Crt 205 Final Project Essay

Axia College Material Appendix E Critical Analysis Forms Fill out one form for each source. |Source 1 Title and Citation: The Cybercrime Treaty Will Improve the Global Fight Against Internet Crime | |Cyber Security Industry Alliance. “The Cybercrime Treaty Will Improve the Global Fight Against Internet Crime. “Opposing Viewpoints: Cyber | |Crime. Ed. Louise Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library. 2 Dec. 2009 | |. | | | |The European Council-sponsored a multilateral treaty specifically addressing| |1 |Identify the principal issue presented by the |the requirement for investigation and prosecution of the computer network | | |source. |crimes. This treaty promotes a type of global law enforcement for computer | | | |network-based crimes covered under the treaty. | | |One example of bias is the authors one sidedness point-of-view considering | |2 |Identify any examples of bias presented by the |all cyber activate related to Cybercrimes or network-based crimes illegal. | | |author. If none exist, explain how you |However, hacking is a process use be Information Technology (IT) | | |determined this. |professionals to fix and repair holes in the security system.

Whereas, | | | |cracking; which is similar to hacking, is a process use by individuals | | | |intending to do harm to others. | | | |One identifiable area that the author was vague in is what the European | |3 |Identify any areas that are vague or ambiguous. |Council considered Cybercrimes or network-based crimes. For example, | | |If none exist, explain how you determined this. pirating, hacking, cracking, infecting, stalking, and/or theft. | | | | | | | |I find this source credible. In personal experiences with viruses, worms, | |4 |Do you find the source credible? Explain your |spyware, and malware I found in numerous chat forum pages on or related to | | |reasoning. the topic there is a growing threat to users all around the world because | | | |of Cybercrimes or network-based crimes. | | | |One rhetorical device used by the author is rhetorical definition by using | |5 |Identify and name any rhetorical devices used |loaded language while trying to clarify that Cybercrime or network-based | | |by the author. If none exist, explain how you |crimes are a huge problem in global society and needs law enforcement to | | |determined this. protect users. | | | |The article does not have any fallacies. I determined this by knowing in | |6 |Identify and name any fallacies used by the |many cases fallacies start with the structure of a good argument and garble | | |author. If none exist, explain how you |or pervert it. In this case the author is trying to promote knowledge that | | |determined this. |law enforcement on Cybercrimes or network-based crimes is needed to protect | | | |global society. | | |The European council states Cybercrimes pose a huge threat to the global | |7 |State one argument made by the author. |society because they transcend geographical and national boundaries and as a| | | |result virtual law enforcements are needing to be put into place to for | | | |protection global society. | | |The premise is Cybercrimes or network-based crimes pose a major problem in | |8 |Identify the premises and conclusion of the |the global society. The conclusion is a convention for law enforcement | | |argument. |against Cybercrimes or network-based crimes. | | | |The author’s argument is strong. The primes is true Cybercrimes or | |9 |Is the author’s argument valid or invalid, |network-based crimes are a major problem.

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Making the conclusion that law | | |sound or unsound, strong or weak? Explain how |enforcements need to be put into place unlikely to be false. | | |you determined this. | | | | |The author does not use moral reasoning but, uses Legal Moralism in the | |10 |Does the author use moral reasoning? If not, |position that the laws against Cybercrimes or network-based crimes should be| | |explain how you determined this. put into place to prohibit anything immoral. | |Source 2 Title and Citation: The Cybercrime Treaty Threatens Civil Liberties | |Bob Barr. “The Cybercrime Treaty Threatens Civil Liberties. ” Opposing Viewpoints: Cyber Crime. Ed. Louise Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, | |2009. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library. 12 Dec. 2009 | | | | |The issue in the article is other counties being able to demand any | |1 |Identify the principal issue presented by the |information regarding one’s personal computer privacy in any way wanted. For| | |source. |example, other countries laws vary like, laws relating to guns or drugs | | | |being legal in some states and not in others. Also other states ave not | | | |ratified the Cybercrime Treaty but, can still be targeted by under the | | | |treaty increase the likelihood of cyber fraud.. | | | |An example of bias presented by the author in the article is the assumption | |2 |Identify any examples of bias presented by the |that a Republican president and Senate is responsible for take such drastic | | |author.

