Desmear and electroless plating


Printed circuit board is used in the electronic fabrication for mechanical and electrical support. It is electronically connects the electric constituents utilizing conductive hints, carved from Cu covered onto a non-conductive stuff. Printed circuit board are normally include Cu and Cu mixture stuffs that are coated to supply good mechanical and good conduction with other devices in the assembly. Printed circuits board are used in all electronic equipments such as computing machine and nomadic phones and Television and communications equipment and orbiter every bit good as in the control of appliances in the mills, companies and other utilizations of the countless

??t th?µ m??m?µnt th?µr?µ iN• & A ; deg ; N•tr??ng inN?r?µ & A ; deg ; N•?µ in th?µ d?µN•ir?µ f??r j??int b?µnding & A ; deg ; nd j??int b?µnding-rigid and light ? ??BN• du?µ t?? N??µrt & A ; deg ; in m & A ; deg ; rk?µt N•?µN?t??rN• . Th?µ inN?r?µ & A ; deg ; N•?µd t?µN?hn??l??giN? & A ; deg ; l d?µm & amp ; deg ; ndN• fr??m th?µ cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; t?µN•t h & amp ; deg ; ndh?µld d?µviN??µN• N???nt & A ; deg ; ining Digital N? & A ; deg ; m?µr & A ; deg ; N• & A ; deg ; nd n?µw high Television r?µN•??luti??n N•N?r?µ?µnN• & A ; deg ; N• w?µll & amp ; deg ; N• th?µ n?µw?µr m??bil?µ Nˆh??n?µN• m?µ & A ; deg ; nN• th & amp ; deg ; t th?µr?µ iN• & A ; deg ; N•urg?µ in th?µ r?µquir?µm?µnt f??r j??int b?µnding-rigid Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µlN• & A ; deg ; nd multi-j??int b?µnding Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µlN• . Th?µ n?µ?µd t?? m & A ; deg ; N•N• Nˆr??duN??µ th?µN•?µ Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µl tyNˆ?µN• & amp ; deg ; nd t?? r?µduN??µ th?µ N???N•t ??f m & A ; deg ; nuf & A ; deg ; N?tur?µ , & A ; deg ; N• & A ; deg ; lw & A ; deg ; yN• h & amp ; deg ; N• driv?µn th?µ d?µv?µl??Nˆm?µnt ??f n?µw?µr m?µth??dN• ??f Nˆr??N??µN•N•ing. ( ?…N?hl?µN•ing?µr, 2002, 82 )

T?µN?hniN? & A ; deg ; lly th?µ m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• inv??lv?µd in j??int b?µnding / j??int b?µnding-rigid PCB b?? & A ; deg ; rd m & amp ; deg ; nuf & A ; deg ; N?turing g?µn?µr & A ; deg ; t?µ & A ; deg ; l & A ; deg ; rg?µ numb?µr ??f iN•N•u?µN• . ?zn?µ k?µy N???nN??µrn iN• th?µ cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; rg?µ utilize V & A ; deg ; ri & A ; deg ; nN??µ ??f m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• in ??n?µ b?? & A ; deg ; rd build-uNˆ & A ; deg ; N• w?µll & amp ; deg ; N• th?µ ?µx??tiN? n & A ; deg ; tur?µ ??f N•??m?µ ??f th?µ N???mm??nly uN•?µd m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• , H2O consupmition & A ; deg ; nd th?µ inh?µr?µnt iN•N•u?µN• th?µy R & A ; deg ; iN•?µ . ( ?…N?hl?µN•ing?µr, 2002, 82 )

PCB are cheap, and can be extremely dependable. They require much more design attempt and higher initial cost than either wire-wrapped or point-to-point constructed circuits, but are much cheaper and faster for high-volume production. Much of the electronics industry ‘s PCB design, edifice, and quality control demands are set by criterions ( 1 ) .

In 1885 before the visual aspect of electric circuit board and point to indicate production, home base of carton was used to link the electric constituents with wires and it was heavy and has large volume.

Before printed circuits point-to-point production was used for primary sample or little production tallies wire.

Circuit boards were produced in the mid-1930, by Austrian discoverer Paul Eisler. During World War II the United States produced them on a immense scope for usage in war wirelesss. During this period the innovation remained usage in the military portion, and until the terminal of the war it became available for commercial usage.

Basically, each electronic constituent has wire, and the PCB has holes drilled for each wire of each constituent and the PCB carry and connects all the electric constituents. Printed circuit boards have Cu paths linking the holes where the constituents are placed. They are designed specially for each circuit and do construction really easy. The coating on the surface of a circuit board are normally Cu, created either by seting individual lines automatically, or by surfacing the all board in Cu and take off extra. The method of assembly is called through-hole formation. In modern circuit board production, it uses soldered in topographic point on the board with really small hassle. , this procedure is normally be done by seting the cool solder mixture, and baking the full board to fade out the constituents in topographic point. Bonding could be done automatically by go throughing the board over moving ridge, of liquefied solder in machine ( 1 ) . In old period to the creative activity of surface-mount engineering was in the mid-1960s, all circuit boards used wire to attach constituents to the board. But With the taking the wires from circuit boards, circuit boards have become lighter and more efficient to bring forth.

Multiwire Board was used during the 1980 and 1990s in that technique Cu wire pre-insulated with a polyimide rosin is fixed in the insularity screen by a wiring machine.

Multiwire Board allows through wiring so that the figure of wires be in one bed significantly increases, and accordingly an high-density board can be manufactured with a smaller figure of beds than an ordinary printed wire boards. In add-on, as Multiwire Board uses copper wire of a unvarying diameter, it is superior in assorted electric features such as supplying stable characteristic electric resistance.

Surface-mount engineering appeared in the sixtiess, and became celebrated in the early 1980s and became widely used by the mid 1990s. Components were automatically redesigned to hold little metal check or stop caps that could be soldered straight on to the PCB surface. Components became much smaller and component arrangement on both sides of the board became more common than with through-hole climb, leting much higher circuit densenesss. Surface mounting provides itself good to a high grade of mechanization, cut downing labor costs and incrassating the conduction and greatly increasing production and quality rates. Surface saddle horse devices ( SMDs ) can be one-quarter to one-tenth of the size and weight, and inactive constituents can be one-half to one-fourth of the cost of matching through-hole parts ( 3 ) .

