Dystopian Genre: Andrew Niccol’s In Time Sample Essay

The dystopian movie In Time ( 2011 ) directed by Andrew Niccol. portrays a universe where rather literally clip is money. Once you run out of clip – you die. Due to scientific progresss people stop aging at 25. but after 25 a individual is genetically-engineered to populate merely one more twelvemonth. With a radiance. green clock numbering down from one twelvemonth on their forearm. You can gain more clip at work but must sell if for goods and services for illustration a cup of java costs 4 proceedingss. The rigorous power construction of “time zones” allow the wealthy. who live in New Greenwich. to populate everlastingly while the hapless. who live in ghettos ; are forced to implore. borrow. or steal adequate hours to remain alive. The context of the text is the twenty-first Century. with quickly lifting populations and engineering progressing every twenty-four hours. In Time is a Dystopic text because ; it is a mechanism for societal review and meets Malak’s conventions of the Dystopian genre. Conflict in In Time is represented between the person and society. In a traditional Dystopia. personal pick is replaced by unvarying determinations made by impersonal bureaucratic machinery. this is reflected throughout In Time by the to a great extent commanding timers and changeless surveillance.

The ghetto is juxtaposed with rich. green New Greenwich. which at first glimpse Acts of the Apostless as a binary antonym to the ghetto. but with deeper analysis. is every bit much of a Dystopia as the ghetto. This is because the rich stay alive due to their easy accretion of clip. but are excessively consumed with non “dying by accident” that they do non genuinely unrecorded life. “The clock is good for no 1. the hapless dice and the rich don’t live” . the wordplay of ‘live’ suggests that in this Dystopian society cipher benefits. The ignorance and limited apprehension of upper category society gives them a false sense of power. // The political orientations embodied in Dystopic texts stand for the values being critiqued by the composer. The chief political orientation represented. is that ‘time is money’ . the drawn-out metaphor is reinforced throughout the text. Niccol. reviews society’s compulsion with money. connoting his ain values. that clip is more of import than money. The characters in the text show a greed for clip ; they are willing to allow others decease for them to populate. This despairing construct condemns society to a awful hereafter. with small hope. In Time partly meets the Dystopian conventions of planar characters and inactive society.

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In the text. characters are non genuinely planar. Will Salas is characterised as a flawed. alone single. This convention is subverted for the intent of selling the text ; it is made more popular by holding sympathetic characters. The chief characters Will and Sylvia. are successful in administering more clip to the ghetto. The personal victory of the supporters. subverts both the inactive society and planar characters conventions ; the characters are personally successful. but overall there is no alteration. “Don’t sap yourself because in the terminal nil will alter because everyone wants to populate forever” . // In this inactive society. commanding and stiff constructions prevent alteration and advancement. The bloodcurdling ghetto resembles a catastrophe stricken metropolis. The constitution shooting captures the barbed wire topped fencings. the industrial mills and emphasises the overall poorness of the ghetto. Niccol critiques inequality of wealth and poorness in society. In Time adheres to the power and forewarning conventions of the Dystopian genre ; power is portrayed as working pitilessly in a totalitarian society. It straight relates to level of cognition.

The hapless. who live in the ghetto. are powerless as the truth is hidden from them. Timekeepers are used to command society and enforce Torahs. The power held by the timers is displayed through organic structure linguistic communication when Will and Sylvia are seated and the timers are standing. this demonstrates who is in control. The rich. who live in New Greenwich. keep power and to keep this power. they continue to raise rising prices rates. guaranting that people from the ghettos continue to decease. Niccol is reviewing the inequality of wealth in modern society. by showing a universe that is far from ideal and proposing that if current tendencies do non alter. this is where we are headed. Forewarning is apparent in In Time. the composer demonstrates this by overstating certain elements and taking them to an utmost point without compassion or humanity.

Niccol reviews humanity’s desire for immortality. the duologue “for one to be immortal. many must die” accompanied with a high angle shooting from Will’s position. convey that he is without power and portion of the “many must die” . This is a premonition that if society continues along the way of familial technology. our society will resemble that of the Dystopia presented in In Time. Niccol critiques society’s high value of immortality. this resembles his ain personal values. portrayed through the voice of dissent “No one should be immortal if even one individual has to die” .

Dystopian texts review society’s values. In Time does non absolutely fit all of Malak’s conventions ; they are subverted for the intent of selling the text. Dystopias present an imagined topographic point which is unpleasant and helter-skelter. they are bloodcurdling. pessimistic and supply small hope for humanity.


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