Corporate Governance Essay

1. Introduction

This chapter provides a definition of corporate administration and examines importance of, and the rules underpinning corporate administration. It besides reviews anterior research analyzing corporate administration revelations and in peculiar, those which have investigated corporate administration revelation in ECMs.


Modern corporations have dispersed ownership construction ( Jenkinson and Mayer, 1994 ). Due to this, these corporate entities are characterised by contractual relationships between ( stockholders ) proprietors and directors ( agents ). Management is hired by proprietors ( i.e. investors ) to run the concern on their behalf ( Sarpong, 1999 ). Within the bureau theory model, it is theorised that directors may seek to maximize their wealth to the hurt of stockholders and bondholders through the ingestion of fringe benefits ( Jensen and Meckling, 1976 ). Decisions of agents have the inclination of unfavorably reassigning wealth from one principal to another i.e. from bondholders to stockholders ( Watts and Zimmerman, 1978 ). John and Senbet, ( 1998 p. 372 ) define corporate administration “as a agencies by which stakeholders of a corporation exercising control over corporate insiders and direction such that their involvement will be good protected”. Similarly, it is proposed that “corporate administration issues originate in an organisation whenever two conditions are present. First, there is an bureau job, or struggle of involvement, affecting members of the organisation – these might be proprietors, directors, workers or consumers. Second, dealing costs are such that this bureau job can non be dealt with through a contract” ( Hart, 1995, p. 678 )

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To debar the bureau job, there is the demand to guarantee that equal and effectual corporate administration constructions are put in topographic point to forestall maltreatment of power by directors ( Cadbury, 1992 ). Corporate revelation through one-year studies is one of the indispensable instruments for the monitoring of managerial behavior ( Watts, 1977 ; Watts and Zimmerman, 1978 ). This requires frequent rating of managerial activities and public presentations peculiarly, through independent non-executive managers ( Roberts et al 2005 ). Berle and Means ( 2003 ) position corporate administration as a comparatively new construct in both the populace and academic spheres, although the cardinal issues the construct seeks to turn to hold been in being for a longer period. The most common definition of the construct has been provided by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OCED ).

It defines Corporate administration as: ‘ ‘ a system by which concern corporations are directed and controlled. Corporate administration structures stipulate the distribution of rights and duties among different participants in the corporation, such as, the board, directors, stockholders and other stakeholders and spells out the regulations and processs for doing determinations on corporate personal businesss. By making this, it besides provides the construction through which the company ‘s aims are set and the agencies of achieving those aims and monitoring public presentation ” ( OECD, 1999 p. 11 ).

The influential Cadbury study defines corporate administration basicss and slightly simplistically as ‘ ‘ the systems by which companies are directed and controlled ” ( Cadbury 1992 ). This will necessitate seting in topographic point appropriate mechanisms which will guarantee that corporate resources are safeguarded. Johnson and Scholes ( 1998 ) explained that corporate administration is concerned with both the operation of organisations and the distribution of powers between different stakeholders. They argue that corporate administration determines whom the organisation is at that place to function and how the intent and precedences of the organisation should be decided. Therefore, among other things, corporate administration is concerned with constructions and procedures for determination devising, ensures answerability and controls managerial behavior. It hence, seeks to turn to issues confronting board of managers, such as the interaction with top direction and relationship with proprietors and others interested in the personal businesss of a company.

The definitions outlined, straight or indirectly, portion common elements. They all acknowledge the being of struggle of involvement between directors and stockholders as a consequence of the being of separation of ownership and control in corporate activities. They farther recognize the demand to set in topographic point effectual corporate administration mechanisms to guarantee that stockholders and investors involvement are good protected.


As a consequence of globalisation and the increasing complexness of concern there is a greater trust on the private sector as the engine of growing in both developed and developing states. Organizations do non be in a vacuity ; they instead interrelate with a figure of involvement groups, known as stakeholders ( Freeman, 1984 ). These stakeholders include stockholders, authoritiess, regulative organic structures, creditors and the general populace ( Pease and Macmillan, 1993 ). Stakeholders are impacted by the activities of companies. In this respect, and in the context of this survey, equal and effectual corporate administration revelation becomes relevant to investors and other stakeholders from a figure of point of views.

