Comparing Accelerated Depreciation And Straight Line Method Accounting Essay

Depreciation is the term used in accounting, economic sciences and finance to distribute the cost of an plus over the span of several old ages. Depreciation is the decrease in the value of an plus due to the use, transition of clip, wear and tear, technological outdating or obsolescence, depletion, insufficiency, putrefaction, rust, decay or other such factors. Depreciation is used to effects the fiscal statements and in some states the revenue enhancements of companies and persons.

Straight-line depreciation:

It is the simplest and the most-often-used technique, in which the company estimates the salvage value of the plus at the terminal of the period during which it will be used to bring forth grosss and will write off a part of original cost in equal increases over that period. The salvage value is an estimation of the value of the plus at the clip it will be sold or disposed of it may be zero or even negative. Salvage value is besides known as bit value or residuary value.

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Calculations utilizing Straight-Line Method:

Annual depreciation disbursals = Cost of fixed plus – Residual value

Useful life of plus ( old ages )

Where, Cost = Purchase monetary value,

Useful life = Estimated sum of clip that the plus will be used by the company, this is besides called service life.

Salvage value = Estimated amount the plus can be sold for at its terminal of its utile life, this is besides called residuary value.

For illustration, a vehicle that depreciates over 5 old ages is purchased at a cost of US $ 17,000, and will hold a salvage value of US $ 2000, that will deprecate at US $ 3,000/year. So ( $ 17,000 – $ 2,000 ) / 5 old ages = $ 3,000 the one-year straight-line depreciation disbursal. In other words, it is the depreciable cost of the plus divided by the figure of old ages of its utile life.

Accelerated Depreciation method:

This is a method acknowledging higher sums of depreciation in the earlier old ages and lower sums in the ulterior old ages of a fixed plus ‘s life. Some machines, for illustration, are more efficient early on and bring forth greater service potency, fiting dictates higher depreciation disbursal in those old ages. Over clip, depreciation disbursal moves in a downward way and care costs tend to go higher ; therefore the consequence of accelerated depreciation is reasonably even charges to income. Greatest revenue enhancement benefits from depreciation are enjoyed in the earlier old ages. There are many ways to cipher accelerated depreciation but one common method is to develop a tabular array of worsening depreciation values. The entire depreciation remains the same but the annual depreciation disbursal is bit by bit lessened.

Comparing Accelerated Depreciation and consecutive line method:

The straight-line depreciation method spreads the cost equally over the life of an plus. On the other manus, a method of accelerated depreciation like the dual worsening balance ( DDB ) allows you to subtract far more in the first old ages after purchase. Accelerated depreciation method in which a changeless per centum factor of twice the straight-line rate is multiplied each twelvemonth by the worsening balance of the plus ‘s book value. One method of accelerated depreciation is the dual worsening balance method ( DDB ) . If straight-line tax write-offs equal 5 % of depreciable footing, dual worsening balance ( DDB ) allows a tax write-off of 10 % ( 200 % of 5 % ) , but applied to the undepreciated footing. Therefore the tax write-offs decline each twelvemonth.

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The figure of allowed methods of ciphering depreciation that license greater sums of tax write-offs in earlier old ages are permitted under the straight-line methods, which assumes equal depreciation during each twelvemonth of the assets life. Accelerated depreciation methods that allow earlier acknowledgment of depreciation addition a undertakings net present value. The ground for utilizing accelerated depreciation is for income revenue enhancement intents to decrease net income. This makes sense because the higher the disbursals in a given period the lower the net income. Hence I would prefer to utilize accelerated depreciation instead consecutive line method for revenue enhancement intents.

P 3-4:

Merely One, Inc. :

By choosing Project P than Q because of the Net Present Value NPVP is higher than NPVQ.

The internal rate of return ( IRR ) on an investing or possible investing is the annualized effectual compounded return rate that can be earned on the invested capital. The term internal refers to the fact that its computation does non integrate environmental factors ( e.g. , the involvement rate or rising prices )

The internal rate of return ( IRR ) is a rate of return used in capital budgeting to step and compare the profitableness of investings. It is besides called the discounted hard currency flow rate of return ( DCFROR ) or merely the rate of return ( ROR ) . In the context of nest eggs and loans the internal rate of return ( IRR ) is besides called the effectual involvement rate.

In more familiar footings, the IRR of an investing is the involvement rate at which the costs of the investing lead to the benefits of the investing. This means that all additions from the investing are built-in to the clip value of money and that the investing has a nothing cyberspace present value at this involvement rate.

Hence, by the above definition even though the IRR is lower in Project P, the NPV is significantly higher.


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