If none exist, explain how you |actions and not the individuals committing the Cybercrimes or network-based | | |determined this. |crimes.. However, the course of severity in which the action were taken are | | | |a little much. | | | |An area of vagueness in the article is the little information on how the | |3 |Identify any areas that are vague or ambiguous. |Cybercrime Treaty will do little or nothing to accomplish the purpose of | | |If none exist, explain how you determined this. protecting the global society for Cybercrimes or network-based crimes. | | | | | | | |I find the article credible on the grounds that other states outside of the | |4 |Do you find the source credible? Explain your |United States of American have different laws established then the U. S. | | |reasoning. |Government such as, laws on drugs, speed limits, and/or guns. | | |The author uses the Weaseler rhetorical device. Using this device the author| |5 |Identify and name any rhetorical devices used |is aimed at shielding a claim for criticism with no proper proof that the | | |by the author. If none exist, explain how you |treaty is not doing the intended purpose by qualifying it with the major | | |determined this. |differences in laws between foreign states and the United Sates governments. | | | | | | |The fallacy used in the article by the author was misplaced burden of proof. | |6 |Identify and name any fallacies used by the |The author places the burden of proof on the wrong side or more heavily on | | |author. If none exist, explain how you |Republicans because a Republican President and Senate passed the treaty. | | |determined this. When the burden of proof should be aimed at the ones committing the | | | |Cybercrime or network-based crimes. | | | |The argument is that the Cybercrime Treaty threatens civil liberties due to | |7 |State one argument made by the author. |the broad reach of the law enforcement between states that ratified and did | | | |not ratify the treaty. | | | |The treaty threatening civil liberties is the primes.

Any state is able to | |8 |Identify the premises and conclusion of the |access any information relating to the activity of one’s computer and | | |argument. |contents could have the likelihood of increasing internet fraud. | | | |The author’s argument is weak. Without the proper proof that the foreign | |9 |Is the author’s argument valid or invalid, |states that ratified the Cybercrime Treaty are misusing the information | | |sound or unsound, strong or weak? Explain how |accessed about one’s computer activities and/or privacy makes it weak. | |you determined this. | | | | |The author uses moral reasoning to make a moral value judgment in the | |10 |Does the author use moral reasoning? If not, |nonfactual claim that the Cybercrime Treaty threatens civil liberties that | | |explain how you determined this. |assigns moral value to one’s civil liberties. | |Source 3 Title and Citation: Therapeutic Cloning Can Saves Lives | |Barglow,

Raymond. “Therapeutic Cloning Can Save Lives. ” At Issue: The Ethics of Human Cloning. Ed. John Woodward. San Diego: Greenhaven | |Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library. 12 Dec. 2009 | |. | | | |The principal issue presented in the article by the author is banning | |1 |Identify the principal issue presented by the |therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell research would block medical | | |source. professionals form saving lives from deceases and illnesses | | | |The author presents bias in the article by only thinking of the medical | |2 |Identify any examples of bias presented by the |implications of embryonic stem cell research rather than if it right or | | |author. If none exist, explain how you |moral to do | | |determined this. | | | |No vague or ambiguous areas exist. In the article the author describes in | |3 |Identify any areas that are vague or ambiguous. |detail the difference between cloning of embryonic stems cells for | | |If none exist, explain how you determined this. |therapeutic cloning and a larger doomsday scenario as such depicted in the | | | |movie Star Wars The Clone Wars and Attack of the Clones.

Furthermore, making| | | |that author’s stand point on stem cell research can save lives | | | |comprehendible. | | | |I find the source credible on the grounds that proven research on stem cell | |4 |Do you find the source credible? Explain your |research has helped individuals suffering from currently incurable | | |reasoning. sicknesses start recovering. | | | |The author uses rhetorical definition by using loaded language while | |5 |Identify and name any rhetorical devices used |ostensibly trying to clarify therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell | | |by the author. If none exist, explain how you |research can save lives. | | |determined this. | | | | |The author uses no fallacies in the article.

