Comparing mitosis and meiosis worksheet

Growth healing asexual reproduction
Importance of process in the life cycle of an organism or cell(mitosis)
Make gamies
Importance of process in life cycle of an organism or cell(meiosis)
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Comparing mitosis and meiosis worksheet
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Asexual reproduction
Type of reproduction mitosis
Sexual reproduction
Type of reproduction meiosis
All somatic (body) cells
Types of cells that undergo process areas of bodies mitosis
Reproductive organs testes anthers and ovaries
Types of soda undergo the process areas of the body meiosis
Identical body cell
Types of cells produced by the process mitosis
Different genetic gamis
types of cells produced by the process meiosis
Behavior of homologous chromosomes during prophase mitosis
Hi marla does chromosomes pair and crossover
Behavior of homologous chromosomes during prophase meiosis
Single file at the equator of cell
Behavior of homologous chromosomes during metaphase mitosis
Line up in pairs at the equator
Behavior of homologous chromosomes during metaphase meiosis
Number of nuclear divisions mitosis
Number of nuclear divisions meiosis
Interphase once for each division
Replication of DNA mitosis
Interphase once before prophase 1
Replication of DNA from meiosis
Cytokinesis mitosis
Cytokinesis meiosis
Two identical diploid cells
Number of daughter cells produced at the end of the process mitosis
Four different haploid cells
Number of daughter cells produced at the end of the process of meiosis
Mother cell’s genetic makeup compare two daughter cells genetic makeup mitosis
Different from parents and each other
mother cell’s genetic makeup compared to daughter cells genetic makeup meiosis

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