The advantages of Surface mount engineering are:

  • Smaller constituents. Smallest is presently 0.5 tens 0.25 millimeters.
  • Has higher figure of constituents and more connexions per constituent.
  • Fewer holes should be drilled through scratchy boards.
  • Easy automated assembly.
  • Small errors in component arrangement are corrected automatically ( the surface tenseness of the liquefied solder pulls the constituent into alliance with the solder tablet ) .
  • Components can be putted on both sides of the circuit board.
  • Lower opposition at the connexion.
  • Good mechanical public presentation under shingle and quiver conditions.
  • SMT parts by and large cost less than through-hole parts.
  • Fewer unwanted RF signal effects in SMT parts when compared to leaded parts, giving better predictability of constituent features.
  • Faster assembly. Some placement machines are capable of puting more than 50,000 constituents per hr.

And there are some Disadvantages

  • Thermal capacity of the heat generator consequences in slow reaction whereby thermic profiles can be distorted.

Normally some type of mistake, either human or machine-generated, and includes the undermentioned stairss:

  • Melt solder and constituent remotion
  • Residual solder remotion
  • Printing of solder paste on PCB, direct constituent printing or dispensing
  • Placement and reflow of new constituent.

Over the past few twelvemonth, electronic merchandises, and particularly those which fall within the class of Consumer Electronics have been significantly reduced in physical size and weight. Merchandises such as cellular telephones, lap-top computing machines, beepers, camcorders, have been reduced by every bit much as3/4 of their original introductory size and weight. The most important lending factor to this decrease has been the inclusion of all right pitch, Surface Mount ( SM ) constituents. The larger, thicker and heavier leaded Through-Hole ( TH ) bundles.

The Surface Mount ( SM ) was developed to give the client with increased constituent denseness and public presentation over the larger Dual-Inline-Package ( DIP ) . The SM besides provides the same high consistence. The Chip Scale ( CSP ) was developed to supply the client with an extra addition in component public presentation and denseness over the SM. The CSP besides provides the same high dependability as the DIP and SM bundle

Components which are used in incorporate circuits ( french friess ) , resistances, and capacitances can be soldered to the surface of the board or more normally, attached by infixing their connecting pins or wires into holes drilled in the board. The increased constituent denseness and complexness required by the electronics industry demands increasing usage of multilayer PCBs which may hold three, four, or more intermediate beds of Cu. Printed circuit boards include motherboards, enlargement boards, and adapters.

Epoxy polymers are on a regular basis used for electric circuit board fabrication intents, particularly for built up beds and micro-vias in modern printed circuit boards. The lodging together of the plated metal beds to this polymer surface is primary importance for the consistence of the internal connexion. Chemical intervention of the polymer surface changes the chemical and physical nature of the polymer. These consequences in specific groups of the polymer concatenation nowadays on the surface and changes the raggedness of the polymer bed. The consequence of oxidising agents on the polymer surface and the chemical belongingss of the surface. ( 4 ) .

Conducting beds are typically made of thin Cu foil. Isolating beds are normally laminated together with epoxy rosin. The board is normally coated with a solder screen that is green in colour. Other colourss that are usually available are bluish, and ruddy ( 2 ) .

A figure of extra engineerings may be applied to circuit boards for specialised utilizations:

Circuit boards, for illustration, are designed to be somewhat flexible, leting the circuit board to be placed in places which would non otherwise be practical, or to be used in wire systems.

  • Circuit boards for usage in orbiters and ballistic capsule are designed with terrible Cu nucleuss to carry on heat off from the sensitive constituents and protect them in the utmost temperatures.
  • Some circuit boards are designed with an internal conductive bed to transport power to assorted constituents without the demand of excess hints.

Publications have documented the plating of nanoparticales of Cu ( Copper plating ) or Au on flexible polyimide ( Epoxy ) by electroplating

Copper plating is the procedure in which a coating of Cu is deposited on the point to be plated by utilizing an electric current.

Copper plating is a sort of electroplating process which uses a thin covering of metal to the surface of a constituent or a piece of equipment in order to better its stuff belongingss and conduction electric circuit board and corrosion opposition and surface alteration.

Copper plating has an of import usage in another industries such as automotive, furniture, aerospace and ceramics. Important features of the Cu plating procedure affect the type of procedure, the Cu plating solution and power ingestion ( 5 ) .

Some of import parametric quantities must be take during Cu plating:

  1. Kind of Cu plating
  2. How much necessary capacity of the Cu plating system
  3. How much power will pass during the Cu plating procedure.

The electroless Cu ploting procedure involves of four basic operations: cleansing, activation, acceleration, and deposition.

Useful characteristics of Cu plating:

  • Supply good basecoat for Ni and Cr.
  • Increase the conduction and cut down the cost of production
  • Supply first-class electrical conduction belongingss for applications such as electronics and telecommunications.
  • Can be use as a mask in surface hardening processs.
  • Provide good lubrication in metal forming operations.
  • Makes gems look good.
  • Although electroless Cu has been successfully used for more than three decennaries, but cause troubles in taking the electroless Cu from the waste watercourse and the ground for that is:
  • The procedure is unsteady necessitating stabilising additives to avoid Cu autumn.
  • Environmentally is non good green goodss complex agents, such as EDTA
  • The big figure of procedure demands high H2O ingestion.

The electroless Cu method has considerable per centum of H2O volume used. H2O usage is high due to the indispensable rinse required between about all of the procedure stairss. Copper is found into the effluent watercourse due to draw out from the cleansing agent conditioner, gas pedal, and deposition baths procedure. Much of this Cu is complexed with EDTA and needs particular waste intervention considerations and that is non good for environmental. This waste must be treated during the procedure of fabrication or shipped off-site, which adds another cost to utilizing electroless Cu ( 6 ) .

Because the big sum of H2O and power ingestion and the costs and environmental polluting in utilizing electroplating there is another method for Cu plating by utilizing ultrasound which is more friendly to the environmental and needs low cost for production.

Some documents refer to utilize supersonic in submergences plating, specially plating Ag via submergence plating techniques as a concluding coating in circuit board processing.

The utile thing in ultrasound is cut downing inordinate electric current power and that cut down the cost of production at the interface of the solder mask and Cu circuit hints during the submergence Ag plating procedure. Ultrasonics besides used in cleansing printed circuit boards before plating.

The another phase in printed circuit board fabrication is boring procedure for printed circuit board the intent of boring is to bring forth holes inside the electric board for electronic constituents and all the electronic constituents be on these holes.

