to 75 of the contract.

8. Regardless of any other proviso of the Contract, if the Contractor considers that a Variation applies but the Principal has non instructed a Variation, the Contractor must do its Claim for a Variation within 7 yearss from the start of the event giving rise to the Variation, or from the clip when the event should hold become known to the Contractor with sensible diligence on its portion.

9. Variations instructed by the Principal must be by and large consistent with or of a similar nature to the type of work included in the Works.

10. The Contractor may suggest in composing to the Principal a Variation for the Contractor’s convenience. The Principal may O.K. the Variation but is non obliged to make so ( GC21, NSW, 2003 ) .

Types of Variations & A ; Contract Administrators Role

Variation caused, or directed by the rule:

  • Principal’s CA advises of fluctuation in composing
  • Contractor’s CA monetary values fluctuation and responds in relation to clip and money if applicable
  • Chief responds in composing
  • If in understanding so contract varied and the work continues

Variations from the Contractor:

  • Contractor’s CA writes to Principal with suggested fluctuation frequently approximately better working or improved design
  • Principal’s CA responds with understanding or non
  • Contract varied and continues

Disputed fluctuation through reading of design:

  • Contractor interprets plan one manner and Principal ‘s CA another – difference
  • Will be a presentment of difference from either side
  • Dispute declaration as per contract comes into drama

Design mistakes

  • Contractor discovers a design mistake
  • CA for contractor must rede CA for Principal every bit shortly as possible so that option can be found.
  • Issues originate when parties do non hold that something is so a fluctuation.

Contract Administrators function in maintaining on top of fluctuations:

  • Record of fluctuations sought, pending blessing and approved
  • Whether they have a dollar figure and clip attached to them
  • Impacts on plan & A ;
  • Potential impacts on supply concatenation

Guaranting on both sides that these are claimed, ordered and approved in composing quickly ( Hardy 2014 ) .

In each case the appropriate proviso of the general conditions provides that the accommodation will be valued. It is most of import that the contract decision maker works closely with the rule and properly considers all undertaking aspects when a fluctuation is contemplated. Preferably an understanding should be reached with the contractor on these facets and the affair be decently documented, if possible before the fluctuation is ordered.

Defective Work

Defective Work is any work, stuffs or craft that is non purely in conformity with the demands of the specifications and drawings whether it is inferior to or better than the contract requires ( Davenport, 2009 ) . In other footings, faulty work is something that is provided by the contractor to the chief outside the footings of a building contract. This besides includes defects in drawings provided by the contractor. The GC21 ( General Conditions of contract ) allows for this in clause 71 which trades with defects before or after completion. This clause states:

“The Principal considers the Contractor to be an expert in Design and building of the Works and holds the Contractor responsible for its work. The Principal requires Completion to be defect-free” ( New South Wales Government ) .

By and large if the work is within the footings of the contract so it is non considered faulty work. Whenever faulty work is discovered, the principal ( or the superintendent moving on behalf of the principal ) must elect between either directing that the faulty work be removed or non directing that the faulty work be removed. The contractor retrospectively must elect between either taking the faulty work or non taking the faulty work ( Davenport, 2009 ) .

Timing is important when it comes to the election of faulty work. If the contractor or principal fails to elect within a certain clip period, their right to elect may be lost. In a manner of avoiding a difference, a contractor and principal can hold to change their contractual rights and avoid judicial proceeding. This is known as a tactic understanding which consequences in the usage of the philosophy of release of right to kick. If the principal directs that faulty work should be removed, so despite what the contract provinces, the contractor ever has the right to decline or neglect to follow with the way. An effectual or economic breach of contract is whereby a contractor refuses or fails to follow with way and is hence made apt to the principal for amendss but those of which would hold been less than what it would hold cost to rectify the original defect.

