DANB Radiology

Lingual foramen
Oblique Ridge
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Mental Fossa
Genial Tubercules
Hamular Process
Incisive Foramen
Inferior Border
Lateral Fossa
Coronoid Process
Zygomatic Process
All bone appears radiopaque.
How does bone appear on a radiograph?
inferior border of the nasal cavity and anterior border of maxillary sinus.
The inverted Y-landmark is composed of what two structures?
A. Max. turberosity
Which of these structures appear to be radiolucent (light)?
a. Maxillary tuberosity
b.maxillary sinus
c.mental foramen
d. nasal fossa
C. Dental Pulp
Which of these structures appears radiolucent (dark)?
b.alveolar bone
c. dental pulp
d. enamel
they should be mounted as if you were facing the patient
What is the proper method for mounting radiographs?
to avoid image magnification
Why is an increased target-film distance required in the paralleling technique?
Which term descibes the imaginary line between the long axis of the tooth and the film plane?
16 inches
What is the target-film distance that is generally used in the paralleling technique?
What is the result of incorrect horizontal angulation?
90 degrees to the film and long axis of the tooth
What degrees best describes the relationship between the central ray to the film in the paralleling technique?
Which radiographic technique is generally regarded as producing superior radiographs?
the midsagittal plane
Which term describes the imaginary plane that passes thru the center of the body that it into right and left halves?
1/8 inch
How wide should the margin above or below the occlusal edge be on the posterior radiographs?
toward the incisal or occlusal edge
In which location should the identification dot ALWAYS be placed?
error in horizontal angulation
What factor would most likely reduce the usefulness of a bitewing radiograph?
aligning the PID so that the central beam travels straight thru the interproximal contact
How can the radiographer BEST prevent overlapped contacts on a bitewing?
distal half of the mandibular canine
When taking a premolar bitewing what needs to be in view on the film?
pulp stones
Calcifications in the dental pulp occur in the form of small nodules called….
T/F All metals appear radiopaque?
T/F All decay appears radiopaque?
T/F It is not possible on a radiograph to differentiate accurately between periapical abscess, a granuloma, or a cyst?
T/F Malignant tumors typically have well-defined margins and do not metastasize.
T/F Exostoses and tori are the most frequently encountered malignant tumors.
bone loss
Radiographs can be used to diagnose…..
1, 2, & 4
Periodontal disease is best measured by:
1. clinical exam
2. perio probe
3. soft tissue exam
4. radiographs
ring-like radiopacity around cervical neck of tooth && irregular radiopaque projection on the proximal root surfaces
Calculus appears on a radiograph how….
Type II periodontal disease
Radiographs can detect..
triangulation in the alveolar crest near the CEJ.
Cemental caries is usually seen on a radiograph as..??
T/F Bone loss and gingival recession are necessary factors in the development of radicular caries.
Which radiograph is used to show the base of the skull?
b. infraorbital foramen
All of the following will appear radiopaque on a pano except one. Which one is the exception?

a.zygomatic process
b.infraorbital foramen
c.lateral pterygoid plate
d.genial tubercles

Mandibular molar
The internal oblique line should be able to be observed in which of the following radiographs?
moving-center rotation
Which rotational system has the widest trough in the posterior region, which facilitates TMJ imaging?
mandibular premolar
In which radiograph is the mental foramen observed?
focal trough
The area of image sharpness between the xray source and the film that will be imaged on the pano is callled?
photo stimulable phosphor
Which sensor utilizes rare earth coated plates to store the xray energy until stimulated by a laser beam?
the patients chin was too high
If a pano image shows a reversed smile (frown) the likely cause is..?
Frankfort plane parallel to the floor and midsaggital plane perpendicular to the floor
Which of the following describes the correct head positioning for a pano?
exposure time
In extraoral radiographs, the intensifying screen is used to reduce the?
The exposure times are reduced about___when compared to traditional “F” speed film.
focal trough
In order to achieve a diagnostic quality pano image, the arches must be positioned within the?
15-20 seconds
The pano cycle requires the patient to be stationary for how long?
The sensitivity of the emulsion on the film to radiation
film speed
Controls penetrating power of radiation
controls the quantity
the restriction of the size and shape of the x-ray beam in order to reduce patient exposure
the degree of blackness on a film
film density
an invisible image on the x-ray film which becomes visible after it has been processed in the manual or automatic processor
latent image
Double exposure
Multiple images =
removable appliance was left in place
superimposed image =
film is too dark =
chin was tipped too low
excessive curving of the occlusal plane =
patients head was twisted in the machine
teeth and structures are wide on one side, narrow on the other =
patients tongue not positioned in the palate
dark shadow over the max teeth between the palate and dorsum of tongue
cassette hit patients shoulder and temporarily stopped
dark vertical line extending from top to bottom edge of film
exposed to light
entire film is dark =
developer, rinse, fixer, rinse
What is the correct steps for manuel processing?
static electricity
What causes a “tree-like” marking on a film?
mA controls contrast or density?
kv controls contrast or density?
small round radiolucency in the center of the genial tubercles apical to the mandibular central incisors
lingual foramen
Elevated prominences on the occlusal surfaces of a maxillary molar extending obliquely from the mesiolingual cusp to the distobuccal cusp.
oblique ridge
Depressed area of the bone on the external surface of the mandible. Appears as a radiolucent area above the mental ridge on mandibular incisor periapical radiographs and
mental fossa
rounded process on bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons
small, rounded projections on the inner surface of the mandible that are attachments for the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles
genial tubercules
A slender projection of bone that lies posterior and medial to the maxillary tuberosity
hamular process
opening in the midline bone of the oral hard palate where blood vessels and nerves may pass.
incisive foramen
Upright portion in the back of the mandible
right ventricle, left ventricle at apex
inferior border
A radiolucent area between the maxillary canine and lateral incisors
lateral fossa
anterior ramus of mandible; attachment for muscle of mastication; superimposed around maxillary tuberosity.
coronoid process
A J- or U-shaped radiopacity located superior to the maxillary first molar region
zygomatic process

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