Doggy Day's App Proposal Essay

Doggy Days App Proposal Busy schedules get the best of us, but they shouldn’t have to get the best of our dogs. If you have made the commitment to adopt and raise a precious pup, youVe signed on to be that dogs world. You may have your family, friends, and career, but the dog has you and only you. That’s a lot of pressure, which is why we’ve designed an app to ensure you can fulfill this role to the best of your ability. Whether you need to be reminded of your weekly dog park promise, or wish to be notified when your dog is ue for his/her next rabies shot, our app will have everything covered.

Name: Doggy Days Audience: For all dog owiners who wish to show the same unconditional love, loyalty, and respect their pets show to them. Purpose: This app is designed for two purposes. First, with an array of options, such as three different ways to schedule a teeth cleaning, Doggy Days functions to teach owiners how to raise a dog. Many owiners aren’t aware of all that raising a dog entails, so Doggy Days’ scheduling recommendations bring attention to important aspects of aintenance. Second, our app offers organization.

We understand how difficult it can be to keep track of your own doctors’ appointments, so why not ease some stress by inputting all dog care details into one location? Operation: The app is organized into four categories: Love, Health, Maintenance, and Puppy Years. Within those categories are subtopics that should take priority for the average dog. Such as “Walks” under the Love section, “Heartworm Meducation” under Health, “Bath” under Maintenance, and “Doctors’ Appointments” under Puppy Years.

Once the person chooses a subtopic, they will be provided with a brief description of how to perform the specific task, as well as a calendar to schedule one-time or repeating reminders. They will be reminded to fulfill the task by a barking push notification. Doggy Days also includes a reward system. With every task fulfilled, the user can receive a treat. These treats will act as points, motivating the user to, perhaps, grow from a “Neglectful” owner to a “Dogs Best Friend. ” Costs: Free to consumers, financed by pet supply sponsors. Doggy Day’s App Proposal By cbusserl

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