As a contract decision maker moving on behalf of the principal, it would be his responsibility to advise the principal and rede on what to make in such a state of affairs. In a state of affairs whereby the cost and clip associated with rectifying a defect outweighs the possible profitable result for a principal ( this is known as economic waste ) a contract decision maker may advise and rede of other options for the principal to see. These options would include electing that the work be rectified, settling for the faulty work and non prosecuting rectification or seeking alternate agencies of rectification ( such as using another, less expensive contractor or subcontractor ) . If the contract decision maker is moving on behalf of the principal ( overseer ) so he/she may give way to the contractor as to the remotion of stuff from site, destruction of the work or the Reconstruction or replacing or rectification of stuffs.

Defective work is non ever work that is done under a certain criterion. If work is completed that is superior to that specified on program so it is besides considered faulty. The principal can be apt to pay excess if he/she or the acting overseer allows the work to stay and the cost of the work outweighs that specified within the contract. Certain rights exist outside the contract that could potentially detriment a contractor or principal’s liability sing faulty work. As a overseer the contract decision maker must be cognizant of such rights when moving on behalf of a principal.

These rights include but are non limited to philosophies of release and estoppel. A release basically is an knowing relinquishing of a known right. An illustration of which is if a contractor and chief semen to an understanding after the find of faulty plants and wish non act upon it as a breach of contract. Waiver therefore requires a strong and clear indicant of purpose to relinquish. Estoppel on the other manus does non necessitate an scrutiny of a specific party’s purpose. Estoppel looks to happen an just solution to an otherwise unequitable scenario. It does this by leting a party to retrieve from enduring due to an unjust hurt such as an unjust determination based upon faulty plants. The chief usage of estoppel when challenging contractual issues nevertheless is when one party prevents another from executing their undertaking within a set clip frame. Given this, every bit long as the chief allows sensible clip for the work to be rectified and does non interfere with said work the usage of estoppel within debate can be avoided.

Latent Conditionss

In Australia, ‘latent conditions’ are often defined in the footings found in contracts. However, in any peculiar contract, the definition must be carefully examined because there are many options of the definition.

Latent conditions can be normally acknowledged in a legal context as the followers:

“Physical conditions on the site or its milieus, including unreal things but excepting conditions conditions at the site, which differ materially from the physical conditions, which should moderately hold been anticipated by the contractor at the clip of the contractor’s stamp if the contractor had:

•Examined all information made available in authorship by the principal to the contractor for the intent of tendering.

•Examined all information relevant to the hazards eventualities and other fortunes holding an consequence on the stamp and which is gettable by the mailing of sensible enquiries.

•Inspected the site and its milieus.

•Any other conditions that the contract specifies to be latent conditions” . ( Uher & A ; Davenport, 2009 )

Latent site conditions are a major facet of hazard in building. The hazard may be allocated really otherwise in different contracts. However in each contract the contract decision maker will necessitate to take attention when formulating and qualifying the hazard, to avoid any ambiguities and contractual issues.

The words ‘at the site’ in the 2nd line of the definition above are often omitted because they lead to ambiguity. The physical conditions that qualify as latent conditions will normally be under the surface, but they could be asbestos in countries above land, gas emanations from an next site, or a latent defect in a construction on which the contractor has to execute work. Latent conditions may include stone, risky substances, public-service corporation services or other physical conditions but would non include deficit of labor or stuffs or work stoppages. There are many possibilities ( Hardy, 2014 ) .

If a latent status does originate within a building undertaking there are duties by both the principal and contractor, which will necessitate to be considered. These duties will find the deductions of clip, cost and monetary value changes.

As a contractor it is critical to take attention to analyzing the contract in relation to latent conditions. They will specifically necessitate to look at the followers:

  • Is there mention to latent conditions?
  • What entitlements are provided?
  • Potentially clip and cost for hold and alteration of work?
  • What notices are required?
  • Is the contractor entitled to suspend work? ( Hardy, 2014 )

In mention to the GC21 contract, the usage of clause 41 ‘Site Conditions’ is utilized to cover with latent or materially inauspicious site conditions. The contract requires the contractors CA to obtain ‘Further Site Information’ in progress of building. This early warning should function to cut down the badness of possible cost and clip deductions when inauspicious site conditions are encountered.