Effective corporate administration revelation promotes transparence in corporate constructions and operations. It strengthens answerability and inadvertence among directors and board members to stockholders ( Bosch, 2002 ). This inadvertence and answerability combined with the efficient usage of resources, improved entree to lower-cost capital and increased reactivity to societal demands and outlooks leads to better corporate public presentation. Many surveies exist associating good corporate administration with better Performance. Fianna and Grant ( 2005 ) explains that good corporate administration helps to bridge the spread between the involvements of those that a company, by increasing investor assurance and take downing the cost of capital for the company. Furthermore, they besides add that it besides helps in guaranting company honours, its legal committednesss and signifiers value-creating dealingss with stakeholders. Coles et Al. ( 2001 ) and Durnev and Han ( 2002, besides found that companies with better corporate administration enjoy higher rating. These surveies ‘ consequences, helps in corroborating the thought of good corporate administration, consequence in better determinations at all degrees of the organisation, non at top-management and board degrees, but besides in the better public presentation of the organisation

Again adequate and effectual corporate administration revelation ensures that corporate activities are run in an unfastened and crystalline mode ( Brain 2005 ). Last, corporate administration patterns boost market assurance and guarantee effectual allotment of capital in the market ( Greenspan, 2002 ).

From the forgoing treatments, the realisation of the importance of good corporate administration patterns is mostly dependent on a figure of internal factors. As a manner of accomplishing this, a figure of rules have been established.


A figure of rules underpin effectual corporate administration. These rules are concern probity, duty and equity or equal chance. Corporate entities are expected to exhibit these qualities to guarantee good administration. Embracing the defined rules will better relationships between companies, their stockholders and the overall public assistance of every economic system. These rules are briefly discussed.

Business probity requires persons in charge of companies to be unfastened and honest in the discharge of their activities. Harmonizing to Brain ( 2005 ) openness implies a willingness to supply information to persons and groups about the activities of a company. In this respect, it is of import to acknowledge that stockholders and investors need to cognize the place of a company in order to measure their public presentation. Timely bringing of information will enable them accomplish this intent.

Good corporate administration revelation requires animal trainers of companies to be honest in the discharge of their activities. Honesty requires directors to present factual information. A mark of honestness is that statements of companies are believed. However, Brain ( 2005 p. 26 ) contends that “honesty might look an obvious quality for companies, but, in an age of spin, and the use of facts, honest information is possibly by no agencies every bit prevalent as it should be.”

Corporate administration requires animal trainers of corporate entities to be responsible in the discharge of their responsibilities. Investors require assurance that company ‘s fiscal systems are secured and believable. Directors are hence expected to work in this way to run into investor ‘s outlook. Duty in the context of corporate administration includes other issues such as transparence and answerability. These rules are critical to the endurance and public assistance of every company. Therefore, directors have a responsibility to explicate their actions to stockholders every bit good as investors so as to heighten their apprehension of the way of the company ‘s activities.

The rule of fairness requires nonpartisanship and a deficiency of prejudice in corporate activities. In the context of corporate administration, the quality of equity is achieved when directors behave in sensible and indifferent mode. In this sense, to guarantee good administration stockholders are expected to have equal consideration. This means minority stockholders should be treated the same manner as bulk stockholders.


  1. Berle, A.A. and G.C. Means ( 2003 ). “ The Modern Corporation and private belongings ”, New York, Macmillan Company.
  2. Bosch, H. ( 2002 ), “ The altering face of corporate administration ”, UNSW Law Journal, Vol. 25 No.2, pp.270-93.
  3. Brain, C. ( 2005 ) Corporate Governance, ICSA text
  4. Cadbury A. ( 1992 )Fiscal Aspect of corporate administration
  5. Coles JW, Mcwilliams VB, Sen N. A ” n scrutiny of the relationship of administration mechanisms to public presentation ”.Journal of Management 2001; 29 ( 1 ) :23-50.
  6. Durnev A, Han KE. “ The interplay of firm-specific factors and legal governments in corporate administration and house rating ”. In: Paper Presented at Dartmouth ‘s Center for Corporate Governance Conference: Contemporate Governance ; 2002. p. 12-3.
  7. Fianna J, Grant K. “ The revised OECD rules of corporate administration and their relevancy to non-OECD states ”, vol. 13. Blackwell Publishing Ltd ; 2005. p. 2.
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  9. Greenspan, A. ( 2002 ) Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets
  10. Hart, O. ( 1995 ), “Corporate Governance, Some Theory and Applications ”,The Economic Journal105: 687-689
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  13. John, K., and L. Senbet ( 1998 ), “Corporate Governance and Board Effectiveness”,Journal of Banking and Finance22: 371-403.
  14. OECD ( 2005 ),Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State Owned Enterprises
  15. Roberts, J. T. McNulty, et Al ( 2005 ). “Beyond bureau constructs of the work of the non-executive manager: making answerability in the boardroom”. Particular Edition. British Journal of Management 16: S5-S26
  16. Sarpong, K.K. ( 1999 ) Financial Reporting in Emerging Capital Markets: A Case Study of Ghana, PHD Thesis, The University of Warwick
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