Consumer Complaining Behavior Essay

Get downing with the name of Allah for giving me strength and confident for the successful completion of the research. For this work particular thanks goes to my supervisor Dr. Imtiaz Subhani, the support and confident he provides me with his information on the topic ; which is singular. Particularly thankful to every one aid with make fulling out the questionnaire and for giving valuable clip. In the last portion particular thankfulness to parents for giving encouragement to work with exhilaration and enthusiasm. Not merely the parents but besides all household members support makes complete this critical and elongated assignment.

Consumer kicking behaviour was consequence of dissatisfaction from any merchandise or services and may take to kicking. At the consequence of dissatisfaction has two types of clients one who have taken no action and second who have take some complain action. This survey focal point on happening whether endogeneity exist or non in consumer kicking behaviour while other factors such as merchandise features, demographics, psychographics variable were explicating it.

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For this research the instrument was developed on the footing of Ian Phau and puspita Sari research work on prosecuting in ailment behaviour an Indonesian position and the list of the actions was adopted from Krishnan and Valle 1979. A sum of 90 respondents were selected indiscriminately from Iqra University and different shopping promenades in Karachi. The intent of the research was to happen out endogeneity of x variable in consumer complaining behavior the aim was to find whether endogeneity exists or non. If there was endogeneity than it was demoing that variable or set of variables that can explicate consumer kicking behaviour but have non yet studied.

For proving hypothesis and happening consequence optimum grading and correspondence analysis were used.Result shows that endogeneity exist negatively in consumer complaining behaviour which shows that some factor were non studied yet but holding a negative impact on kicking behaviour and negative endogeneity means as the engagement of endogenous variable lessenings it was doing an addition in kicking behavior.Endogenous variables may be client consciousness, client engagement, cultural civilisation and literacy degree. Such as low client consciousness was leads to increase in kicking behaviour.

Chapter 1:
1.1 Overview
Consumer kicking behaviour was a consequence of dissatisfaction from any merchandise or services and may take to kicking. At the consequence of dissatisfaction have two types of clients one were taking no action and 2nd were who had taken some complain action.

For consumers who have take complain actions were farther divided into two types of action which include private action and public action. In instance of private action consumer warn friends, household and others and besides halt utilizing the merchandise or services. In instance of public action client have seek damages from house or maker or seek to reform personally.

Besides in public action dissatisfied whiner complain to authorities and private bureau. Finally in public action client may take legal action against the company or maker.

Consumers who take public actions were more good to companies than one who takes private actions since public actions non merely do companies aware of the jobs faces, but besides provide a opportunity for them to keep clients. It has been observed that kicking by disgruntled client provide an chance to seller every bit good as maker to take some action in order to fulfill the client.

The houses and companies who understand the ground of consumer ailment behaviour can construct up utile ailment declaration scheme, which was consequence in a constructive impact on client keeping, and decreased harmful word-of oral cavity, and develop base line presentation.

It was really of import for the company to retain current client as current client were more willing to demo trueness by utilizing a assortment of the companies ‘ merchandises or services. The positive word of oral cavity of current client catches the attending of new consumers.


The chief aim of the research was to find the endogeneity of x variable in consumer complaining behaviour when other variable such as demographics, psychographic and merchandise features were foretelling it. By happening whether endogeneity exist or non were able to happen some other variables and besides have impact on kicking behaviour but were non study yet. So research finds some of import variables which were ignored earlier. At the terminal of the research were able to happen out some other variable that explain consumer kicking behaviour. This research besides have a restriction which include deficiency of informations, there were no literature on happening the endogeneity in consumer complaining behaviour.

1.3: Hypothesis

H1: Endogeneity exists when forecasters predict the taking complain action.

H 2: Complaining attitude at the clip of dissatisfaction predict taking complain action.

H 3: Embarrassment predicts the taking complain action

H 4: Gender predicts the taking complain action

H 5: Monthly incomes predict the taking complain action

H 6: Residence predicts the taking complain action

H 7: Political association predicts the taking complain action


Consumer kicking behaviour can be defined as the designation and analysis of all of the facets involved in the consumer response to a merchandise or a service failure and the ensuing sensed dissatisfaction. Consumer kicking behaviour was the consequence of dissatisfaction which was neither psychologically accepted nor rapidly bury with this was besides underlined ingestion of a merchandise or service ( Day, 1977 ; Singh, 1988, 1990 ) .As per anticipation disconfirmation theory, which holds that argue that dissatisfaction taking to consumer kicking behaviour was a consequence of the spread between consumers ‘ outlook and the existent public presentation of the merchandise or service ( Adelina and Julie, 1995 ) .