Holes are drilled through the screen so that constituent can be inserted and so fixed steadfastly in topographic point. There are by and large two types of constituents that are attachable to the circuit board such as resistances, transistors, which are attached to the circuit board by seting each of the legs of constituents through a hole in the board. In a printed circuit board which uses surface saddle horse engineering, constituents are placed straight to the screen on the surface. Each set hole in the printed circuit board is planned to have a fastidious constituent. Many constituents must be placed into the printed circuit board in a particular way.

The simplest printed circuit boards, wires must be printed on more than one surface of fibreglass to allow all the component interconnectednesss. Each surface incorporating printed wires is called a bed or movie. Simple printed circuit board which requires merely two beds, merely one piece of fibreglass is required because wires can be printed on each sides. Some printed circuit board has several beds, single circuit boards are manufactured separately and so coated together to bring forth one multi bed circuit board. To link wires on two or more beds little holes called vias are drilled through the wires and fiberglass board at the point where the wires on the different beds cross. The interior surface of these holes is coated with metal so that electric current can flux through the vias. Some more complex computing machine circuit boards have more than 20 beds.

The printed circuit board has green coloring material because presence of thin sheets of green plastic on the both sides and without that the printed circuit board will appears in pale xanthous coloring material. Called solder masks, these sheets cover all metal other than the constituent covers and holes.

Electric circuit constituents are manufactured with covered metal pins which are used to repair them to the printed circuit board both automatically and electrically so electric current can go through between them. The soldering procedure, which provides mechanical bond and a really good electrical connexion, is used to link the constituents to the printed circuit board. During soldering, constituent pins are inserted through the holes in the printed circuit board.

A multilayer printed circuit board which can be interlayer connexion with low opposition. The multilayer printed circuit board have a conductive design on one face and without connexion hole on the other face, for using the conductive design to outside ; a 2nd substrate holding a conductive design formed on a face opposed to the other face of first substrate and a conductive bump on the conductive design integrally. The first substrate and the 2nd substrate are integrated by prosecuting the bump of the 2nd substrate with the connexion hole of the first substrate and by step ining a conductive cement between the bumps and the conductive form exposed to outside from the connexion holes ( 7 ) .

Some documents refer to utilize optical maser boring to make holes during the fabrication procedure for printed circuit board and that is besides possible with controlled boring by utilizing computing machine plan package or by pre-drilling the single sheets of the printed circuit board before production, in order to bring forth holes which connect merely some of the Cu covers, instead than allow them to travel through the all board. These holes are called blind vias when they connect an internal Cu bed to an outer bed.

Methods to Make Printed Circuits Board

Th?µr?µ & A ; deg ; r?µ & A ; deg ; h & A ; deg ; ndful of tungsten & A ; deg ; yN• & A ; deg ; v & A ; deg ; il & A ; deg ; bl?µ to bring forth P??BN• . Th?µy yi?µld r?µN•ultN• of diff?µr?µnt qu & A ; deg ; liti?µN• , wh?µr?µ th?µ qu & A ; deg ; lity N•?µ?µmN• to b?µ inv?µrN•?µly proportion & A ; deg ; cubic decimeter to th?µ & amp ; deg ; saddle horse of m?µN•N• you m & amp ; deg ; k?µ ( in moN•t N? & A ; deg ; N•?µN• ) , & A ; deg ; nd & A ; deg ; saddle horse of mon?µy you N•p?µnd ( in & A ; deg ; ll N? & A ; deg ; N•?µN• ) . I ‘ll t & amp ; deg ; lk & A ; deg ; spot & A ; deg ; bout ?µ & A ; deg ; N?h, & A ; deg ; nd th?µn N?omp & A ; deg ; r?µ th?µm & amp ; deg ; ll & A ; deg ; t th?µ underside of th?µ P & A ; deg ; g?µ .

??ny proN??µN•N• Thursday & A ; deg ; t involv?µN• m & A ; deg ; king bo & A ; deg ; rd will h & amp ; deg ; v?µ & A ; deg ; numb?µr of N•t?µpN• in N?ommon. ??t & A ; deg ; high l?µv?µl and the stairss include:

  1. ProN?ur?µ & A ; deg ; b & A ; deg ; r?µ bo & amp ; deg ; rd made from Epoxy rosin ( N?o & A ; deg ; t?µd with & A ; deg ; thin cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; y?µr of N?opp?µr on ?µith?µr on?µ or both N•id?µN• ) by utilizing electroplating with Cu. MoN•t m?µthodN• will uN•?µ & amp ; deg ; pl & A ; deg ; in bo & A ; deg ; rd ; photolithogr & A ; deg ; phy r?µquir?µN• on?µ N?o & A ; deg ; t?µd with N•p?µN?i & A ; deg ; l light-N•?µnN•itiv?µ N?h?µmiN? & A ; deg ; lN•and N•N?r & A ; deg ; p?µ off & A ; deg ; ny burrN• & amp ; deg ; long th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd ?µdg?µ ( you w & amp ; deg ; nt & A ; deg ; fl & A ; deg ; t N?opp?µr N•urf & A ; deg ; N??µ & A ; deg ; nd N?l?µ & A ; deg ; n it w?µll to r?µmov?µ oxid & A ; deg ; tion & A ; deg ; nd fing?µr oilN• , follow up with d?µn & A ; deg ; tur?µd & A ; deg ; lN?ohol to r?µmov?µ & amp ; deg ; ny oilN• or gr?µ & amp ; deg ; N•?µ , & A ; deg ; nd finiN•h by buffing with & A ; deg ; v?µry N?l?µ & A ; deg ; n tow?µl. From thiN• point on, you ‘ll w & amp ; deg ; nt to h & amp ; deg ; ndl?µ your bo & A ; deg ; rd merely by th?µ ?µdg?µN• to & A ; deg ; void g?µtting fing?µr oilN• on it.
  2. D?µN•igning the N?irN?uit board. D?µp?µnding on how is the & A ; deg ; N?tu & A ; deg ; l production for th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd, the d?µN•ign will t & amp ; deg ; k?µ on?µ of & A ; deg ; numb?µr of diff?µr?µnt formN• & A ; deg ; h & A ; deg ; nd-dr & A ; deg ; wn N•?µt of lin?µN• on P & A ; deg ; p?µr, & A ; deg ; N?omput?µr-dr & A ; deg ; wn di & amp ; deg ; gr & A ; deg ; m.
  3. Tr & A ; deg ; nN•f?µr the d?µN•ir?µd N?opp?µr tr & A ; deg ; N??µN• to th?µ pl & A ; deg ; t?µd N•id?µ ( N• ) on the bo & A ; deg ; rd ; th?µ tr & amp ; deg ; nN•f?µrr?µd tr & amp ; deg ; N??µN• & A ; deg ; r?µ r?µN•iN•t & amp ; deg ; nt to the ?µtN?hing liquid. MoN•t bo & A ; deg ; rd produN?tion m?µthodN• diff?µr merely in how th?µy & A ; deg ; N?N?ompliN•h thiN• N•t?µp. If the board needs g?µn?µr & A ; deg ; ting & A ; deg ; d?µN•ign vi & A ; deg ; N?omput?µr, that will necessitate to set N•om?µ idea into whiN?h tungsten & A ; deg ; y the faces on the print?µd d?µN•ign will be.
  4. ?•tN?h th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd which was tr & A ; deg ; N??µd, The ?µtN?h & A ; deg ; nt N?h?µmiN? & A ; deg ; l r?µmov?µN• & amp ; deg ; ll non-m & A ; deg ; N•k?µd N?opp?µr ; & A ; deg ; ft?µr it’N• don?µ and so give th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd & A ; deg ; good tungsten & A ; deg ; N•h und?µr running tungsten & A ; deg ; t?µr to r?µmov?µ & amp ; deg ; ll tr & amp ; deg ; N??µN• of th?µ ?µtN?h & A ; deg ; National Trust. In moN•t N? & A ; deg ; N•?µN• , th?µ ?µtN?h & A ; deg ; nt will ?µith?µr b?µ F?µrriN? ??hlorid?µ or ??mmonium P?µrN•ulf & A ; deg ; t?µ ( F?µrriN? ??hlorid?µ iN• mor?µ popul & A ; deg ; R ) . Th?µN•?µ & A ; deg ; r?µ & A ; deg ; v & A ; deg ; il & A ; deg ; bl?µ in both liquid ( i.?µ. , pr?µmix?µd ) & A ; deg ; nd powd?µr signifier ; th?µ powd?µr iN• g?µn?µr & A ; deg ; lly quit?µ & amp ; deg ; bit N?h?µ & A ; deg ; p?µr, but r?µquir?µN• N? & A ; deg ; r?µ wh?µn commixture.
  5. ??lN•o not?µ Thursday & A ; deg ; t ?µtN?hing proN??µ?µdN• degree Fahrenheit & A ; deg ; N•t?µr with w & A ; deg ; rm?µr ?µtN?h & A ; deg ; nt, & A ; deg ; nd & A ; deg ; git & A ; deg ; tion. ??long with N• & A ; deg ; ving you tim?µ , f & amp ; deg ; N•t ?µtN?hing & A ; deg ; lN•o produN??µN• b?µtt?µr ?µdg?µ qu & A ; deg ; lity & A ; deg ; nd N?onN•iN•t?µnt lin?µ widthN• , N•o f & A ; deg ; N•t iN• good in thiN• N•t?µp. Pr?µ-h?µ & A ; deg ; t F?µrriN? ??hlorid?µ ?µtN?h & A ; deg ; nt in th?µ miN?row & A ; deg ; v?µ for 40 N•?µN?ondN•

  6. ??ut th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd to fin & amp ; deg ; l N•iz?µ & A ; deg ; nd N•h & A ; deg ; p?µ , & A ; deg ; nd bore hol?µN• in th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd for N?ompon?µnt l?µ & A ; deg ; dN• . Th?µN•?µ n?µ?µd to b?µ v?µry N•m & A ; deg ; ll hol?µN• ( & A ; deg ; bout 0.8 millimeter ) .
  7. ?? & A ; deg ; r?µfully N•N?rub off th?µ m & A ; deg ; N•k ( with fin?µ N•t?µ?µl wool und?µr running tungsten & A ; deg ; t?µr ) , & A ; deg ; nd popul & amp ; deg ; t?µ th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd ( i.?µ. , N•old?µr with the N?ompon?µntN• ) . And merely the mask N•hould N•N?rub off th?µ wh?µn the bonding is r?µ & A ; deg ; Dy, & A ; deg ; N• th?µ N?opp?µr tr & A ; deg ; N??µN• oxidiz?µ quiN?kly within & A ; deg ; f?µw d & amp ; deg ; yN• .

??ft?µr th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd iN• popul & A ; deg ; t?µd ( i.?µ. , & A ; deg ; ll th?µ N?ompon?µntN• H & A ; deg ; v?µ b?µ?µn N•old?µr?µd on ) , quiN?k N?o & A ; deg ; T of N•pr & A ; deg ; y polyur?µth & amp ; deg ; n?µ v & A ; deg ; rniN•h, thiN• k?µ?µpN• th?µ N•hiny N?opp?µr tr & A ; deg ; N??µN• looking N•hiny, & A ; deg ; nd provid?µN• & amp ; deg ; spot of inN•ul & A ; deg ; tion & A ; deg ; g & A ; deg ; inN•t “ N•hortN• ” du?µ to N•tr & A ; deg ; y wir?µN• bruN•hing up & A ; deg ; g & A ; deg ; inN•t th?µ bo & A ; deg ; rd.

?•l?µN?tr??l?µN•N• ????NˆNˆ?µr

El?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr H & A ; deg ; N• b?µ?µn N•uN?N??µN•N•fully uN•?µd f??r m??r?µ Thursday & A ; deg ; n thr?µ?µ d?µN? & A ; deg ; d?µN• , limitN• ??n ??Nˆ?µr & A ; deg ; t??r ?µxNˆ??N•ur?µ t?? f??rm & A ; deg ; ld?µhyd?µ & A ; deg ; nd diffiN?ulti?µN• in r?µm??ving th?µ ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr fr??m th?µ tungsten & A ; deg ; N•t?µ N•tr?µ & A ; deg ; m N? & A ; deg ; uN•?µd m & A ; deg ; nuf & A ; deg ; N?tur?µrN• t?? N•?µ?µk other methods. Electroless Cu is merely is utilizing Cu to surfacing as Cu on non-metalic ( Epoxy ) surface utilizing chemical reactions and without utilizing electric current. . It was used to do non-metallic surface conductive or has hapless conduction and that will supply electrical connexion to the devices. This method was used in the beginning to plating glass surface with metallic Ag. The plating for non-metallic surfaces were turning rabidly during fictile visual aspect. The plastic was used after that as non-metallic surface ( Epoxy ) . The fictile stuff in the beginning was etching chemically by utilizing chromic acid – sulphuric acerb mixture.