It’s of import for the contractors CA to rede in composing instantly the latent status found. The GC21 contract specifies that the contractor must advise the principal in composing in any event within 7 yearss of meeting these materially inauspicious site conditions. The presentment must be made instantly, despite if it is made cognizant during the executing of the plants or when obtaining farther site information.

The contractor is contractually entitled to the followers, if presentment to the principal is given to the principal in its entireness, from the day of the month of proviso to the principal of the written notice. This is taking in consideration the contractor has taken all sensible stairss to understate the costs in covering with the materially inauspicious site conditions.

1. The Contractor will be entitled as an accommodation to the Contract Price to its direct, sensible extra costs ( including costs of hold or break ) , needfully and inescapably incurred by the Contractor in covering with materially inauspicious Site Conditions, from the day of the month of proviso to the Principal of the written notice required by clause 41.2, holding taken all sensible stairss to understate the costs in covering with materially inauspicious Site Conditions ; and

2. The Contractor may besides be entitled to an extension of clip for Completion under clause 54 for holds caused by the materially inauspicious Site Conditions happening from the day of the month of proviso to the Principal of the written notice required by clause 41.2.

( GC21 NSW, 2003 )

The contractor and CA needs to besides be cognizant that the contract specifies the hazard transportation when full and timely written notice, has non been provided. The contractor is to bear the full hazard of meeting and covering with materially inauspicious site conditions.

1. The contractor is non entitled to the costs of covering with materially inauspicious site conditions ; and

2. Notwithstanding clause 54, if the contractor is or will be delayed in making completion as a consequence of covering with materially inauspicious site conditions, the contractor will non be entitled to an extension of clip for completion.

( GC21 NSW, 2003 )

As a rules CA it is of import to be cognizant that the information provided can non be uncomplete or misdirecting sing the land conditions. These land conditions can mention to the contract itself or farther information about the site conditions. The CA will necessitate to clear up any ambiguities in the contract or province any disclaimers. An illustration of one of these disclaimers would be, ‘the principal is non justifying the truth of the information’ . If this is non done, so the principal may hold a liability to the contractor for potentially deceptive or delusory behavior.

Principle CA must besides react with an appraisal of whether the claim is so a latent status. In some contracts ambiguities may be present sing this appraisal of latent conditions. As a consequence, this country of contract disposal has the potency for differences. The definition and as to what classifies as a latent status will necessitate to be made clear in the contract for all parties. This should guarantee any jobs in relation to latent status claims are avoided.


In Conclusion, it is most of import that the contract decision maker works closely with the rule and properly considers all undertaking aspects when pull offing these issues. These common contractual issues and the manner these issues are handled are demonstrated through a clear and concise apprehension of the contract clauses, effectual certification and communicating procedures and future planning to assist pull off issues that may originate over the class of a undertaking. The contractual issues discussed in this study all hold important importance as to the completion of the contract and the manner contract decision makers perform today and how they will go on to execute in the modern twenty-four hours building industry.


GC21 ( 2003 ) Edition 1, General Conditions of Contract, New South Wales Government.

Goldfayl G ( 2004 ) . Construction Contract Administration, UNSW Press, Sydney.

Hardy, R, 2013,Contract Administration 7829, talk 2, week9: Contract Administration Unit, viewed 25 April 2014 hypertext transfer protocol: // id=10962

Ian Bailey and Matthew Bell,Construction Law in Australia, 3rd edition, Lawbook, 2011.

Rogers, P, ( 2012 ) ,CIPS,Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 26 April 2014.

Uher T E and Davenport P ( 2009 ) 2nd erectile dysfunction. Fundamentalss of Building Contract Management, UNSW Press, Sydney.


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