Education Week Essay

Think of a time when you had difficulty understanding a specific topic or skill while In school. When I was in the third grade I had a hard time understanding how to do my multiplication. I am glad I had a great mom who took the time to teach me step by step how to do it. She sat down with me and explained to me how to do the math and answered any questions that I had. What could the teacher have done to make It more understandable and comprehensible for you? When I was a kid It seemed that the teachers did not take the time to do one on one with the students. How did it make you feel?

It made me feel like I was lost and that I was not as smart as the other students. Identify at least one strategy in Chapter 5 that could have been effective In Increasing your understanding. I think Guidelines for Cooperative Learning would have been very beneficial to me. If my teacher would have used this strategy I would have gotten the help that I needed. I also would not have had the feeling of being a failure if I were have been grouped up with other kids that shared the responsibility with me. Ditz-Roll, L. T. (2012). A course for teaching English learners (2nd edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

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