Dental Radiology

Finger Print on Film
Handling film with wet hands
Finger Print on Film
Brown Stain on Film
Fixer solution too old, chemicals exhausted or inadequate washing with water
Brown Stain on Film
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Developer Cut-Off
Not enough developer in tank. Solution only covers half of the film
Developer Cut-Off
Dark area on film
Film exposed to light before placed in processing (developer and fixer)
Dark area on film
Black developer splashes
Developer solution spilled on film before it was washed
Black developer splashes
Two films overlapped
Films stuck together during processing
Two films overlapped
Fixer Cut-Off
Not enough fixer in tank. Solution only covers half of the film
Fixer Cut-Off
Fogged Film
Improper safelighting, Darkroom light leaks, Improper film storage, Outdated films, Contaminated processing solutions, High developing temps.
Fogged Film
Big difference in temperature of Developer and Fixer solutions. Rarely occurs.
Overdeveloped Film
Developer too hot, Too much time in the developer, Exposure to light
Overdeveloped Film
Underdeveloped Film
Developer too cold, Not enough time in developer, Developer solutions too old, exhausted
Underdeveloped Film
Roller Marks on Film
Roller marks on film from dirty roller. Remember to use a cleaning film each day before processing.
Roller Marks on Film
Static Electricity
Removing Film to quickly from packet
Static Electricity
White Fixer Spots on Film
Film splashed with fixer before processing (developing).
White Fixer Spots on Film

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