In many cases fallacies start | |6 |Identify and name any fallacies used by the |with a good argument and then the author tries to garble or pervert it. The | | |author. If none exist, explain how you |authors intentions for this article are to promote and support the research | | |determined this. |of therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell methods. | | | |The argument the author presents is the banning of therapeutic cloning from | |7 |State one argument made by the author. embryonic stem cell research would block research that could lead to cures | | | |for many diseases. | | | |The premise is banning therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell | |8 |Identify the premises and conclusion of the |research, which can save lives is the wrong course of action. The conclusion| | |argument. |is banning it would block medical research that could lead to cures for many| | | |diseases and/or sicknesses. | | |The author’s argument is valid. It is true banning therapeutic cloning from | |9 |Is the author’s argument valid or invalid, |embryonic stem cell research is the wrong course of action and it can save | | |sound or unsound, strong or weak? Explain how |lives. Making the conclusion true as well banning it would block medical | | |you determined this. |research that could lead to cures for many diseases and/or sicknesses. | | | |The author uses oral reasoning behind his standing on therapeutic cloning | |10 |Does the author use moral reasoning? If not, |from embryonic stem cell research to save another human life with the | | |explain how you determined this. |knowledge gained from the research. | |Source 4 Title and Citation: Therapeutic Cloning Is Immoral | |Saunders, William. “Therapeutic Cloning Is Immoral. ” At Issue: The Ethics of Human Cloning. Ed. John Woodward. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. | |Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center.

Gale. Apollo Library. 12 Dec. 2009 | |. | | | |The principal issue presented in the article is therapeutic cloning from | |1 |Identify the principal issue presented by the |embryonic stem cell research is immoral and goes against the Nuremberg Code. | | |source. |That states “that there should be no experimentation on a human subject when| | | |death or disabling injury will result. and because so should be banned and| | | |not practiced even for saving another human beings life. | | | |Bias presented by the author in the article is a tendency or inclination | |2 |Identify any examples of bias presented by the |that prevents unprejudiced consideration of that fact in question that | | |author. If none exist, explain how you |therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell research can be used save lives| | |determined this. from diseases such as, cancer. | | | |An area that was vague was in what way or how the therapeutic cloning from | |3 |Identify any areas that are vague or ambiguous. |embryonic stem cell research practice would fail and/or be dangerous. | | |If none exist, explain how you determined this. | | | | |I find the source credible because of Nuremberg proven Code that states in | |4 |Do you find the source credible?

Explain your |any situation “that there should be no experimentation on a human subject | | |reasoning. |when death or disabling injury will result. ” and news coverage on cloning. | | | | | | | |The rhetorical device used by the author is dysphemism to strengthen the | |5 |Identify and name any rhetorical devices used |claim that therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell research is immoral | | |by the author.

If none exist, explain how you |by stating the therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell research is | | |determined this. |other word for murder is dysphemism. | | | |The fallacy used by the author is an example of false dilemma because the | |6 |Identify and name any fallacies used by the |author assumes that the only two alternatives that exist are therapeutic | | |author.

If none exist, explain how you |cloning from embryonic stem cell research is immoral and it goes against the| | |determined this. |Nuremberg Code, so anyone who does not agree with the first alternative has | | | |to accept the second one | | | |The argument made by the author is that therapeutic cloning from embryonic | |7 |State one argument made by the author. stem cell research is immoral and goes against the Nuremberg Code. As a | | | |result should not be practiced. | | | |The premise is that therapeutic cloning is immoral and goes against the | |8 |Identify the premises and conclusion of the |Nuremberg Code no experimentation on a human subject when death or disabling| | |argument. |injury will result.

The conclusion is that therapeutic cloning from | | | |embryonic stem cell research should not be practiced | | | |The author’s argument is valid. The premise being true that therapeutic | |9 |Is the author’s argument valid or invalid, |cloning is immoral and goes against the Nuremberg Code. The conclusion that | | |sound or unsound, strong or weak?

Explain how |therapeutic cloning from embryonic stem cell research should not be | | |you determined this. |practiced, the conclusion that would be true as well. | | | |The author uses moral reasoning. In the authors reasoning it expresses that | |10 |Does the author use moral reasoning? If not, |using an embryonic life that cannot make demission for itself is an act of | | |explain how you determined this. |murder making the research process immoral. |


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