Consumer ‘s appraisal of the purchase experiences was chiefly affected by consumer outlook ( Day, 1977 ) . Consumer becomes dissatisfied when the existent public presentation of the merchandise or service does non run into with the expected public presentation. Because of the companies ‘ mass publicities of the merchandise and services consequence in addition in consumer outlook and this addition in consumer outlook encouragement in steadfast gross revenues, and consumer become defeated if existent public presentation does non run into consumers ‘ outlooks, and it result in kicking behaviour ( Mowen and Minor, 1998 ) .

Dissatisfaction can be communicated in a figure of ways and there were different Typologies which differentiate whiner from non Complainer ( Singh, 1988 ; Krishnan and Valle, 1979 ) . In general, four sets of actions can be summarized foremost disgruntled client take no action and non buy back the house ‘s merchandise or services were logical responses to dissatisfaction ( Day, 1984 and Richins, 1983 ) .

Second, consumers can besides take some signifier of private actions. This may include altering the trade name or provider, halt utilizing the merchandise or service, or warning household and friends. ( Singh and Wilkes, 1996, p. 9 ) . This group is classified as voicers ( Singh, 1990 ) .

Third, consumer can take some signifier of public action. Public actions involve seeking to reform straight from the marketer and maker and taking legal action against the marketer or maker. Consumers may besides be registering a ailment with the provider or manufacturer, a public consumer protection bureau, or a private consumer organisation ( Davidow and Dacin, 1997 ) . Whiners may besides make a new company to supply a better merchandise or service ( Mowen and Minor, 1998 ) .

As comparison to private action consumers who take public actions were more good to companies since public actions non merely do companies aware of the jobs were confronting, but besides give an chance for them to grip the clients ( Davidow and Dacin, 1997 ) .

As a consequence of dissatisfaction consumer incrimination marketer and maker and as a consequence remain off from Sellerss and makers by halt utilizing the merchandises or services and besides involved in negative word of oral cavity by distributing negative information about the merchandises and services. ( Singh and Wilkes, 1996 ) . This last group was classified as militants ( Singh, 1990 ) .

It has been observed that kicking by disgruntled client provide an chance to seller every bit good as maker to take some action in order to fulfill the client. All houses and companies who understand the ground of consumer ailment behaviour can construct up utile ailment declaration scheme, which consequences in a constructive impact on client keeping, and besides diminish unconstructive word of-mouth, and better the basal line public presentation ( Bolfing,1989, and Davis, 1993 and Bharadwaj, 1992 and Kelley, Hoffman, Fornell and Wernerfelt,1987 )

It was really of import for the company to retain the current client as current client were more willing to demo the trueness by utilizing a assortment of the companies ‘ merchandises or services. The positive word of oral cavity gimmicks the attending of new consumers and was probably to experience concerned when companies face a job such as merchandise or service failures. Furthermore, suited ailment intervention can better clients ‘ perceptual experiences of service quality and hike client association with and committedness to the house ( Chandrashekaran and Tax, Brown, 1998 ) .

Consumer becomes satisfied when his experience meets the outlook that is positive disconfirmation on the contrary, when the outlooks were non fulfilled by the experience, the clients were dissatisfied that is negative disconfirmation. A impersonal reaction usually was the consequence of an even lucifer between outlooks and experience ( Blodgett, Granbois and Walters, 1993, p. 403 ) .

For that grounds, dissatisfaction should be measured as an ancestor of kicking ( Landon, 1980 ) while the strength of dissatisfaction seems to play a secondary function ( Oliver, 1987 ; Prakash, 1991 ) .

However, dissatisfaction was non plenty for kicking and consumer ailment behaviour could non merely be incorporated into a theoretical theoretical account of consumer satisfaction. ( Bearden and Teel, 1983, p. 21, Day, 1984, p. 496 ) underscores that kicking behaviour was moderately following to disappointment and a different set of actions which was influenced by a combination of personal and Situational factors which come out to be non related to the strength of dissatisfaction.

