Dreams and Wishes Essay

My name is Sophia Lorraine Seblos, I am 22 years of age. I am currently attending The University of Cebu acquiring my course under Seacast. I was always in the kitchen as a kid. I love to cook a vvariety of foods. There have only been a handful of dishes that I have prepared that were not up to par. I chose to take a cooking class in this year. So let see as to why I was destined to become a chef from a child. I love to cook. Growing up, I would always be in the kitchen, and it didn’t matter as to whose house that I was in. I would always ask if there was something that I could do to help out.

I remember one launching when I was at my mother’s canteen and it was my Job to make the sweet and sour for the company employees. I think that was some of the most fun that I have had in the kitchen. When I got out of high school I didn’t touch the cooking side of things for a couple of years. I actually specialized in weapons while I was taking BSCriminology. But when I realized I that love cooking. I needed to be active. The day that I went to look into enrolling into this school, My brothers and girlfriend gave me a tour of the school(University of Cebu).

When we got back to the desk and I knew that I was going to enroll and I signed the papers and knew that I Just entered the career that I was destined to be in. I love to cook. I have cooked many of different dishes from around the world when I was taking up HRM course and I am always interested in new dishes to cook at home with my girlfriend. It is always fun cooking something new and tasting it for the first time after it has been prepared. I go out to eat occasionally and the food is good but there is something better about eating at home something that I have prepared myself.

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