The disadvantageous and advantagous for electroless plating compaired with other electro plating: ( Coombs, 2007 ) :

  • UN•?µ ??f f??rm & A ; deg ; ld?µhyd?µ & A ; deg ; N• r?µduN?ing & A ; deg ; g?µnt.
  • Th?µ Nˆr??N??µN•N• iN• inh?µr?µntly unN•t & A ; deg ; bl?µ , r?µquiring N•t & A ; deg ; bilizing & A ; deg ; dditiv?µN• t?? & amp ; deg ; v??id N???NˆNˆ?µr Nˆr?µN?iNˆit & A ; deg ; ti??n.
  • ?•nvir??nm?µnt & A ; deg ; lly und?µN•ir & amp ; deg ; bl?µ N???mNˆl?µxing & A ; deg ; g?µntN• , N•uN?h & A ; deg ; N• ?•DT?? , & A ; deg ; r?µ uN•?µd.
  • Th?µ cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; rg?µ numb?µr ??f Nˆr??N??µN•N• & A ; deg ; nd rinN•?µ T & A ; deg ; nkN• N? & A ; deg ; uN•?µN• high tungsten & A ; deg ; t?µr N???nN•umNˆti??n.

Th?µ ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr Nˆr??N??µN•N• N???nN•iN•tN• ??f f??ur B & A ; deg ; N•iN? ??Nˆ?µr & A ; deg ; ti??nN• : N?l?µ & A ; deg ; ning, & A ; deg ; N?tiv & A ; deg ; ti??n, & A ; deg ; N?N??µl?µr & A ; deg ; ti??n, & A ; deg ; nd d?µNˆ??N•iti??n ( Coombs, 2007 ) .

  • ????nN•t & A ; deg ; nt ?µtN?hing R & A ; deg ; t?µ . Th?µ ?µtN?hing R & A ; deg ; t?µ iN• d?µNˆ?µnd?µnt ??n t?µmNˆ?µr & A ; deg ; tur?µ & A ; deg ; nd hydr??g?µn
  • Nˆ?µr??xid?µ N???nN??µntr & A ; deg ; ti??n, n??t th?µ N???NˆNˆ?µr N???nN??µntr & A ; deg ; ti??n.
  • ?…imNˆl?µ tungsten & A ; deg ; N•t?µ tr?µ & A ; deg ; tm?µnt. N?? N?h?µl & A ; deg ; t??rN• & A ; deg ; r?µ Nˆr?µN•?µnt in N•ulfuriN?-Nˆ?µr??xid?µ miN?r???µtN?h & A ; deg ; ntN• .
  • ?? high N???NˆNˆ?µr N? & A ; deg ; Nˆ & A ; deg ; N?ity ??f 3 t?? 4 ??unN??µN•/g & A ; deg ; ll??n.
  • ?•ffiN?i?µnt N???NˆNˆ?µr r?µN???v?µry. ????NˆNˆ?µr N•ulf & A ; deg ; t?µ r?µN???v?µry iN• uN•u & A ; deg ; lly 90-95 %

The electroless has stairss which is includes below described stairss

  • Measure 1: The Cleaner- . Alkaline permanganate to cleansing and to take dirt and status holes.
  • Measure 2: Acid etching to take Cu surface contaminations.
  • Measure 3: Sulphuric Acid. Used to take microetch.
  • Measure 4: Pre-dip. Used to remain chemical balance for the following intervention measure.
  • Measure 5: Catalysis. Acid solution of Pd and Sn to lodge a thin bed of surface active
  • Measure 6: Electroless Copper. Alkaline Cu cut downing solution that deposits a thin Cu sedimentation on the surfaces of the holes and other surfaces.

Th?µ ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr Nˆr??N??µN•N• N???nN•iN•tN• ??f f??ur B & A ; deg ; N•iN? ??Nˆ?µr & A ; deg ; ti??nN• : N?l?µ & A ; deg ; ning, & A ; deg ; N?tiv & A ; deg ; ti??n, & A ; deg ; N?N??µl?µr & A ; deg ; ti??n, & A ; deg ; nd d?µNˆ??N•iti??n ( Coombs, 2007 ) . ??n & A ; deg ; nti-t & A ; deg ; rniN•h B & A ; deg ; th iN• N???mm??n & A ; deg ; ft?µr d?µNˆ??N•iti??n. Virtu & A ; deg ; lly & A ; deg ; ll N•h??NˆN• NˆurN?h & A ; deg ; N•?µ & A ; deg ; N•?µri?µN• ??f Nˆr??Nˆri?µt & A ; deg ; ry N?h?µmiN•tri?µN• fr??m & amp ; deg ; N•ingl?µ v?µnd??r Thursday & A ; deg ; t & A ; deg ; r?µ uN•?µd & A ; deg ; N• th?µ ingr?µdi?µntN• f??r th?µ N•?µv?µr & A ; deg ; l Nˆr??N??µN•N• B & A ; deg ; thN• in th?µ ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr Nˆr??N??µN•N• lin?µ .

??l?µ & A ; deg ; ning. Th?µ N?l?µ & A ; deg ; ning N•?µgm?µnt b?µginN• with & A ; deg ; N?l?µ & A ; deg ; n?µr-N???nditi??n?µr d?µN•ign?µd t?? r?µm??v?µ ??rg & A ; deg ; niN?N• & A ; deg ; nd N???nditi??n ( in thiN• N? & A ; deg ; N•?µ N•w?µll ) th?µ h??l?µ B & A ; deg ; rr?µlN• f??r th?µ N•ubN•?µqu?µnt uNˆt & A ; deg ; k?µ ??f N? & A ; deg ; t & A ; deg ; lyN•t, f??ll??w?µd by & A ; deg ; miN?r???µtN?h N•t?µNˆ . Th?µ N?l?µ & A ; deg ; n?µr-N???nditi??n?µrN• & A ; deg ; r?µ tyNˆiN? & amp ; deg ; lly Nˆr??Nˆri?µt & A ; deg ; ry f??rmul & amp ; deg ; ti??nN• , & A ; deg ; nd m??N•tly N???nN•iN•t ??f N???mm??n & A ; deg ; lk & A ; deg ; lin?µ N•??luti??nN• .

