Early Childhood Education Essay

The list of dispositions associated with effective teachers once you are prepared, use the My Dispositions Target (Figure 2. 1) from your text to organize and record the initial analysis of your dispositions. This document should be placed as an attachment to your discussion response. To Include the document as an attachment, locate the attachment feature in the bottom left-hand corner of the discussion response box. In your response: Describe which of these dispositions (as well as those noted in Chapter 10)you already exhibit on a regular basis.

When working with toddlers myself and my co- worker use several of these dispositions listed in Chapter 10. For instance ; Based on the discussion of career options in Chapter 10, identify at least two possible careers that Interest you and that are a “good fit” based on your personal disposition reflection. Explain why you would be a good fit for both of your chosen careers. ; Discuss which dispositions are still emerging for you and how will you plan to develop them for both of your possible future career choices.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. In your responses, suggest some further ways your peers can develop their emerging dispositions. Estes, L. A. , & Kroger, S. (2012). Pathways to teaching young children: An Introduction to early childhood education. San Diego, CA: Bridgeport Education, Inc. Table 2. 1 : Dispositions of effective teachers Disposition Descriptor Approachable Demonstrates desire to Interact through words and actions

Communicativeness’s self clearly both verbally and In writing Competent Is able to skillfully perform tasks related to teaching Confident Is self-assured and aware of personal abilities and strengths Energetic Moves around frequently; participates fully in activities Enthusiastic Demonstrates passion for teaching, learning, and subject matter Fun Has a sense of humor; smiles and laughs frequently Innovative Shows creativity when approaching tasks and solving problems Interactive Participates with others; talks with and listens to others Knowledgeable

Demonstrates understanding of subject matter and teaching Nurturing Shows concern and caring to others; respects others Optimistic upbeat; has positive expectations for outcomes Organized Plans and prepares In advance; arranges things logically Patient Shows tolerance for others; varies pace to accommodate others Professional Is professional In dress, actions, and language; Is polite Research has identified certain dispositions frequently associated with effective teachers. Personal Learning Insight 2. : My Dispositions Figure 2. 1: My dispassionateness Off Monolinguals In ten mist AT Degenerateness snouts develop sell-awareness tunnel own dispositions. After reading through the list of dispositions associated with effective teachers, pause a foments to consider your own traits. Which of these dispositions are already evident in your demeanor? Do you believe these characteristics are part of who you are by virtue of birth or of experience? Are some dispositions still emerging, or needing to emerge?

Because of the strong connection between dispositions and teaching styles, it is ascribable friendliness in the midst of becoming teachers to reflect and develop self-awareness of their indispositions (Waiting & Waiting, 2011). As you complete this course and continue withered education courses, think about targeting some of the desirable dispositions as goals for wrongdoing professional development. Use the My Dispositions Target (Figure 2. 1) to record horntail analysis of your dispositions. Many factors, other than desirable dispositions, are associated with learning how to successfully teach young children.

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