Complainer ever expects different possible results for ailments. Complainer expect for a touchable solution of a job, through refund, exchange, fix ; a psychological compensation obtaining apologies ; a societal benefit, “ forestalling the cause for the dissatisfaction from happening to other consumers ( Landon, 1977, )

Consumers who complain were divided into two groups in first class include whiner who complain because want for aid in deciding a job, and in 2nd group include whiners who complain because privation understanding. Complainer who falls in first class were easier to cover with and have a job and unfeignedly want the job solved. As comparison to complainer in the first class the whiner in the 2nd class were more complicated to manage and 2nd class whiner were non really looking for solution but wee more willing to hold understanding.

Such type of people may feel overwhelmed by definite conditions and likely by life in general. And want to believe that were non without aid in the perceptual experience of things being the way.Complainer in the 2nd group of whiner were looking for a sense of sharing that help them to confront the universe and give them a confident that no affair how awful the universe might be were all in this together.

The whiner who ne’er complains falls into another class such type of whiners were in nature positive and perceive the good in most state of affairss and barely of all time kick because see nil to kick approximately. When in instance of non whiners were ne’er enthusiastic to kick if such non whiners engage in job so keenly seek to work out it. And in instance of demand a aid than petition for it instead than traveling for kicking. It was normally a

more utile manner on the route to job declaration and it was much less raging to household and friends.

For such type of non whiner ailments rotate into war narratives narrative shared over dinner or garnering about jobs confronting and how the job was come a crossed every bit good as avoided. The war narratives approach additions the same kindness and friendly relationship that whiners seek, but non including the raging negative side effects. Conflict between the consumer and the service supplier besides consequence in consumer complaining behaviour. Complaining besides was the consequence of higher outlook of the consumer than existent quality of merchandise or service.

Consumer complaining was the index of steadfast unsatisfactory public presentation and in instance of absence of kicking house may non aware of the job and therefore were non be able to better the public presentation ( Davidow and Dakin, 1970 ) It was besides observe that consumer who do kick and were dissatisfied with the service or merchandise had higher degree of repurchase purpose as comparison to non whiner.

Complaining provides house an chance to rectify the errors. So it was really of import for house to decide the complain and fulfill the whiner so than house be able to retain the client. Firm demand to develop employees to manage the complains and appropriate response to kick can avoid the client switching.Consumer kicking behaviour was besides influenced by cultural background there was more differences in kicking behaviour of client from different cultural background.

In individualistic civilization kicking for consumer was the right of every consumer and was the necessary portion of the buying procedure where as consumer in collectivized civilization was

afraid to kick. It was besides observe that one who complain were more socially responsible and were more willing to take hazard and were the psychographic features.

Merchandise features were besides holding a relationship with kicking behaviour as merchandise was non executing as promised by the house it leads to negative impact on the house ‘s image ( .Day and Lando 1977 )

Monetary value was besides considered an of import feature in kicking as monetary value of merchandise additions and merchandise go expensive people may more engage in kicking. A utile exercising for acquiring closer to the clients and understanding them better. If ailments were transformed into cognition about clients, it can supply a important sum of assets for endeavors. To use this capital, companies have to plan, construct, activate and continuously better systems for pull offing ailments. Such systems were named as client CCM systems. However, Tax et Al. 1998 province that in general, houses were non good informed on how to cover with either service failures or with the impact of CCM system

Complaining behaviour was besides influenced by the degree of experience consumers who were more experient were more willing to kick when dissatisfied as comparison to one who was less experient in the market topographic point. ( Morel, Poiesz, and Wilke 1997 ) . Consumers who were more experient in the market place were more confident and were more comfy to cover with the house or marketer, and for them there was more chance to kick on a regular footing.

It was observed that houses were incognizant of consumer ailment actions because the minority consumers really complain straight to the manufacturer or really few client voices complain straight to the houses. Consumers who were non satisfied with the merchandise or service

usually portion negative experiences with other house, and it may hold a major impact on the public presentation every bit good as gross revenues and profitableness of the house. ( Day et al. 1981 ) .

So houses need to give assurance to the whiners to kick straight to houses specially to avoid negative word of oral cavity. By promoting the client to kick it outcome in rise in fulfilment with a service. This rise in felicity was even superior among the chiefly less satisfied clients, so it shows that promoting ailment behaviour may make admirations.