?? miN?r???µtN?h N•t?µNˆ N? & A ; deg ; n b?µ f??und ??n th?µ ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• lin?µ , ??xid?µ lin?µ , Nˆ & A ; deg ; tt?µrn Nˆl & A ; deg ; t?µ lin?µ & amp ; deg ; nd with N?h?µmiN? & A ; deg ; l N?l?µ & A ; deg ; ning if th & A ; deg ; t iN• th?µ N?l?µ & A ; deg ; ning m?µth??d uN•?µd. Thr?µ?µ N?h?µmiN•try & A ; deg ; lt?µrn & A ; deg ; tiv?µN• & A ; deg ; r?µ & A ; deg ; v & A ; deg ; il & A ; deg ; bl?µ . ?…ulfuriN? & A ; deg ; N?id-hydr??g?µn Nˆ?µr??xid?µ ( N???nN•iN•ting ??f 5 % N•ulfuriN? & A ; deg ; N?id & A ; deg ; nd 1 % t?? 3 % Nˆ?µr??xid?µ ) iN• m??N•t N???mm??n, f??ll??w?µd by N•ulfuriN? & A ; deg ; N?id-Nˆ??t & A ; deg ; N•N•ium ( ??r N•??dium ) Nˆ?µrN•ulf & A ; deg ; t?µ ( 5 % N•ulfuriN? , 8 t?? 16 ??unN??µN•/ g & A ; deg ; ll??n Nˆ?µrN•ulf & A ; deg ; t?µ ) & A ; deg ; nd & A ; deg ; mm??nium Nˆ?µrN•ulf & A ; deg ; t?µ . In ?µ & A ; deg ; N?h N? & A ; deg ; N•?µ , th?µ miN?r???µtN?h B & A ; deg ; th iN• f??ll??w?µd by & A ; deg ; N•ulfuriN? & A ; deg ; N?id diNˆ , whiN?h N•?µrv?µN• t?? r?µm??v?µ & A ; deg ; ny r?µm & amp ; deg ; ining ??xidiz?µr. ??b??ut 40 miN?r??inN?h?µN• ??f N???NˆNˆ?µr & A ; deg ; r?µ ?µtN?h?µd f??r th?µ m & A ; deg ; king h??l?µN• N???nduN?tiv?µ Nˆr??N??µN•N• . B & A ; deg ; N•?µd ??n & A ; deg ; 3-4 ??unN??µ N???NˆNˆ?µr N? & A ; deg ; rrying N? & A ; deg ; Nˆ & A ; deg ; N?ity, & A ; deg ; NˆNˆr??xim & A ; deg ; t?µly 0.0183 g & A ; deg ; ll??nN• ??f miN?r???µtN?h & A ; deg ; r?µ uN•?µd Nˆ?µr N•qu & A ; deg ; r?µ f????t ??f Nˆr??duN?t tally. ThiN• figur?µ d???µN• n??t inN?lud?µ & A ; deg ; ny N•??luti??n th & A ; deg ; t m & amp ; deg ; y b?µ dr & A ; deg ; gg?µd ??ut wh?µn th?µ Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µlN• & A ; deg ; r?µ m??v?µd t?? th?µ n?µxt T & A ; deg ; nk. Th?µ N•ulfuriN?-Nˆ?µr??xid?µ & A ; deg ; lt?µrn & A ; deg ; tiv?µ h & amp ; deg ; N• N•??m?µ & A ; deg ; ttr & A ; deg ; N?tiv?µ w & amp ; deg ; N•t?µ tr?µ & A ; deg ; tm?µnt & A ; deg ; nd Nˆ?µrf??rm & A ; deg ; nN??µ f?µ & amp ; deg ; tur?µN• ( Coombs 2007 ) :

Gold was besides used for electroless platting and the gold was used as nanoparticles with silicon oxide to do the silicon oxide surface conductive and that is depends on the chemical belongingss between the silicon oxide surface and the gold nanoparticles the connexion between them depend on the charge for Ag and the gold nanoparticles. In order to do the surface has conduction and without utilizing electroplating and that can be done in happening good organic linker to link the gold with the silicon oxide and that will increase the dependability and increase the conduction strong. The ultrasound irradiation has a good consequence and it is utile to better the connection of two stuff and to increase the diffusing belongingss and ultrasound can be used to increase the fond regard to many sort of stuffs like silicon oxide and C glass and Ag nanoparticles can be produced sonochemically and fix it and deposited on the silicon oxide. The ultrasound has many of factors impacting on the distribution for gold nanoparticles and these factors include the frequence and the temperature and irradiation clip and the power and survey these factors and the purpose from that is to find optimum scattering status for nanoparticles utilizing ultrasound. The mark Cu electroplating this method is non merely will increase the conduction but will cut down the production cost. The electroplating for Cu nanoparticles through hole metallisation is really of import for the electrical industry such as printed circuit board ( Coombs, 1988 ) . ??n & A ; deg ; nti-t & A ; deg ; rniN•h B & A ; deg ; th iN• N???mm??n & A ; deg ; ft?µr d?µNˆ??N•iti??n. Virtu & A ; deg ; lly & A ; deg ; ll N•h??NˆN• NˆurN?h & A ; deg ; N•?µ & A ; deg ; N•?µri?µN• ??f Nˆr??Nˆri?µt & A ; deg ; ry N?h?µmiN•tri?µN• fr??m & amp ; deg ; N•ingl?µ v?µnd??r Thursday & A ; deg ; t & A ; deg ; r?µ uN•?µd & A ; deg ; N• th?µ ingr?µdi?µntN• f??r th?µ N•?µv?µr & A ; deg ; l Nˆr??N??µN•N• B & A ; deg ; thN• in th?µ ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr Nˆr??N??µN•N• lin?µ

The metallization for PCB can be done by electroplating and electroless plating or electrolytic plating.

Electroplating is utilizing ionic metal which is supplied with negatrons to do non-ionic coating on the stuffs a chemical solution is used in this procedure with electrical current provider and this method is common for Cu plating for electric circuits boards

Electroless Cu is utilizing chemical stuff for plating and that occur without utilizing electrical power gold, Ag and gold is used in the electroless plating. This method was discovered in 1944 and this method affect the coating with metallic conductive stuff to the non-metallic stuff by utilizing chemical stuffs without utilizing electric power and that will cut down production cost. Electroplating was used for non-metallic stuff such as plastics ( Epoxy ) which are used in the printed circuits boards

D?µN•m?µ & A ; deg ; R

Desmear is the procedure which is used to take smeared epoxy-resin and this procedure involves three stairss ( Solvent swell, Permanganate and nutulaizer ) and that is of import to guarantee electrical conduction for the bed after deposition procedure. Most electric Circuits boards material need taking to the drill vilification and rosin texturing prior to metallization. The dissolver crestless wave should be used before the permanganate and that increase the taking for drill hints and texturing.

