Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Essay

RUNNING HEAD: Key Concepts of Creativity & Innovation Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation

Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Worksheet |Concept |Application of Concept in Scenario |Citation of Concept |Personal Experience in your | | | |in Reading |Organization | | | | | | | | | | | |Innovative Culture |Elizabeth Fairbanks has recognized and |Davila, Epstein & |I currently work for a | | |highlighted the need for the company to adopt |Shelton, 2006, p. consultancy firm and immediately| |This involves getting the |a culture that is more innovative and creative|212 |upon joining I realized that | |organizational culture in line with |in their thought process and procedures. Thus | |there was a strong and | |being creative and innovative |far the company culture has remained stagnant | |encouraging culture that | | |because no one felt the real need to move in a| |promoted ideas and creativity | | |new direction. By instilling a culture of | |from the staff members.

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People | | |innovation and creativity Best Snacks will be | |are encouraged to come forth | | |more capable to take steps towards improving | |with any ideas or improvement | | |their products and hence their business | |suggestions that they may have | | |position in the market. Creating this shared | |to the way that projects and | | |vision is vital for the process to run | |processes are handled and by | | |smoothly and not face resistance.

Sabrina | |empowering employees with this | | |McKay also pointed out the need for these | |opportunity the organization | | |changes to flow from a managerial level and | |goes through regular innovative | | |for support functions such as training and | |changes due to the ‘out of the | | |incentives to be include to motivate | |box’ thinking mentality of the | | |employees. | |staff. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Process Innovation |Malcolm had pointed out that in comparison |Davila, Epstein & |I previously worked for a bank | | |with the leading competitors in the market |Shelton, 2006, p. 6|and all the HR processes were | |This involves changing or altering |Best Snacks have had minimal advancements in | |handled manually, it was decided| |the way in which the products are |their process innovations and they need to | |at some point to turn to an HRMS| |produced and made |expand and increase their process innovations. | |and this changed manay processes| | |The R&D team have been stagnant for quite some| |and made them a lot more | | |time and there needs to be fresh ideas and | |efficient and effective. Since | | |ways in which Best Snacks operate so they can | |doing so the bank was able to | | |be more competitive. | |handle things in a much more | | | |timely manner and this allowed | | | | |opportunity for other aspects | | | | |and improvements to be made as a| | | | |result of the time saved by | | | | |using the system. | | | | | | | | | | | |Product Offering Innovation |Elizabeth Fairbanks drew attention to the fact|Davila, Epstein & |At the bank I worked at | | |that in recent years consumers have become |Shelton, 2006, p. 5|previously it was identified | |This involves altering or adding to |more conscious about eating healthy foods and | |that we were losing market share| |the service line of product offerings|also about the pricing of foodstuff, given | |to competitors due to the | |to meet with the changing demands of |that; there is an opportunity for Best Snacks | |limited product and service | |the market |to be innovative and more market specific in | |offerings that were available | | |what type of foods they offer to their | |and as such the bank decided to | | |consumers. If they can meet the demands of | |add an E-banking service to | | |what is offered then they can better their | |their product line and as a | | |market position and this can be done through | |result we were able to attract | | |increasing their product offerings. | |more customers and become more | | | | |competitive in the market. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Organizational Decision Making |This was displayed in the Best Snacks scenario|Jones, 2004, p. 368 |At the consultancy firm that I | | |when the need for change was identified by the| |work for our jobs revolve around| |Which constitutes: 1) Identifying the|CEO and she took action to conduct a survey | |providing suggestions and advice| |problem. |and determine various ways in which the | |for organizational decision | |2) Generating alternative solutions. |company could better their market position and| |making. Once we have evaluated | |3) Selecting the solution and |keep up with competitors.

The various issues | |the company and found out about | |implementing it. |were identified through the survey and | |their background and history we | | |analysis and Best Snacks need to now move | |develop alternative solutions | | |forward and determine the best mix of | |for them to better their | | |initiatives to be taken in order to become | |practices, the selection of | | |market leaders. |which solutions will be | | | | |implemented is then left up to | | | | |the organization to decide upon. | | | | | | | | | | | |Organizational Learning |This concept was displayed in the Best Snacks |Jones, 2004, p. 376 |This concept can gain be | | |scenario when it was identified that it would | |related to my current place of | |This includes two types: |be important for managers and seniors to be | |work at a consultancy firm. The | |Exploration (Searching and |commited to the changes and innovative new | |firm is constantly evolving by | |experimenting with new types of |direction that the company wants to take. It | |evaluating its practices and | |organizational activities or |is up to managers to ensure that their | |thinking up new ways of doing | |procedures). subordinates are kept on the right track and | |things in terms of both | |Exploitation (Learning ways to refine|are working in line with the overall new | |developing new services to offer| |and improve existing procedures). |strategic direction. The upper levels of | |clients as well as improving | | |management need to be actively involved in | |current practiced to make them | | |both exploration and exploitation in order to | |more desireable and appealing. | |maximize the benefits sought by the company | | | | |through the development of innovative | | | | |practices that will set them apart from | | | | |competitors. | | | References Davila, T. , Epstein, M. J. , & Shelton, R. (2006). Making innovation work: How to manage it, measure it, and profit from it. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School. Jones, G. R. (2004). Organizational theory, design, and change: Text and cases (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.


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