There were several benefits of client kicking such as for consumer who complain and when the job was solved than such consumer go more loyal as comparison to one who had ne’er any job and were less loyal to the company.. Customers who really do non kick when have a job and really did non pass sufficient in the merchandise to set attempt into suiting it. So were comparatively throwing it and prefer to buy a different from person else. If clients were non interested in repairing it, certainly were notA interested in doing recommendations to others.

Chapter 3: Research METHODS

As know that two types of informations which was primary informations and secondary informations. In this research information was collected from primary beginnings and was primary informations. Secondary information was besides use in this research from different diaries, articles and books available on cyberspace. In this research chief focal point was on primary informations obtained from questionnaire study conducted in university, ace shop and shopping promenades.

3.2 Sampling Technique
In this Research of consumer ailment behaviour sample size of 90 questionnaires was filled by both male and female in Iqra University and different shopping promenades and super shops located in Karachi. The respondents were selected on random footing due to the convenience because I was non holding an entree to the proper list of respondents


In this research the entire sample size was of 90 respondents including both male and female which include 58 male and 32 female belonging to different age group and all of them were from Karachi


In this research questionnaire was developed as a research instrument for the intent of informations aggregation through questionnaire study and SPSS was used as a proving tool.For this research questionnaire was developed based on Ian Phau and puspita Sari research work on prosecuting in ailment behaviour an Indonesian position and the list of the actions was adopted from Krishnan and Valle 1979.Questionnaire was used to roll up the information of whiner and non whiner and besides the action taken by them.

Validity and Reliability Test

Contented cogency of inquiries was tested by demoing it to the supervisor who are keenly in touch in category room learning to acquire the professional sentiment and obtain a decision as to whether the objects run into up the standard. The questionnaire was developed by Ian Phau and puspita Sari.

Table 3.1
Dependability Statisticss
Cronbach ‘s Alpha

No of Items



Number of points include in the dependability trial were 6 and Alpha.624

3.5: STATISTICAL Technique
The information collected through questionnaire filled straight by respondents was tabulated in SPSS package. Correspondence analysis and optimum grading were used for the analysis of variables and the association among independent and dependent variables.

Correspondence analysis was used as a trial method as it was applied when because have categorical variable as dependent variable and have both graduated table and categorical forecasters which made it necessary to use Correspondence theoretical account on this research

Chapter 4: Consequence
Table 4.1
Model Summary
Multiple R

R Square

Adjusted R Square

Apparent Prediction Error

Dependent Variable: take complain action

Forecasters: ever complain when disgruntled kicking distasteful to me happen it abashing to kick gender monthly income Where make you populate political association

The above mentioned tabular array of theoretical account sum-up shows that entire fluctuation explains by the theoretical account is 64.5 % that is of adjusted R squar

Dependent Variable: take complain action

Forecasters: ever complain when disgruntled kicking distasteful to me happen it abashing to kick gender monthly income Where make you populate political association

After using optimum grading technique on SPSS table 2 of ANOVA was obtained the important value to be measured in table 2 is the P ( sig ) value which is important. Which shows that theoretical account is important.

Dependent Variable: take complain action

The above mentioned tabular array shows the standard arrested development coefficient. The consequence shows that largest coefficient was for Always complain when dissatisfied that was.744 and 2nd largest coefficient for political Association that is.282.The consequences shows that merely two variables were important among all it include ever complain when disgruntled and political association

Correspondence Analysis
Table 4.4
Correspondence Table
Take complain action

Complainer Action
Chang Brand /Supplier

Stop utilizing merchandise

warned friends and households

tried to reform personally

wrote a complain missive

Non Complainer-take no action

Non Complainer-change trade name

Non complainer-stop utilizing merchandise

Non Complainer-warned friend and household

Active Margin





















Active Margin

The correspondence tabular array shows the distribution of Complainer Action for complainer action class of Yes and No. The rows of the correspondence table represent that whether client return whiner action or non in term of Yes or No. The columns represent the Complainer and Non whiner actions. The fringy row sums show that the sums of client who take complain action is 47 which are higher than those who did non take complain action. For non whiner the sum is 4.

