Corporal Punishment Essay

Punishment 1 Corporal Punishment HIS 324 Kenneth Howder Ginger Harbin August 9, 2010 Punishment 2 Corporal punishment is deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to defer attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable. The term usually refers to methodically striking the offender with an implement, whether in judicial, domestic, or educational setting. Punishment 3 I. The history of corporal punishment II. Corporal punishment within schools

III. Corporal punishment within the home Punishment 4 The history of corporal punishment in the early years it was unclear, that practice was recorded as early as 10th century BC and was certainly present in classical civilization, being used for both judicial and educational discipline. Later in the 19th century corporal punishment was reduced a consequence in the reduction of corporal punishment was due to two known cases of death do to corporal punishment which led to the opposition to punishment.

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And even into the 20th century some states corporal punishment is legal within schools and homes. In the UK corporal punishment has been abolished altogether, but in the U. S. it’s still legalized in several states (Chapman and Hall, London 1963, An essay on Nature and education pp. 34-35). Corporal punishment thru out the years has always been a touchy situation with parents and the judicial system, usually punishment means slapping, spanking, or whipping a person for wrong doing which is understandable, but some people look at it as child abuse.

There is a very fine line between corporal punishment and child abuse, the judicial system looks into these situations on a daily basis for the protection of the children and the parents. Corporal punishment usually helps people from doing wrong, but then you have the others that it won’t matter what you do they will continue to misbehave. These kind of people it’s in the way they were raised and how they were treated as they grew up, how much respect was given to them? What kind of life style did they have?

All these play a factor in your character and how you present yourself to be. Corporal punishment has become so insufficient in today’s society that kids are getting away with too much within the home, school, and even society people are scared to do anything or touch anyone these days because you could be sued. What has this world come to with opposing corporal punishment? Punishment 5 Corporal punishment within schools in the United States the Supreme Court ruled that school corporal punishment does not constitute civil and unusual punishment under the eighth Amendment.

Paddling is used in schools in a number of southern states, but it’s on the decline (Wicksteed, J. H. , The Challenge of Childhood). However 30 states have ban corporal punishment in public schools, corporal punishment has been a way to have control in our schools. When you look at the schools these days students are getting away with a lot, students do and say what they want in school that is because there is no consequences for these student that do wrong. Teachers are afraid to say or do anything because things can be twisted and the teacher will be the one in trouble.

This is the same issues with the administration at the school have to watch what they say or do cause they really can’t do anything either except talk to the parents or suspend the student. Suspending the student is what they want anyways because they really don’t want to go to school in the first place, and talking to the parents this approach doesn’t really work either because this is where they learned the behavior that they’ve been portraying at school. Is spanking a child for breaking school rules a useful or destructive practice?

Corporal punishment in schools according to the American Psychological Association states that it is likely to train children to use physical violence (resolution of corporal punishment) American Psychological Assoc. 1975. There is vast moral differences here and there among parents, teachers, and judiciary there is no reasoning why children should not learn about it, punishing children when they do wrong seems to be one important way of doing this (Benatar, D. corporal punishment, Social theory and practice, 1998).

Schools now have more to fear with students, that they have officers on campus to protect this seems a bit much, but looking back corporal punishment was a way to stop wrong doers Did it work? Or help? Not sure but students are getting away with more now than the past. Punishment 6 Corporal punishment found within the home consists legally in fifty states of the United States and is highly approved by parents. Domestic corporal punishment of children by their parents is referred to as spanking, whipping, smacking, or slapping this has been outlawed in many countries and in other countries it’s still legal but restricted.

Parents have been historically regarded as having the duty of disciplining their children and the right to spank them when appropriate, many people believe in the region, believe a certain amount of corporal punishment for their own children is appropriate and necessary. The legality of corporal punishment is the U. S. is typically established by the makings of special exceptions in the state’s laws, however under these laws which are vague at times. That the line between corporal punishment and child abuse is defined state by state what is permissible and legal.

It has been mentioned that corporal punishment with children has no signigifient changes in behavior, however they do show lack of trust and externalizing problems as adults (Macmillan, H. L. , Boyl, M. H. , Wong, M. Y. , Fleming, J. E. , (October 1999) Slapping and Spanking in childhood, CMAJ 16 p, 805-809). It has been noted that corporal punishment possesses some negative side effects and only limited benefits, and recommends the use of other forms of discipline to manage undesirable behavior (Stein, M. T. , Perrine, E. L. (April 1998 Pediatrics 101 P. 23-738). Punishment 7 Corporal punishment this type of punishment has been used all the way back to the medieval times and is still relevant today within homes and schools and even the judicial system. In the school corporal punishment is still legal in many parts of the United States, but it has declined in use with the schools. What a difference this shows in our schools today compared to the 1970’s and 1980’s students don’t know what it was like then, we need to bring it back to the school system it would make a difference.

The best place to make a stand is in your home, corporal punishment is still legal to a point within the home in about half of the United States. Over the years it’s been hard determine the fine line of corporal punishment and child abuse. The courts have given the parents the right to spank, paddle, or whip their child’s butt to a certain extreme for doing wrong just need to be careful in the extent of the punishment. Corporal punishment was the way in earlier years and has fallen to the way side, except with the judicial system we still punish the wrong doers the way they should be punished.

Punishment 8 References Wicksteed, J. H. The challenge of Childhood, 1936 Chapman and Hall, An Essay on Nature and Education, London, 1936, pp. 34-35 Straus, 1994; Kipnis, 1999, Kindlon and Thompson, 1999; Newberger, 1999, Hyman, 1997 MacMillan, H. L. , Boyle, M. H. , Wong, M. Y. , Fleming, J. E. ,(October, 1999) Slapping and Spanking in Childhood, CMAJ 16(7), p. 805-809 Stein M. T. , Perrine, L. (April, 1998) Pediatrics 101 (4pt1) 723-728 Benatar, D. Corporal Punishment, Social theory and practice, 1998


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