Community Health Education Center Essay

Community Health Education Center Amy Humphreys Kaplan University H2O: Models for Health and Wellness Professor: Kristin Poop The Community Health Education Center has locally-based knowledge and cultural competence Is emphasized in all training and health education materials. It has a program schedule that Is the same statewide. All training costs are reimbursed by the company.

In this paper I will be explaining this company’s success at meeting cultural competence. CHECK provides training and support to 1400 outreach educators in Boston, and growing numbers throughout the state. Outreach educators, employed by community health centers, local organizations, hospitals, and government agencies, effectively deliver health education Information to racially and ethnically diverse communities and make appropriate referrals.

Checks Comprehensive Outreach Education Certificate Program (COSEC), seeks to standardize the field of outreach education by providing training In core outreach education skills and competencies, as It prepares participants to deliver accurate and relevant health Information to their communities. In Dalton to dedicating a core session of the Certificate program to raising cultural awareness, Issues relative to cultural competence are addressed In every training. CHECK trailing Is designed wealth the context of leadership and community development.

Through partnerships with several local colleges, college credit Is awarded for completion of the Certificate program. CHECK has been asked to replicate their local, community-based program with regional trailing centers and local advisory boards statewide. This program has Incorporated each of the following elements of cultural competence by: 1) define culture broadly; they value their client’s cultural beliefs and they facilitate learning between providers and communities. ) Value clients’ cultural beliefs; They do this by providing training In core outreach education skills and competencies, as It prepares participants to allover accurate Ana relevant Neal n International to tenet communities. 3) Recognize complexity in language interpretation; they do this by eyeing effective and delivering health education information to racially and ethnically diverse communities and make appropriate referrals. ) Facilitate learning between providers and communities; by providing training in core outreach education skills and competencies, as it prepares participants to deliver accurate and relevant health information to their communities. 5) involve the community in defining and addressing service needs; they deliver accurate and relevant health information to heir communities 6) collaborate with other agencies; Through partnerships with several local colleges, college credit is awarded for completion of the Certificate program. ) professionalism staff hiring and training; All the individuals hired are knowledgeable and trained to the best of their abilities and successfully complete the certification program. 8) Institutionalize cultural competence. They hire outreach government agencies. In conclusion, cultural competency is one the main ingredients in closing the disparities gap in health care. It’s the way patients and doctors can come together and talk about health concerns without cultural differences hindering the conversation, but enhancing it.

Quite simply, health care services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patients can help bring about positive health outcomes. References: Cultural competence works. (2001). Retrieved from http://extended. Kaplan. Du/ What Is cultural competency?. (2013). Retrieved from http://northeasterly. Has. Gob/

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