Looking at the column totals we can detect that for Complainer the largely taken action is Stop utilizing merchandise holding a value of 16 followed by 2nd largely taken action of warned fried and household with sum of 11 and besides another action of whiner that is Tried to reform personally is holding value of 10.

Looking at the column sums for Non Complainers the largely taken action is stop utilizing merchandise by holding sum of 12 out of 43, followed by warned friend and households holding a value of 12.we can besides detect that out of 43 non whiners 10 are those who have taken no action

Finding Endogeneity
In order to happen out whether endogeneity exist or non in consumer complaining behavior a two measure arrested development analysis was applied and the consequence shows endogeneity exist negatively in consumer complaining behaviour. Which means that there were ignored variable in kicking which have negative impact of dependent variable.

a Forecasters: ( Constant ) , Ignored X Variable

B Dependent Variable: take complain action

In order to happen out the endogeneity in kicking behavior two measure arrested development was applied and above mentioned tabular array of ANOVA was obtained.

ANOVA tabular array shows that the P value ( sig ) for theoretical account is less than.05 which means that theoretical account is important. It means that endogeneity exist

Table 4.8

Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Mistake



( Constant )





Ignored X Variable






a Dependent Variable: take complain action

Above mentioned tabular array of coefficient shows that the value of Beta is negative which means that there is negative impact of ignored variable on dependent variable. It means that the set of neglected variables doing the endogeneity as the neglected variables were increased it was consequence in lessening in consumer complaining behaviour and besides by cut downing the ignored variable it was ensuing in addition in kicking behaviour.

Ignored Variable ( X Variable )
In order to happen out whether endogeneity exist or non a two measure arrested development analysis was applied and as a consequence a new ignored variable was obtained which was named as X variable.

Observation for ignored variable were 98

Ignored variable ( X Variable ) was suspected of doing endogeneity

Consequences for Endogeneity
As the intent of the survey was to happen out whether endogeneity exist or non, ensue show that there was endogeneity in consumer kicking behavior.Endogeneity was find by using two measure arrested development and tabular array of ANOVA shows the value of P less than.05 which was important it means endogeneity exist.

Result besides shows the coefficient tabular array in which the value of Beta was -.637 which is negatives it means that endogeneity has negative impact on dependant variable. It means as the neglected variables increases it consequence in lessening in consumer complaining behaviour and besides by cut downing ignored variable consequence in addition in kicking behaviour.

The neglected variables may include,

Customer Involvement

Literacy Level

Cultural Civilization

Customer Awareness

Cost of Complaining

Customer Loyalty

As ignored variable additions it consequences in lessening in kicking behaviour. Like as client engagement with merchandise additions client become more cognizant of it and better understand the merchandise and it result in lessenings in kicking behaviour. Same is for Cultural civilisation as client become more civilised less opportunity for kicking.


As a consequence of the statistical trial and on the footing on P ( sig ) values below mentioned tabular array of coefficient was obtained which explain all the important feature of the kicking behaviour.

Table 4.10
Standardized Coefficients





Bootstrap ( 1000 ) Estimate of Std. Mistake

ever complain when dissatisfied






kicking distasteful to me






happen it abashing to kick












monthly income






Where make you populate






political association







Based on statistical trial and consequences of table shows that following hypothesis have non been rejected and was found that such factors extremely influenced consumer kicking behaviour

H1: Endogeneity exists when forecasters predict the taking complain action

H 2: Complaining attitude at the clip of dissatisfaction predicts taking complain action

H 7: Political association predicts the taking complain action


Based on statistical trial and consequences of table shows that following hypothesis have n been rejected and was found that such factors have no influenced on consumer complaining behaviour

H 3: Embarrassment DO NOT predicts the taking complain action

H 4: Gender DO NOT predicts the taking complain action

H 5: Monthly income DO NOT predicts the taking complain action

H 6: Residence/Location DO NOT predicts the taking complain action

Chapter 5: Discussion, CONCLUSION,


5.1 Decision

As the intent of the survey was to happen out endogeneity that whether endogeneity exist or non in consumer complaining behaviour, the consequence from two measure arrested development analysis shows that endogeneity exist negatively in consumer complaining behaviour. It means that there was an neglected variable in consumer complaining behaviour and this ignored variable was named as X variable.