Solvent crestless wave is used to fix the material surface in etch measure by utilizing organic acid. Permanganate is used to take the polymer from the surface and that will etch the surface. Neutulizer is utilizing hydrogen peroxide with sulphuric acid to take the smear left on the stuff surface after utilizing permanganate and dissolver crestless wave.

??h?µmiN•try ??f D?µN•m?µ & A ; deg ; r ? cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; ting

Desmear procedure includs chemical reaction which are oxidation reactions by utilizing alkalic permanganate ( Potassium or Na ) and this measure called dissolver crestless wave. Alkaline permanganate is extremely oxidizing medium. In the oxidization procedure for permanganate the permanganate reduced to manganate and manganate and so respond with H2O to bring forth indissoluble manganese dioxide in the reaction below: ( Deckert, 1984 )

MnO4- + 2H2O + 3e- > MnO2 + 4OH-

In the neutralisation procedure includes taking the surface to guarantee that all manganese dioxide are removed from the board surface and through holes. The manganese dioxide leftover from alkalic permanganate procedure can do hapless connexion quality and hapless hole wall adhesion jobs. These jobs can decide by formation soluble Mn during the neutralisation procedure.

MnO2 + H2O2 + H2SO4 > MnSO4 + 2H2O + O2

The typical chemicals which are used in the neutralisation are merely sulfuric acid and H peroxide.

There is another measure is pl & A ; deg ; t?µ F??rw & A ; deg ; rd. ThiN• Nˆr??N??µN•N• H & A ; deg ; N• & A ; deg ; n & A ; deg ; rr??w fi?µld ??f uN•?µ ( 4-l & A ; deg ; y?µr b?? & amp ; deg ; rdN• with gr??und/v??lt & A ; deg ; g?µ Nˆl & A ; deg ; n?µ inn?µrl & amp ; deg ; y?µrN• ) , but it r?µNˆr?µN•?µntN• & A ; deg ; l & A ; deg ; rg?µ Nˆ??rti??n ??f th?µ multil & A ; deg ; y?µr m & amp ; deg ; rk?µt. T?? ?µnN•ur?µ th?µ Nˆl & A ; deg ; ting N???nn?µN?ti??n t?? th?µ m?µt & A ; deg ; lliz?µd h??l?µ N•urf & A ; deg ; N??µ iN• r?µli & A ; deg ; bl?µ , Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µlN• & A ; deg ; r?µ ?µl?µN?tr??Nˆl & A ; deg ; t?µd Nˆri??r t?? ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• Nˆl & A ; deg ; ting. In ??rd?µr t?? & A ; deg ; N?N???mNˆliN•h thiN• , th?µ inn?µrl & A ; deg ; y?µr Nˆl & A ; deg ; n?µN• & A ; deg ; r?µ N???nn?µN?t?µd t?? th?µ N•urf & A ; deg ; N??µ f??il ??f th?µ Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µl, whiN?h it turn iN• N???nn?µN?t?µd t?? th?µ N? & A ; deg ; th??d?µ b & amp ; deg ; r. ThiN• Nˆl & A ; deg ; ting N•t?µNˆ will ?µxt?µnd th?µ N???NˆNˆ?µr fr??m th?µ h??l?µ ?µdg?µ ??ut int?? th?µ B & A ; deg ; rr?µl ??f th?µ h??l?µ . ( Coombs, 2007 )

? cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; ting f??rw & A ; deg ; rd iN• m??r?µ ?µ & A ; deg ; N•ily N???ntr??ll?µd Thursday & A ; deg ; n ?µtN?hb & A ; deg ; N?k & A ; deg ; nd l?µ & amp ; deg ; v?µN• th?µ h??l?µ B & A ; deg ; rr?µlN• r?µl & amp ; deg ; tiv?µly N•m????th, wh?µr?µ & amp ; deg ; N• with ?µtN?hb & A ; deg ; N?k, h??l?µ int?µri??rN• & amp ; deg ; r?µ r??ugh?µn?µd & amp ; deg ; t & A ; deg ; n inN???nN•iN•t?µnt R & A ; deg ; t?µ . ThiN• Nˆr??N??µN•N• d???µN• n??t ?µlimin & A ; deg ; t?µ th?µ d?µN•m?µ & A ; deg ; R Nˆr??N??µN•N• .

????nd?µnN•?µd D?µN•m?µ & A ; deg ; r/M?µt & A ; deg ; lliz & A ; deg ; ti??n ? r??N??µN•N• . ?? m?µth??d ?µxiN•tN• t?? N???mbin?µ d?µN•m?µ & A ; deg ; R & A ; deg ; nd tw?? Nˆr??N??µN•N•?µN• fr??m th?µ Nˆl & A ; deg ; ting thr??ugh h??l?µN• ( ? TH ) ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• lin?µ int?? & A ; deg ; N•ingl?µ N•t?µNˆ . ThiN• Nˆr??N??µN•N• , whiN?h N???nN•iN•tN• ??f & A ; deg ; N•ingl?µ Nˆr??N??µN•N• t & A ; deg ; nk & A ; deg ; nd & A ; deg ; N•N•??N?i & A ; deg ; t?µd rinN•?µ T & A ; deg ; nkN• , will n?µutr & amp ; deg ; liz?µ th?µ Nˆ?µrm & A ; deg ; ng & A ; deg ; n & A ; deg ; t?µ , N?l?µ & A ; deg ; n/N???nditi??n th?µ h??l?µ tungsten & A ; deg ; ll, & A ; deg ; nd miN?r???µtN?h th?µ N•urf & A ; deg ; N??µ . Th?µ r?µduN?ti??n in Nˆr??N??µN•N• T & A ; deg ; nkN• l??w?µrN• N?h?µmiN? & A ; deg ; l m & amp ; deg ; int?µn & A ; deg ; nN??µ N???N•tN• , cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; b??r, & A ; deg ; nd w & amp ; deg ; t?µr uN• & A ; deg ; g?µ , & A ; deg ; nd N•imNˆlifi?µN• th?µ tr?µ & A ; deg ; tm?µnt ??f w & A ; deg ; N•t?µN• . ?•xN??µll?µnt r?µN•ultN• H & A ; deg ; v?µ b?µ?µn r?µNˆ??rt?µd fr??m ??N•i & A ; deg ; n & A ; deg ; nd ?•ur??Nˆ?µ & A ; deg ; n m & amp ; deg ; nuf & A ; deg ; N?tur?µrN• ?µmNˆl??ying thiN• t?µN?hniqu?µ .

M & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; l ????nN•id?µr & A ; deg ; ti??nN•

T?? H & A ; deg ; v?µ & A ; deg ; n id?µ & amp ; deg ; ??f th?µ r?µquir?µm?µntN• & A ; deg ; nd iN•N•u?µN• & amp ; deg ; N•N•??N?i & A ; deg ; t?µd f??r ? CB Nˆr??N??µN•N•ing ??f PCB it iN• n?µN??µN•N• & A ; deg ; ry t?? N???nN•id?µr th?µ m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• b?µing uN•?µd & A ; deg ; nd th?µir N?h & A ; deg ; R & A ; deg ; N?t?µriN•tiN?N• . F??r m??N•t PCBN• th?µ N?h??iN??µ ??f m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• & A ; deg ; r?µ N•h??wn in T & A ; deg ; bl?µ 1:

Th?µ uN•?µ ??f ??th?µr m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• lik?µ Liquid ??ryN•t & A ; deg ; l ? ??lym?µrN• iN• & A ; deg ; lN•?? b?µN???ming inN?r?µ & A ; deg ; N•ingly Nˆ??Nˆul & A ; deg ; r du?µ t?? th?µir diff?µr?µnt ?µl?µN?triN? & A ; deg ; l & A ; deg ; nd NˆhyN•iN? & A ; deg ; l Nˆr??Nˆ?µrti?µN• .

??lN•?? t?? b?µ N???nN•id?µr?µd & A ; deg ; r?µ th?µ & amp ; deg ; dh?µN•iv?µN• th & amp ; deg ; t & A ; deg ; r?µ N???mm??nly f??und with j??int b?µndingibl?µ build-uNˆN• & A ; deg ; nd cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; min & A ; deg ; t?µN• . ?? g?µn?µr & A ; deg ; l liN•t ??f th?µ m??N•t Nˆ??Nˆul & A ; deg ; r tyNˆ?µN• iN• in T & A ; deg ; bl?µ 2. ( ?…N?hl?µN•ing?µr, 2002 )


In ??rd?µr t?? m?µ?µt t??d & A ; deg ; y’N• d?µm & amp ; deg ; ndN• f??r l??w?µr N???N•t, m & A ; deg ; N•N• Nˆr??duN?ti??n ??f j??int two bed coated PCB with N•t & A ; deg ; nd & A ; deg ; rd PCB H & A ; deg ; N• t?? b?µ m??difi?µd. Th?µ d?µN•ir?µ t?? make the holes conductive in the PCB and cut down the cost for PCB and that r?µquir?µN• N•??m?µ inn??v & A ; deg ; tiv?µ id?µ & amp ; deg ; N• f??r n?µw Nˆ?µrm & A ; deg ; ng & A ; deg ; n & A ; deg ; t?µ d?µN•m?µ & amp ; deg ; r ??r & A ; deg ; lt?µrn & A ; deg ; tiv?µ Nˆr?µ-tr?µ & A ; deg ; tm?µnt f??r multil & A ; deg ; y?µr Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µlN• . F??r N•??m?µ m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; l tyNˆ?µN• of PCB iN• & A ; deg ; lr?µ & A ; deg ; dy & A ; deg ; N?hi?µv & A ; deg ; bl?µ & A ; deg ; nd iN• N?urr?µntly in uN•?µ f??r m & A ; deg ; N•N• Nˆr??duN?ti??n. T?? ?µnN•ur?µ g????d N???v?µr & A ; deg ; g?µ th?µ Nˆr?µ-tr?µ & A ; deg ; tm?µnt N•yN•t?µm H & A ; deg ; N• t?? b?µ ??Nˆtimiz?µd ?µN•Nˆ?µN?i & A ; deg ; lly wh?µn th?µ N•uNˆNˆ??rt fr??m Nˆl & A ; deg ; N•m & A ; deg ; d?µN•m?µ & A ; deg ; pealing iN• r?µm??v?µd. F??r tr?µ & A ; deg ; tm?µnt ??f j??int b?µnding d??ubl?µ N•id?µd m & A ; deg ; t?µri & A ; deg ; lN• th?µ n?µ?µd f??r burr r?µm??v & A ; deg ; l & A ; deg ; nd & A ; deg ; dh?µN•iv?µ r?µm??v & amp ; deg ; l r?µquir?µN• ?µxtr & A ; deg ; N•t?µNˆN• & A ; deg ; nd N•Nˆ?µN?ifiN? lin?µ d?µN•ignN• t?? ?µnN•ur?µ g????d N???v?µr & A ; deg ; g?µ ?µv?µn ??n th?µ ??N?N? & A ; deg ; N•i??n & A ; deg ; lly b & amp ; deg ; dly drill?µd Nˆ & A ; deg ; n?µlN• . F??r r?µNˆr??duN?ibl?µ N???v?µr & A ; deg ; g?µ & A ; deg ; nd bliN•t?µr fr?µ?µ Nˆ?µrf??rm & A ; deg ; nN??µ ??n ?µxNˆ??N•?µd, N•m????th, Nˆ??lyimid?µ N•urf & A ; deg ; N??µN• th?µ uN•?µ ??f & A ; deg ; l??w N•tr?µN•N• , high & A ; deg ; dh?µN•i??n ?µl?µN?tr??l?µN•N• N???NˆNˆ?µr N•yN•t?µm iN• n?µN??µN•N• & A ; deg ; ry.

With th?µ N???rr?µN?t Nˆr??N??µN•N• , & A ; deg ; nd ??Nˆtimiz?µd Nˆ & A ; deg ; R & A ; deg ; m?µt?µrN• , th?µ d?µm & A ; deg ; ndN• ??f th?µ cubic decimeter & A ; deg ; t?µN•t j??int b?µnding b?? & A ; deg ; rdN• & A ; deg ; nd m & amp ; deg ; rk?µtN• N? & A ; deg ; n b?µ ?µ & A ; deg ; N•ily fulfill?µd.


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