For the end point ignored variable ( x variable ) the value of Beta was negative which means that endogeneity exist negatively in kicking behaviour. It means that there were set of neglected variables doing the endogeneity, as such neglected variables increases it consequence in lessening in consumer complaining behaviour and besides by diminishing such variables it result in addition in kicking behaviour.

After traveling through different research documents and literature reappraisal related to kicking behaviour research worker have list of ignored variable and the ignored variable may include Customer Involvement, Literacy Level, Cultural Civilization, Customer Awareness Cost of Complaining and Customer trueness.

As per consequences ignored variable have negative impact on kicking behaviour so every bit neglected variable additions it result in lessening in kicking behaviour.

Like as client engagement with merchandise additions client become more cognizant of it and better understand the merchandise and it result in lessenings in kicking behaviour, Same is for Cultural civilisation as client become more civilised less opportunity for kicking.


The cardinal ground of the survey was to happen that whether endogeneity exist or non in consumer complaining behaviour. Entire samples of 90 questionnaires were filled by both male and female. In order to obtain the consequence a Correspondence analysis and Optimal scaling techniques were applied. Consequence shows that out of 90 respondent 47 have taken complain action while staying 43 have taken no action. In this research whiner actions were divided into two classs which include action taken by whiner and non whiner.

Consequence for whiner and non whiner action have shown that that for Complainer the largely taken action is Stop utilizing merchandise holding a value of 16 followed by 2nd largely taken action of warned fried and household with sum of 11 and besides another action of whiner that was tried to reform personally and holding value of 10.

Where as for Non Complainers the largely taken action was stop utilizing merchandise by holding sum of 12 out of 43, followed by warned friend and households holding a value of 12.It was besides observe that out of 43 non whiners 10 were those who have taken no action.

By using Optimal grading had obtained standard arrested development coefficient which shows that merely two variables were important among all it include ever complain when disgruntled and political association. In order to happen out whether endogeneity exist or non in consumer complaining behavior a two measure arrested development analysis was applied and the consequence shows endogeneity exist negatively in consumer complaining behaviour. Which means that there were ignored variable in kicking which have negative impact of dependent variable.

By using two measure arrested development research worker has obtained ANOVA tabular array which shows that the P value ( sig ) for theoretical account was less than.05 which means that theoretical account was important. It means that endogeneity exist. A tabular array of coefficient was besides obtained which shows that shows that the value of Beta was negative which means that there was negative impact of ignored variable on dependent variable. It means that there were set of neglected variables doing the endogeneity as the neglected variables increases it consequence in lessening in consumer complaining behaviour and besides by cut downing these variable it result in addition in kicking behaviour.

After traveling through different research documents and literature reappraisal related to kicking behaviour research worker have list of ignored variable and these ignored variable may include Customer Involvement, Literacy Level, Cultural Civilization, Customer Awareness Cost of Complaining and Customer trueness.

As per consequences these ignored variable have negative impact on kicking behaviour so as these variable additions it l consequence in lessening in kicking behaviour. Like as client engagement with merchandise additions client become more cognizant of it and better understand the merchandise and it result in lessenings in kicking behaviour, Same was for Cultural civilisation as client become more civilised less opportunity for kicking.


As a consequence of this research have come to cognize that there were set of neglected variable in kicking behaviour and this ignored variable was known as Ten variables. In the old researches related to consumer kicking behaviour ignored X variables were ignored though ignored variable have an impact on kicking behaviour.

This research aid to understand the kicking behaviour of consumer that how consumer react to the dissatisfaction of the merchandise and services. This research was utile to manage the whiner and non whiner and besides assist to distinguish the whiner from non whiner. For the research to be conducted in the hereafter it was recommended for the research workers that research workers should besides see the impact of the neglected variables as variable have an influence on kicking attitude of the consumers. It was besides recommended that it was really of import to understand the kicking behaviour of the consumer because it helps them to better the public presentation.


This research place the list of ignored variable and broader the dimension of the research on consumer kicking behaviour. This research will assist the future research on kicking behaviour as the research worker will besides considered these lists of neglected variable in the research as were antecedently ignored.

This research will be really helpful for the future research as research worker can acquire aid from this research to happen out that besides consumer demographics, psychographics and merchandise feature there are besides other variable demand to be consider in the research.


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